Friday, December 21, 2007

Posted by yann at 7:58 PM 0 comments
woots. matriculation today.

*sigh* woke up suuuper early because my mum had to fetch my dad to go play golf T.T hehe. i was a little teeny weeny bit late in the end xD so; yup. we were talking in the conference room and stuff. and the 303 and 307 psls drew lots to see who would go over to 301/302. T.T i had to go over! and to 301 too! )))))): i don't get to be with my class during orientation! T.T but nvm lah. make new friends, eh? .__.

so. yup. went to our booth.... hehe. we were people watching! xD debra... *ehem* *ehem* too shortsighted already! so we just sat there... until 9++? i didn't keep track of time :/ but it didn't exactly feel like a long time(: i saw some juniors from my dsa camp group! haha! so. yup. ran around a bit with jerlin, debra and hanisah (and stuffed ourselves with bread) (okay i did) (hungry lahh).

then we went back to the audi to bring our class to their classrooms! whoo! my class is nice(: well. my class looks nice(: oh and did i mention? there was this guy with his bro that was like the exact replica of him, except shorter; and they look suuper cute together! and mag looks super cute with her sis too! xDD oh and my mentor's nice(: whoo. i'm starting to love my class xD but 206 is still better lah!

oh yeah. and we saw zx's sister who was super like zx. she was playing with the rubik's cube caan! super funny! and we saw bryce's bro, who didn't exactly look like him :/

then... we went back to the audi. and sang feliz navidad O.o hanisah said it sounded horrible *embarassed*

so anyways. me and hanisah wandered around after that cause... my duty was. umm. to stand at the block d stairway. but i figured there were enough ppl there. :/ and we ended up helping the uniforms cause they needed ppl! haha it was actually quite fun, you know! xDDD and we gossiped abit when we were free xD and we were sort of ppl watching too? and i tell you that guy in black is super young caan! but he's cute lahh. at the rate i'm going, i'm going to have some jie3di4 lian4or something. but seriously lor, short guys are cute!xD right, hanisah? i wish i had a younger brother ):

no actually. i still like being the pampered youngest child xD

ooookay. after lunch, i went back home. O.o my mum waited umm. more that one hour for me in the carpark :/ whoops! i thought she went shopping! O.o *guilty*

oh. and my new books look uninteresting :/ okay. i haven't ripped the plastic off yet, but... pff. they're so thick!

Friday, December 07, 2007

Posted by yann at 9:09 PM 0 comments
whoo. the lab ray turned my coconut jubjub into a darigan one O.o okay. i haven't blogged in a long time. the video on the class blog is super sweet! *tears* ohmigawd.

okay let's see. class chalet...

hmm. i decided to try and take a bus from home to pasir ris! O.o quite fast eh. so. yup, anyways. met danielle. at... 1:45. i thought i was too early so i was going to buy bubble tea or something ^^ but i decided to call danielle to like. you know. irritate her and ask her to hurry up. but woah. she was as early as me(: so you. we got on 354... and you know. i umm. didn't exactly know where to get off. and neither did danielle. so. umm. on the bus, there were a few people behind that said something about going to some chalet so we decided to follow... uhh. only to realise the bus route is like a loop so it makes no difference stopping at the 2nd or 3rd stop. so yup. we were trying to find the chalet so we decided to follow some people who looked like they were going to a chalet. anyway right. the sign clearly pointed "coasta sands resort" (except they probably meant the pasir ris one xD)

so. anyways. we lost our way. *cheers* luckily ivan called to say we were going the wrong way. heehee. we were just. umm. trying to check whether anybody else would take the wrong way, right, danielle? so if they get lost we can bring them back to the chalet^^ yup. yup.

so. uhh. we wandered around a bit. and talked about... danielle's sister's obese hamster. O.o finally, we got to check in(: but somebody didn't want to go to escape! O.o so we stoned around... and. jumped on the bed? O.o yup. yup. until some special room service people called cheryl and hanisah came in. and wet the bed. and we went out to buy the stuff for the bbq, to add on to all the skewers and marshmallows the guys had(: whee. and cheryl and hanisah went off to escape again; leaving me and danielle stoning....... dot dot dot. oh yeah did i mention? at one point in time, we were watching thomas the... what? choo choo train? O.o

so yup. yihui and maojia came back from their cycle!(: so we played like. cards. haha. and then the guys came back. and... watched matrix 3. quite... amusing (?) i suppose. haha. and the problem was, they only brought matrix to watch ._.

so after the movie (that i was trying to sleep through x)) we decided to go bbq! yeah! so fun right. all the smoke and firestarters. except... our bbq pit was giving out more smoke than everybody else's but it cooked less food than everybody else's. heehee. whoops. so while the guys were trying to bbq (do i look like i can bbq?) we walked around! yeah! and took weird pictures with ivan camera. eh wait. they took weird pictures(: i'm too matured for that, remember(:

so we went back to eat; and when it got late we cleared up. so we resolved to bring all the things we could bring up first and come back to clear the bbq pit later^^ yup yup. but but. after a few minutes...uhh. we sort of forgot about the bbq pit O.o so we decided to clear it the next morning xD

meanwhile, there was the mad rush for the bathroom! haha. i think i took a long time^^ whoops! so. yup. the guys started playing matrix again. O.o amd finally... heroes came on(: haha. hiro is super amusing >.<

then. i forgot what happened. too tired lahh *yawns* except zongxuan was doing some of his funny tricks. haha. super amusing. especially when cheryl had an accident xD but zx ran out of tricks *sigh* so...

we decided to have a pillow fight. haha. and played hot and cold (the search for weiren's phone), and more pillow/blanket/bedsheet fight. hahaa. lol

so... we finally decided to switch the lights off and sleep(: but err. the guys were making too much noise (including trying to imitate farting) and anyways it was too late so i couldn't sleep. haha. but i finally fell asleep at about.. 4.30 or something(: lost track of time.

but hanisah had to call at 6:30! *yawns* oh yeah. we called hanisah in the middle of the night too. whoops!

so. yup. we washed up, lazed around... random sticker pasting; and went for breakfast at macs. and left the 206 mark there. hahaa xD and we went back to the chalet and played a game of bridge involving mentos! *sobs* I LOST ALL MY MENTOS TO THE LAST ROUND!! *sobs* but i didn't want it anyway *attempts to console myself*

whee. so i went back home to sleep. while cheryl danielle and hanisah went somewhere else. i wonder where they got all the energy. O.o so anyways. i went back home and tried to sleeep........ but couldnt ): so i got up to play neopets. whoops! xD

haha. yah. that's about it. ooh and my sis went for some camp or something so she didn't come back too. haha. i got the whole room to myself(:

i'll blog about psl chalet some other time(:

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Posted by yann at 11:19 PM 0 comments
whee!(: class outing today!! haha(:

whoops! i was checking how to get to mr imbufe's house so i left house late xD and... reached j8 at 11.30! (that's thirty minutes after the designated meeting time x)) so.. yup. met hanisah... passed her the envelopes and everything, then went to meet the class! the arcade. haha. but j8's arcade has lots of pick-up-stuff-toy machines^^ the bunnies are cuute! haha. so. yup. we met sarahh!!! O.o ohmigawd. ohmigawd. it's so... shocking.

went to watch enchanted!! haha! THE CHIPMUNK IS SUPER CUTE xDD especially when it was playing umm. charates? with the priince!! haha!!

so after enchanted, bought mr imbufe's presents (a cake + a ribbon + a balloon)*sobs* i'm going broke already.

next, we took a bus to mr imbufe's house. hmm. his house is quite cozy O.o and it has a lot of couches. so anyways we... went there to. bridge? and talk? and slack around? and mr imbufe cooked for us! haha!!(: and also ordered kfc and pizzas O.o yup. yup. we only left around six(:

and went to bugis for neos ._. the bus route was freaky! haha. it was dark and... spooky? but i wasn't as spooked by it as danielle was(: and the bus took SUPER long to reach bugis. T.T

so yup. went for neos. umm. took twice. the one with the class has lots of faces. haha. it's like the whole pic is filled with faces lahh. so anyways it was quite late already so me cheryl danielle hanisah went home. apparently, the guys went to check out the arcade (?)

my mum was already at home when i reached! (i thought she wasn't lorr. her car was gone!) my sis came home later than me though. and anyways my mum didn't scold us or anything(:

whoosh. walking in heels is terrible. never wash all your shoes at the same time. T.T
Posted by yann at 9:20 AM 0 comments
i just came back from pre-o camp yesterday(: it wasn't as fun as last year's; but it's still a camp. sleeping partner!!

so yup. went to school super early for the first day cause my mum couldn't fetch me there later! ): *sobs* nobody i knew was in school! until yihui finally came(:

at 9, they started the camp! whee! haha. i think after we put our bags etc. down, the first thing we did was icebreakers. psychology(: haha

next was mass dance! O.o

then... we went for lunch and dragonboating (i think) i didn't dare dragon boat at first xD i can't swim well lahh! what if i drop into the water! but later it was much more fun(: (except when they were rocking the boat! i think i screamed too much so i have a sore throat now :( )(oh crap that's so bimbotic. i shall not scream ever again)

then after washing up for a bit at kallang, we went back to school. and we got to take a shower!!(: yayy!! but... for 5 mins only -.- chuiyi was scary! she was like screaming at ppl to get out ):

next was... dinner? is it? i don't exactly remember. then we presented our proposals. whee. and after that was night games!! haha! capture the flag! super fun! xDDDD it was fun sneaking around! haha! then it was super funny cause tpl got tricked by mag and was captured ^^

after supper and discussing the things, we finally got to sleep! *yawns* i slept at 1am T.T

next morning, after wash up, the first activity was morning exercises. morning exercises = mass dance + stretching + steal-the-ball + jogging. oh! and during steal-the-basketball operation, we found out that A LOT of guys are scared of pokes! hah! but 2mins ended before we could steal the ball. so too bad xD

after breakfast, we discussed the proposal again. hmm. it's hard to find clues.

then it was presentation of proposals to mr suresh and mr j ang and miss lee and miss koh. whee. then after lunch it was water games! (which got more fun only at the last part xD)

then camp ended =x

pff. i still had to go for lessons. luckily i managed to cancel my practical; only went for theory!! whee!

*yawns* i'm still sleepy ):

Friday, November 16, 2007

Posted by yann at 11:52 PM 0 comments
whoo. today was arts fest. hmm. it feels good to be back in school. i loved the jap school and i had fun there; but i still missed all of you! T.T so. yup. i gave out the presents(: but some ppl ponned school :/ so i have a lot of packets of sweets left... like. 4? that's 40 sweets leh -.- i'll see if i will meet them :/

so. morning... had this drama perf by the drama club. super funny cannnn!! hahahaaa! our drama club is goood! xDDDD it's super super super funny! *laughs* blender!

next we watched movies. O.o umm. the first one was... :/ sort of a's super sad caaan. but i didn't watch the whole thing; didn't want to watch O.o so sad lah! but i watched the ending(: quite a happy ending, i suppose O.o

next was hula girls! at first i thought it was nice cause 1. nelson said it was nice after he watched it a moelc 2. the beginning was quite nice. but the plot if quite draggy... and it's like.... it doesn't exactly have a climax O.o maybe that's just because i was super sleepy so i wasn't exactly paying attention to the subtitles >.< somebody bathed! so we got there late! whoops! >.< eating competition!

went back to sch. set-up failed! ): whoo. everybody performing was so pro! oh. and it was only when we went out during the intermission that we realised quite a lot of ppl were wearing clothes that were quite formal O.o not like us! :p

uh. disco night. hmm. i got a scare at first. i'm just not used to the dark :/ haha. my sis is scared of the dark too! so we always go around the house at night together xDDD nobody wanted to dance!): and hanisah was tired/shocked/spooked ): so we stayed only till after the lucky draw. luckily my mum came to pick me up! okay. actually it was expected. i can always persuade her to pick me up if events end late ^^

so. yup.

die. i can't sleep again! it's wayyyy past my bedtime so i'm not tired anymore! *sobs*

i shall go find something to do :/

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Posted by yann at 9:19 PM 0 comments
): ): today was my last day in the japanese secondary school! T.T (yes yes i miss the ppl in nus high, but...) T.T last day lehh! luckily i remembered to bring my camera ^.^

so. yup. went to sch today... my mum was late for work so she dropped me at the bus stop to walk to the sch! T.T nvm... morning exercise, yeah? yup. so i went there; sayuri wasn't here yet so i talked to the other ppl.

so. hmm. first period was EC. ms fisher was super funny! xD especially when she imitated a cat! haha! then masahiro atsuki (?) yutaro rina said their speeches and everything. they were great! ^.^

yup. next was... science. haha! the funny sensei again! xD we learnt about... combustion! ^.^ it's super fun! at least i understood the lesson(: you know right! the sensei actually wanted to be a composer when he was young (he was telling the class). and it's super funny cause he totally didn't look like that type! oh yeah we got to burn this magnesium strip! haha! like the fireworks thingy. and it was super bright!!(: and sayuri's lab grp was really nice!(:

next they had japanese lesson but i didn't attend again cause we were invited to the library to look at the manga there. we ended playing japanese chess(shogi)! haha! but the hwa chong guy super evil lor! he didn't say that he knew how to play! it was like me: "ooh cool! let's play!" *comes over* hc guy:"okay let's play" *sit down* sensei: "this moves one step forward" me: *moves that piece* hc guy:*move another piece* me:*randomly moves another piece under the teacher's guidance* hc guy:*move a piece until it passes the three row bounday* *flips the piece over* sensei: "shirimasuka (you know how to play? O.o)" hc guy: *nods* me: "YOU DIDN't SAY! stop bullying my pieces!" hc guy: *smiles* me: (it was my move) "how does this move ah?" hc guy: (starts explaining) me: "how does this move then?" *points to another one* hc guy: *doesn't reply* *looks around* "you talking to me?" me: *rolls eyes* anybody else around?

luckily, more girls came over!! and there was this girl completely guiding me. like "don't move here, he'll eat you!" then *plot plot*"okay you can eat his general" and we WONN!!! hah!(: beginners' luck, eh?

next i went back to class for.. history. they weren't talking about japanese artists anymore. they talked about world war I. and sayuri was forever typing on her dictionary to allow me to understand the lesson (i know what's united nations, the weimer treaty etc. in jap now :)) so i was pleased to say, i sort of understood (?)

next was lunch! *sigh* the day's ending soon ): ): oh yeah. did i mention? everyday during lunch, there will be this dj broadcasting music to the school!(: nice songs(: after lunch the three of us exchange students were presented with the photo we took with the class!(: then we had to say a few words in appreciation O.o i totally didn't know what to say O.o whoops! so i said a really short speech xD

next i spammed phototaking mann! xD haha. i forgot to bring my camera for the past 2 days! ): so i took pictures with a lot of ppl and took pictures of a lot of ppl xD especially their funny poses! haha! i'll post the picture up when i transfer it to my laptop xD super funny caan!

next was the closing ceremony T.T after we got our certificates, we played jankeneki and some other game. fun fun! haha!then we went for phototaking and refreshments (yum.) T.T before long, the day was over! ): went back to class for a bit. then it was really time to say bye ): ): ):

T.T i want to cry already!! T.T i want to go to their school again!! T.T

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Posted by yann at 7:39 PM 0 comments
whee! i haven't blogged in a long time(:

it was super fun yesterday and today(: hee! the jap school was so cool! ^.^ it's really really different from nus high(:

okay let's see... i dunno! there's just so many things to talk about! xD

well. went to the jap sch feeling all weird and everything. it was really awkward; and i couldn't find sayuri at first. but i decided to go explore so i found her in the end(: so. yah. took attendance and everything then there was the opening ceremony. it was so funny! we were like sitting on stage so everybody's looking up at us and it's really really weird! =x so yup. so we went to class and everything. then lessons started.

uhh. O.o i couldn't understand half the thing they were talking about. luckily the first lesson was maths so it was easier to understand. at least the symbols were the same. and the teacher was really trying hard to explain some things in english. but all the problem solving in jap was cool!^.^ hee. oh did i mention? they have 10mins of break for every 50mins of lessons!(: haha.

oh and you know they have like a fixed seating position and for each subject there are usually a few diff groups in the same class so there were people from other classes coming to the classroom and everything.

and the girls were really nice(: like smile-y and everything. (and they're chio too! :))

oh and there's air conditioner everywhere, except the taiikukan and all the obvious places that wouldn't have aircon.

so next we had some japanese culture lesson (while my class was having english) and i learnt to play some really fun games!(: haha. there was koma or whatever it's called.

then it was karaaaaate! (my class was having japanese; pheww. i didn't have to attend) haha super cool! but we didn't get to really fight! we were having some umm. practice drills? haha but it was really fun!(: oh. and i never learnt how to tie the belt properly. mine always untied halfway through. (we wore the thing over a shirt lahhh) and the robe thingy was really heavy! O.o

then we went for science class. ahaha. did this experiment that involved a scary bunsen burner that i didn't touch throughout the experiment. but the ball of fluff (iron) was kawaii!(: and apparently sayuri's group's experiment failed. xD

then it was... whoops. i forgot. right. lunch! haha they eat in the classroom and it was really cool cause it was like. everybody was eating together, in the same place and the class was really united! for lunch, they join their tables together so it forms long tables(:

then they have like a break (umm. directly translated as time for anything you want to do xD) after lunch. sayuri had to go for some committee meeting so i stayed with mizuki (a super nice girl!) who stayed in class. the guys were playing cards! hah! fellow card addicts! and some girls were doing some cheerleader dance that was very nice to watch! it was super cute and they were carrying pom-poms!(: haha! super cute! and during the break, lots of people go to the taiikukan. the girls were playing volleyball! and the guys were playing basketball and badminton -.- and the sports equipment is actually free for them to take lor! they don't even have to ask a teacher.

next... is it english conversation? i dunno! but the EC teacher was really nice and funny!(: and that was the only lesson i fully understood cause the teacher was teaching in english xD

then there was social studies. uhh. i didn't exactly understand O.o

oh and after each school day, they have to do some reflections thingy and somebody has to announce the lessons they have next day (?) basically, housekeeping matters. oh and their timetable is actually a three-week cycle! O.o

right. so... i didn't go for their club activities =x but sayuri had to go so ayaka (another super nice person! i told you everybody there was super nice!) walked me out. oh and almost the whole sch takes the school bus! the rest take the taxi (i think)

right. so that was the end of the first day(: it was super fun! it was like a totally new environment!

so today:
the principal invited us into his office! which has this classy clock that was really cool! O.o and all the teachers came in an said hi and talked to us for a bit. we were early, you see. the school buses weren't here yet.

so. first period was english. i half understood... because this was different from EC. the teacher's a jap teacher teaching mainly in jap. (explaining in jap)

next was pe. they're doing swimming now! O.o i didn't swim; and luckily i didn't cause all of them are like pros or something. anyway sayuri had a cold so she didn't swim either. so did the rest of her friends who didn't want to swim. it was super funny! cause they all said they were sick; then they ended up playing with the pool water so the coach didn't believe them and was looking at them weirdly xD

next we went for some jap culture thing again (while they were having jap lessons. phewww) and we learnt this amusing game! haha! it was actually quite fun! and we got to tour their library for a bit. O.o most of it was in jap, but i found some interesting-looking detective story. i could barely understand the summary xD best find of the day: the whole harry potter series(:

next was moral education. umm. something about being courageous and doing what's right or something. i didn't exactly understand the passage they were supposed to refer to. so i was sort of daydreaming xD sayuri also said "taikutsu" so i guess the communication thing was exactly the problem xD

next was lunch(: i bought the bento coupon in the morning! so i went to collect my obento. haha. it was beef rice with some weird thing that was actually nice and watermelon. whoops! six bucks gone xD but i was good food so it's worth it(: just make sure my mum doesn't find out xD

next was cleaning time! so cute! they actually have a designated cleaning time every wednesday xD the whole class just mops + sweeps + wipes the classroom and their part of the corridor outside xD the girls all wiped the classroom floor! haha! it was quite fun! we each took a rag and ran with the rag pressed against the floor. uhh. sorry for the lousy description. just imagaine, yeah? xD then we were having competitions about who can do it the fastest! haha!

we had break again so we went to the taiikukan. and they started pointing out sayuri's crush xD some pro basketballer O.o and sayuri insisted that he was really cool. and asked me if i saw his face; if i did i would think so too! but i didn't see his face so too bad xD then we got our own little spot and started playing volleyball. haha. quite fun actually(: just that i'm lousy at it xD but you can't blame me, it was my first time! and really. almost the whole school was playing bball/volleyball/badminton/some weird ball game.

next was history. O.o O.o O.o O.o i vote it the most difficult to understand class, ever. they were talking about some jap artists in the first part of the lesson (presentation by classmates) then the teacher started talking about the meiji period. whoo. couldn't understand more than half the things xD

then we had 10mins break; and the girls started pointing out all their crushes to me xD super funny; but they all looked the same to me O.o okay. maybe it was cause we didn't dare go near.

next was maths, again!(: i vote it the most interesting lesson, ever. and the teacher's super interesting too! haha!(:

then it was the end-of-day class meeting again. so they reflected on their day, and had some super cute guy that announced the lessons for tmr.(as in cute in the little boy way. he was half my height! xD)(okay i was overestimating myself. he was.... shorter than hanisah:)) he was really really cute!

then we took a class photo(:

and we went home! haha! my mum could pick me up! whee!

): tmr's the last day *sobs*

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Posted by yann at 9:53 PM 0 comments

pfff. my laptop just died on me again! pfff. pffff. but now, i've got a new hard disk! that's larger than my old one! whee! but but i didn't salvage all my files in the old harddisk! i forgot to transfer some out -.- noo!

well. let's see. umm. i'm super nervous for tuesday. i don't know why. T.T

i'm bored. i'm really bored. and i have a feeling i'm forgetting something.

and i'm not making sense to myself.

and i think i'm a super lousy sister cos i've been pestering my sis the whole day although she's busy mugging for As. but i can't help it! i'm bored. i should have planned something for sunday. (besides going shopping with my mum)

okay i will talk about shopping with my mum. i thought i was the most impulsive shopper around but my mum's worse. she spends one second choosing things and one hour after that regretting her buys.

and i finished writing all the notes and packing all the presents! whee!

and i don't want to reshuffle

and i think that i'm very random

and. i have nothing more to say.


Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Posted by yann at 10:48 PM 0 comments
T.T i'm insomniatic! i think =x i can't seem to fall asleep nowadays! T.T why do you think i'm up at 10:49 PM? my usual bedtime is 10:00PM sharp you know! boo.

i'm bored. so i'm blogging. there's nothing much to blog about, actually. except 1. logic was much easier than expected but i might have some careless mistakes and 2. english was. uhh. difficult =x

and the spicy sweet thingy is gross (according to my sis) i didn't dare taste it ^^

"firefly come back to me; make the night as bright as day"

that was totally random.

i'm bored. i want to sleep but i can't!

and i think my sis screwed up her first a-level paper. she looked weird today.

boo. pleasefeelsleepy. gahh.

after thursday, i'm free! ^^

Friday, October 26, 2007

Posted by yann at 4:27 PM 0 comments
T.T yesterday was the last day as m07206! T.T T.T (okay i know it's abit slow but; yeah)

i shall do dedications too! (inspiration from cheryl and danielle) (:

sabrina: *dum dum dum... attempts to sing the star wars theme but fails horribly*(i shall take music lessons from zx next time) you are super moodswingy! but you're great when you're in a good mood! whee! fun! ^.^

hafizah: ohmigawd. you're a very very good influence. if only i were half as hardworking as you. you're really really nice! ^.^ hee! and you're as ego as me! (that's a compliment!) ^.^ can i join your study group? O.o

tiffany: mugger no. 2! you're the very first person i knew from NUS High. whee. it's been... 2 years? woahs. we've both changed a lot(: you're still the thinnest person i know on earth. :/

lynnette: haha stay happy and healthy! ^.^ always. and you're really dilligent! i'm stressed.

cheryl: funny stinky! i don't get you half the time ^.^ oh and i remember i used to be scared of you! haha! you come up with all the weird ideas! oh and you're the most compulsive butt-smacking addict i've ever seen. (is that a compliment? O.o)

hanisah: super nice! no wait "nice" is too vague a word. but you're still super nice anyway! and i like your songs(: heehee! you're really great to talk to! especially if i'm having problems with some people.

danielle: you bimbo! ^.^ dance dance! you are great to talk to when you're in the mood to listen(: and you're funny! just like cheryl! and you're a bridge addict! just like me whoops!

jerdine: you are so super quiet! hmph. we don't exactly talk but you are super nice anyway(: and you're a left hander! hahaa.

jiahui: you were so super quiet! and you are super hardworking too. sheesh. i'm even more stressed now :/

nelson: amusing! like. seriously. and thanks for starting the macs order and cup noodles thingy. it really helps(: hee. and you're a good person to ask for help when i need it on jap.(: whee!

yihui: SMART. like. seriously. :/ and nice to gossip with! heehee! especially on the train back home(: i should hang out more with you so you spread some intelligence to me! and we can gossip more!

zikai: heehee my nice gor(: and the principals son *blinks* really nice to talk to!(:

ivan: super nice! and *ahem* one of the more serious people in class. but you are very sarcastic when you want to be and it's super funny!(:

lewis: nice scar!^.^ and thanks a lot for all the sick and un-sick jokes in class.(: stay like a monkey! (umm. that's meant to be a compliment too, i think :/)

weiren: nice(: and you're always giving in to other people(: and super TALL. gee. what do you eat for breakfast?

nicholas: super good in piano and violin; my fingers can't move half as fast as yours. :/

shengze: haha you're good at tolerating ryan! and you're good in chinese!

tianlu: *shivers* talented in... _________ (you know what i mean) and super good at drawing nice world maps! promise you won't kill me next time!

zongxuan: pfff. genius! and rubik's cube pro. and super good at imitating voices! haha! and you can beatbox too! i should hang out with you more too to cope some intelligence

funan: maris stella! *whoops* that was a slip of my fingers! second thinnest person i know in the world :/

maojia: heehee! you are so serious when you want to be serious! and i love your chinese accent! and you're super nice!

stella: prettaye and super nice! i want to be as tall as you! you are quiet in class but.... *ahem* after class....? *grins*

ryan: HAHAA! you make all the super lame jokes in class! hee! ^.^ class will be boring without you.(:

yuhan: oh.mi.gawd. your art rocks and you can do stuff like deciphering codes. you're really good with numbers!

T.T i don't want to be reshuffled! what if i end up with people i cannot click with? what if i can't stand the way my new class works? what if i drift apart from my friends now? what if.... T.T i don't want to be reshuffled.

206 is the best class around! T.T

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Posted by yann at 7:44 PM 0 comments
so saad! T.T i watched helen the baby fox. it's super super super sad! T.T helen is so cute! ^^ and taichi too! ^^

yup. so lets see.

- i finished the fps poster design! ^^ but errr... it's super hard to make so in the end i think i'll scrape half my design >.< hee.
- we blew balloons!! ^^ heehee. royal violet!(: and we had balloon fights! evil stanley/wenxiang/jiaqing. and my aim is super lousy. should practise shooting more ><
- and we added all the fertilizers today! whee! i hope we didn't put too much.

- GAH. i'm so totally failing jap.
- walked aroudn j8 for a while after the exam. you need to destress! ^^ bought part 2 of hanisah's present! whee! hahaa.

- the algae all died! too much fertilizer! we have to start the experiment all over again -.-
- i was in a holiday mood! ^^ and we were playing with our hair ><
- 1000th day celebrations! eee. we actually walked to west coast. and uhh. almost lost our way. but we got there anyways. ^^ super boring! i couldnt play~! i had to sit there and watch them play! ): kiteflying is fun! oh wait. trying to fly kites is fun ^^

did i mention? i watched helen the baby fox!!!! errr. wait. i said that before; right?


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Posted by yann at 6:03 PM 0 comments
crap. crap. crap. i screwed up my bio exam. i got like really really really really low ))): all because of my 3rd structured question! )):

and today was a super unlucky day and i was feeling all depressed, moody etc. etc. when i got home and saw two large boxes of pastries sitting on the table waiting for me! ^^ i love my bro! ^^ yumyum. there was like eclairs, profiteroles, pralines, cheese cakes... *salivates* heehee! i'm starting to convince myself i live to eat instead of eat to live mann. ^^

okay anyways today was. uhh. weird. okay actually. nothing much happened. was super tired in school cause i stayed up last night to finish my physics practical and bfp assignment after piano! ): *yawns* and i rushed through it cause 1. i was super tired already anyways =x 2. my sis was bugging me to sleep since she needs her sleep for her maths paper tmr. she was like "lunch on you if i get a B"

:/ assembly was amusing!! haaha! the speaker was super funny! ^^ then mentoring. uh. we were supposed to settle "mentor group matters". next was physics. lol! we watch some funny movie. that was like. a documentary with some storyline. not bad. better than the last video, at least! ^^ haha the movie 1. had much clearer pictures 2. was a lot more interesting 3. i want to watch the movie again but i would probably die not to watch the video again. scrap that. i would probably not watch it again ^^

next was fps. some presentations. haha. then lunch was. umm. occupied ^^ the fps session after that was quite. uhh. fruitful? i suppose. we managed to finished discussing our exhibits but didn't do the 200 word thingy :/

and then bio exam. super super super super super super super super depressing :/

okAYletssee. hmm. i've learnt something during the holidays:
7 golden rules of "baby"sitting
1. if she says no, it usually means yes.
2. don't say don'ts, cause it gives them ideas.
3. toys (even hard, plastic ones) go on the bed. period.
4. don't do your homework in front of them. it'll 1. end up in pieces 2. end up with doodles 3. end up missing
5. when you watch tv, watch cartoons. anything other than that earns you some pretty cool whining.
6. (whining again) when they whine, don't give them anything or they'll keep trying it on you
7. they usually talk for the sake of talking so there's no need to answer.

yeah. done. byebye.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Posted by yann at 8:25 PM 0 comments
uh oh... die. my whole holidays are packed! ): my cousin's coming over so i have to accompany her! O.o and my sis cant accompany her cause she has prelims. so i can't go for class outing ): and i even have to postpone the physics thingy on tuesday! ): i shall go ask tiff and jy tmr. i hope they can make it one thursday! die la. my whole holiday gone! ): i was planning to clear up super messy messy room! :/
Posted by yann at 6:52 PM 0 comments
whee!! it's thursday! and the last last day of lessons!! ^^ hah! i know i've a ton of homework to clear plus revising all my jap stuff for EOY; but it's always good to have holidays ^^

haha. lets see. hmm. the bio exam yesterday was easy!; luckily; cause i didn't exactly study much :/ haha! but i think i totally did badly my english test today :/

so yup yup. so sad today there was this handover ceremony thingy ): prof lai's leaving! ): nooo! prof lai's so super nice ):

and today's mr imbufe's bdae! i realised that only this morning when tiff or fiza or somebody said it was the 30th of august. then i remembered mr imbufe told us that his birthday was 30th august. haahaa. he got a balloon! xD we couldn't write on it cause it was black!

haha. tomorrow's teachers' day celebration! at jurong bird park! xD hopefully i don't lose my way there! :/ and i still havent decided whether i wanna go to deb's house tmr morning. EIGHT AM leh! so early! >.< need to catch up on s
leep >.<

haha! my sis is in love with this amusing show! the show's super funny! and i can't believe i like it too! xDD heee! and that reminds me. i haven't finished watching tsubasa! :/ i'll watch it during the holidays!(:

hah! my cousin's coming to sleepover during the holidays! but unfortunately, i won't be at home the whole week! (except thursday) and my sis's studying for her prelims? sad right! i like my cousin. she's so cuute xDD

lalaa. i'm bored. i shall go to again. =x

You Are a Carousel

You are young at heart and a truly playful person. No one would ever accuse you of taking life too seriously.
You are definitely in things for the fun. You find joy easily, and you are often building up anticipation for your next adventure.
In relationships, you tend to want to be babied and taken care of.
And while you may be a bit high maintenance, you are incredibly loyal.

Your life is simple and satisfying. Each day you treat yourself to something you enjoy.
You have a lot of emotional attachments, and experiences are extra vivid to you.
You tend to be nostalgic and sentimental. The past is important to you.
Comfortable around all living things, you have a special connection to animals and children.

At your best, you are whimsical, free spirited, and creative.
Even if your schemes seem a bit strange, they usually work out wonderfully.
At your worst, you are spoiled, demanding, and impossible to satisfy.
You've been known to act like a brat if you aren't getting your way!

You Are a Red Crayon

Your world is colored with bright, vivid, wild colors.
You have a deep, complex personality - and you are always expressing something about yourself.
Bold and dominant, you are a natural leader. You have an energy that is intense... and sometimes overwhelming.
Your reaction to everything tends to be strong. You are the master of love-hate relationships.

Your color wheel opposite is green. Green people are way too mellow to understand what drives your energy.

You Are A Lily

You are a nurturer and all around natural therapist.
People see you as their rock. And they are able to depend on you.
You are a soothing influence. You can make people feel better with a few words.
Your caring has more of an impact than even you realize.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Posted by yann at 11:21 PM 0 comments

hi!(: i'm feeling super hyper tonight and i can't get to sleep :/

so...yup. this morning i was super super super super tired~! ): thank god its friday!((: hahaa! i sound like... miss phua! :/

so anyways this morning was mentoring. had like. class photo taking! haha damn funny! mr imbufe asked some yr 5s to help us take a picture; then she was like *press* *flash* done! then mr imbufe was like "one more, one more!" then when it was done, he was like "take one from that corner" then when that too was done, he said "one more, one more" again and after that told the yr 5 to take from that other corner... so in the end.... we ended with 6 class photos plus 2 we took on monday. it's super funny caaan! xDD

then there was psl nominations. stella, ivan, zongxuan got nominated for our class! haha! but we didn't ask zx whether he agreed; but it's okay, i suppose he wont say no; right? *blinks*

yup yup. nxt was free period! oh crap! i was supposed to study for chinese tingxie but i didn't >.< guess what i was doing with the 205-ers! *grins* haha! then it was geog then chinese. laalaa.

and during lunch jy and i borrowed the bfp video *blinks* we took. uhh. quite a bit of time to figure out how to get the tv screen to work -.- it was like. on. but nothing was on screen. then we asked keat mun so he switched the whole thing off and on again. but still the same. so i randomly pressed a button and it worked! *beams* just that... the screen was a little. uhh. weird. ><

dance dance dance. eeek! dirty feet! ): they should really start sweeping the stage >< anyways i think dance was quite slack today O.o

jap jap. uhh. err. umm. we learnt how to write argumentative essays? and got a whole load of hw in return? and halfway through tansensei left! then this new sensei came in! and taught us! haha.

rushed back to sch for some weird thing! at first there was nothing to do. so i was like at the registration booth with mag tpl and weijin, crapping. then we started betting on who would arrive nxt etc. etc. finally that little guy came (oh yeah his name was low kai en luke!) so we went up to the audi! haha i think nicholas leong's dad is funny!

oh and i looked through the yr 1 intake list! 3 ppl from my camp grp got in! err. i'm not sure if there are more, actually.

so next were the. uhh. games part? it was super super super super super super super weird. cause i decided to take the new yr 3s. then it's like. there's nothing to play. cause they are a little to old for certain games :/ hah! "my grp" was quite nice(: a little quiet, but nice(: okay. at least they werent like my dsa camp grp which was quite mischievous *blinks*

whee! i'm feeling sleepy! bye!(:

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Posted by yann at 6:16 PM 0 comments
oh. i'm still super bored so i shall continue doing more quizzes while watching tv! ^.^

You Have A Type B+ Personality

You're a pro at going with the flow
You love to kick back and take in everything life has to offer
A total joy to be around, people crave your stability.

While you're totally laid back, you can have bouts of hyperactivity.
Get into a project you love, and you won't stop until it's done
You're passionate - just selective about your passions

Your Superpower Should Be Mind Reading

You are brilliant, insightful, and intuitive.
You understand people better than they would like to be understood.
Highly sensitive, you are good at putting together seemingly irrelevant details.
You figure out what's going on before anyone knows that anything is going on!

Why you would be a good superhero: You don't care what people think, and you'd do whatever needed to be done

Your biggest problem as a superhero: Feeling even more isolated than you do now

You Are a Bow

You don't think of it as the holiday season - you think of it as the present season!

You Are a Light Pink Rose

You represent sweetness and grace.

Your vibe: Kind and gentle

Falling in love with you: is like falling in love with a best friend

You Are a Cupcake

Cute and fun, you never take life too seriously.
People are constantly surprised by how delightful you are.

You Are Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

You are kind, popular, and generous.
You tend to be successful at anything you try.
A social butterfly, you are great at entertaining a crowd.

You are most compatible with strawberry ice cream.

Your Personality Profile

You are nurturing, kind, and lucky.
Like mother nature, you want to help everyone.
You are good at keeping secrets and tend to be secretive.

A seeker of harmony, you are a natural peacemaker.
You are good natured and people enjoy your company.
You put people at ease and make them feel at home with you.

You Are Fall!

Posted by yann at 6:12 PM 0 comments
lala. i finally decided to blog. but... there's nothing much to blog about, really.

EXCEPT THAT I SCREWED UP MY PIANO EXAM, BIO QUIZ, MATH TEST and JAP TEST. and i will probably flunk my ting xie tmr. congratulate me! ): *sigh* *sigh*

err. and i've taken to doodling in class. =x especially.... for certain subjects. whoops!

hah! since i've such a bad week this week... i shall cheer myself up by slacking off for a bit (i.e. leaving all my jap homework to the last-last-last minute! :)) and i shall... go do some blog things quizzes! ^.^

You Are The Lovers

You represent ideal love: innocence, trust, exhilaration and joy.
You demonstrate the harmony of opposites, two sides coming together.
At times, you also represent the struggle between what is right and what is tempting.
Control is an issue for you, especially when you don't know your reasons for choosing something.

Your fortune:

You have an important choice you need to make about love, and it will be a difficult choice to make.
You are likely struggling between the love you crave and the love that is right.
In the end, you will choose what you crave, even if it's bad for you.
Because without what you crave, you will feel empty and incomplete.

You Are Snow

Magical yet potentially destructive
You are well known as fun to play with
People anticipate your arrival but then are quickly sick of you

You are best known for: your serenity

Your dominant state: reflecting

Your Nail Polish Color is Pink

How you're unique: You're girly without being high maintenance

Why your style rocks: You're the perfect blend of stylish, preppy, and cute

What this color says about you: "I am secure enough not to follow every trend"

Your Inner Child Is Surprised

You see many things through the eyes of a child.
Meaning, you're rarely cynical or jaded.
You cherish all of the details in life.
Easily fascinated, you enjoy experiencing new things.

oh and if i were born in 2893, i would be an evil space warlord! XDD hee!

Monday, July 09, 2007

Posted by yann at 7:08 PM 0 comments
i shall be happy today(: yup yup.

okay. uhh.

was super sleepy today xD watched too much tv last night and couldn't fall asleep after that ): haha.

before i left home, i knew i had forgotten something. my thermometer. sheesh. nvm. hopefully i remember tomorrow xD
so anyways first was chemistry. errr. what can i say?

then met miss tan for drama. sheesh! perform 2 times ): i'm gonna die of stage fright can! ): haha and got my costume design portfolio thingy back. errr. i couldn't read whatever was written. but there were quite a bit of (hopefully good?) comments hahaa.

next was english... quite okay. our grp wanted batman! ): but we got pierre png in the end. and i was acting gay and i was supposed to be super devoted to my wife and trying to stop paris hilton (hanisah) from hitting on me but am secretly enjoying it. hahaa damn funny. and i had to do lots of impromptu cause i didn't exactly prepare before that. luckily it was hanisah i had to do it to.

next was chinese. errr. i couldn't read the script properly. haaha.

then i.s. err. we didn't finish our report. oh wait. did we even start on it? x= nvm. will be doing it on friday, i hope.

and during lunch we were playing some retarded games. haahaa. ^.^ then they were playing truth or dare. i didn't play. don't laugh when i tell you the reason!

it's called... truth or dare phobia. xD hey! stop laughing!

and mr low gave lots of hw for maths! ):

haha my mum was nice enough to pick me up from serangoon mrt. then we went to book the recital for my piano exam. eeeek. nervous nervous x)

and my bro decided to rob auntie of her job! he cooked dinner today! haaha! apparently his friend "taught him how to cook a really great dish". err. i tried it just now. the sauce thingy wasn't that nice. it was made of ginger! ): but apparently my sis says its nice and she can't stand ginger. ? maybe i put too much sauce so it became gross. but it wasn't that bad for a first timer. oh wait. second timer. the last time was worse (he tried to cook some noodles he dumped everything he saw in the fridge into the dish x))

oh whee. a reminder to myself to bring my thermometer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

okay. that should be sufficient to remind myself

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Posted by yann at 10:27 PM 0 comments
no. you can't just pick me up and throw me into another world. no.

just becuase you did that once, and i tried and tried and got used to it doesn't mean you can put me somewhere else again.

i've tried. i really did.
i'm losing it. you asked me if i was happy.
i don't know how to answer.

i really wanted to stuff myself in a corner and hide there today.

pissed, are you un-pissed now? cause i read and reread that post about a thousand times and deleted everything that made sense to me. i'm learning; really. so next time, i won't blog about so much, right?'

i should keep a secret blog.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Posted by yann at 7:36 PM 0 comments
*yawns* super tired today ):

we watched some weird clip during mentoring. haahaa. quite... amusing. xD but movies are still better! right? ^.^

after that went for physics makeup lesson with jiayi. and i found out i was twenty-fifth on the confirmed list. no wonder! haahaa. jiayi's in too! ^.^ whee! and tiff barged in half way trying to join physics -.- and then realised she had contemporary art on the same timeslot. o-kayy.

oh yeah and because i had a 2 hour free period, i studied jap! yayy!! ^.^ but that's because i forgot to bring all my other sch hw to do ):

next was geog and chinese. then lunch then briefing then dance then (after barely 30mins) went for third lang. sighh. oh whee i got back my jap compo. got deducted 3 marks for grammar mistakes. =x whoops!

*yawns* tired. uh-oh got something urgent tmr cannot go for the young arrows thingy ):

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Posted by yann at 9:54 PM 0 comments
whee was super tired today ): slept too late last night! xD

okay first thing in morning prof lai introduced mr hang! he's super pro can! i hope he's nice =x

then was house meeting. errr. errr. err. you know i don't think i wanna sign up from 4x400 anymore. ivan super mean can! (err though he's telling the truth xDD) hmph!

next was mentoriiing. err. i don't think we did much, but mr imbufe had dialogue session with a few ppl and stuff. yeah.

then it was break break. me and tiff tried to do our podcast but it was too long!): we cut it from 7mins to 5mins, then 4.5 mins, then 4 mins, then if i try holding a one-man conversation with myself and talking super fast, then it would be 2.5mins. which is still longer than the limit. die! i'm trying to cut more ._.

then there was beyond foundation physics! i didn't go! ): uh-oh. i thought i was on waiting list! err. well. the last time i checked E-Space i was on waiting list! then after the lesson nelson told me i was confirmed! sheesh! sheesh! sheesh! eeeee. i hope mr lim doesnt scold me ): i already sent him an email, though ._. and they were nice enough to get a set of notes for me ^.^

next was fps. err. i'm not sure whether i like my new grp anot. it is less amusing cause we are so serious ppl! (if you believe me xDD) but we are more effective((: today's session was quite productive! (for once! xDD)

and sabrina started doing some personality quiz during fps. that was 11 pages long -.- she's like something-artist. i forgot the adjective. and hers was super true caan! then they made nicholas do. then tiffany did. she's... attentive dreamer (kind of ironical, if you asked me). and then i did. (but since i'm so guai i did it only after fps caan!((: )and i'm supposed to be an encouraging artist? ?? ?? ?? ?? which is super untrue. you must be blind to think i'm an artist! xDD i do like drawing but that doesnt mean i can draw(: or do any form of art for that matter (and unfortunately, yes, i can't exactly draw) and i'm supposed to be a super aesthetic kind of person. i should try the quiz again when i have time. ._.

next was third lang. chionging hw on the bus! whoops! and jap lesson was funny. kind of, anyway. i always dread jap lessons like 30 mins before the lessons and end up coming out of it feeling super amused/happy/cheerful/etc. etc. hee. i like jap lessons. i hope i dont have to quit ):

whee! tmr's geog! i like geog!
oh wait did i just say that? ^.^

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Posted by yann at 8:50 PM 0 comments
ooosh. super tiring today. ): me and my lousy stamina. ): and my knees and hands hurt now cause of doing push ups on the track! ee.

oh shoosh this is freaky i hear this stupid noise that just keeps repeating and repeating. oh and the phone just rang.

okay. i was scaring myself. it was just my phone vibrating and yihui calling me on my house phone.

and i'm proud of myself!(: i finished bio! yayy!

and all my brain cells just died in logic today. really, i thought i had that teeny weeny bit of common sense in me but i realised.... i dont understand just about everything mr ku said! uh-oh. i'm dead, right? ):

oh whee im drowning in jap hw. *nods* like a lot a lot a lot of jap homework. uh-oh. ):

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Posted by yann at 10:50 PM 0 comments
whoosh. okay i'll reply tags first.

yihui: haha yeah. kay-po nelson xD
danielle♥: hee uh. just imitating you to piss you off? ^.^ /and no they definitely won't get away imitating you. /i never pon meetings can! just that it always clashes with my other stuff. its super annoying. cause i'm like super bored half the week and super busy the other half./ i'm updating i'm updating~! xD
cherylthewonderful (? -.^): hmmm. (imagination run's wild) just who would imitated danielle? X)
donut: sorry sorry! xD look above. yup i know you change to logistics. traitor! haahaa!/homework is... not very fun.
kai: pissed? -.^ anyways its my blog so i get to write what i want(: /why isn't he supposed to understand
alan: huh. okay.

okay yestaday was a super depressing day. but i feel trapped. okay was that an appropriate word? maybe not. but it's just super weird to be caught between 2 freaking grps. isn't 7 good? isn't 7 a nice number? (Even with all the notverynicethings going on) gahhhhhh. everybody was super unhappy yesterday. oh there. the last sentence summarizes everything just fine, doesn't it?

and i just found out yesterday (like 30mins before presentation) that we were supposed to present. hey just brilliant! ): i couldn't prepare much xD (and in case you didn't know... everything thing i've remembered about the project flew out of my teeny weeny brain after the competition) so i was desperatelytrying to remember what to say. and luckily that wasn't q & a or i'll drown in question marks. oh and i didn't know 206 met right after that thing. whoops!

after that was great. i mean, i could totally forget whatever had happened that afternoon. i was seriously enjoying myself. painting..blah blah.. etc. psl meetings are funn. they distract me. but i had to leave early ):

and it all came rushing back. that's sad. have i told you before? i hate changes.

okay. quite okay. i was feeling kind of detached. i can't believe i enjoyed bio. seriously. i did. and this was the only bio lesson i was seriously paying attention to. just to distract myself. but miss tan's quite nice(: (today?) oh and more and more and more lessons.

and finally lunch! yeah! i was super hungry in class caan. then umm. i was trying to cut my prata up to stuff it into my mouth and it just sort of flew towards tiffany. (not my fault! right? *convinces myself* the prata's just too bored. =x ) luckily it ended right at the edge of the tiny table! haahaa even my flying prata is so guai(: never dirty ppl's clothes. just like it's owner(: (well a pity i had to dump it in the bin after that)
and i stole a green chilli from someone;s plate just for fun and stuffed it in my mouth. AND IT's SUPER SPICY. nobody told me green chilli tasted like this. and i bought and icecream after that after drowning my mouth in water to no avail. oh yeah. the icecream worked!

hee. anyways it was maths. quite slack xD fun fun maths lesson. (Cause it's slack! xD) slacker>>>>yanling

next was amusing. haahaaa. i was stuck doing seaweeds! haahaaaaaaahaa. phrase of the day: "we have to sacrifice quality *oops! it just broke*" yeah! and eliza and me had to go buy cellophane ): eeee so far. hehe. anyways we just came back and started cutting and cutting and cutting and cutting and cutting..... .... ... ... ... ... ... ...

while talking, of course XD and with eliza's playlist on hahaa! my tongleide is so funny!

whoosh and i ate dinner in the car and. umm. spilled food all over my uniform. whoops! sorry auntie!

oh yeah. did we finished putting up the seaweed? nope. :D

Monday, June 25, 2007

Posted by yann at 7:40 PM 0 comments
whee. i've been dreading the new sem since... forever. but this morning, i woke up at 5:50AM in the morning feeling... of all things, unusually excited! okay. you don't believe me right? cos i don't either.

so i was thinking just maaaaaybe... you know. it was going to be a really great day. cause well, i woke up feeling all refreshed and excited about sch. okay fine. so the day started out quite amusing, cos we havent seen each other in a long long long time and we were all being extremely noisy on the concourse while waiting for assembly ^_^

then the day started getting worse... and worse... and worse... i couldn't sit still for more than ten minutes! ): *sigh* *sigh* *sigh* and by the end of the day, i was feeling positively tired and.... tired.

whee! but now i've taken a long (As usual), nice, hot bath.... oh yeah i'm ready to start on all my homework! arent you happy to hear that? :D whee. oh wait. maybe i'll go practise the piano first. homework can wait a little teeny weeny while, yeah?

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Posted by yann at 9:20 PM 0 comments
oh whee after being umm. out of contact with my blog, i'm finally baaaack!((: yup yup.

okay umm. lets see. so many many many many things happened!

i love nightingale its super nice(: and extra fun to play too! this is the the second time i spend so much time practising for one piece ^.^ (the other time was cause i was super bored so i started practising my new exam piece) but because nightingale's so funn, i'm neglecting rhapsody in blue and my exam pieces ^.^ whoops! hee. and my sis loves nightingale too! so i hear it being played over and over again.(: whee! but i still can't memorise the parts for var. II ):

oh and i decided to start playing sims again so i designed a new house! haha! but i haven't built it yet. but my sis's hogging her laptop the whole day so i can't play ): but it's okay! i still have ff ^.^ i still can't defeat the first demon wall =x but nvm it isn't compulsory to defeat anyways ^.^

and i couldn't go for ambience and log comm meeting cause i was feeling unwell ): but the super strong me is up and running again! hah! ^.^

and shrek 3 is uhh. quite amusing ^.^ and i just went broke today! =x and i must remember to trust my sis's taste for food. next time i shall order whatever she orders xDDD

but i've realised my sis likes flowers more than stars.
okay that was superbly random. hah! (sigh i love cham's stuff)

oh whee. i was seriously considering exemption from sem 2's chem module to escape the super fun and interesting chem lessons! and i really don't mind the extra two hours to slack around a bit xD but my mum said there wasn't enough time to learn everything cause i'm barely at home for the holidays and the topic's super important. but my mum said i could do the maths ones! just that i dont like exemption for maths. its just super weird. (hears my sis saying: why is it weird? for the 1000000000000th time today)

okayy my bro is super weird he went to exercise in uhhh that kind of office shirts. like those that's made of cotton or something and has those sharp collars and you can put cuff links on them. yah those. (err i think they're called dress shirts or something) and when i told him he was super super weird, he was like "no lor! this is called being unique! and. umm. setting a new fashion trend!" with that large goofy smile.

oh crap i'm super hungry now although i just ate dinner. gahh.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Posted by yann at 10:40 PM 0 comments

okay. went to school today for logistics comm and ambience comm meeting. no wait; actually i wasn't planning to go for logistics cause well; i felt like staying at home to slack around a little but i brought a few pouches home so i had to go back to school =x *sighs*

so yep. bascially it was quite slack XD

whee then after lunch we went shopping around for like. yarn. and fabric marker. but we combed the whole of clementi central and couldn't find suitable ones. so. yep. went back to sch and after an amusing period of time asking THE question ambience comm meeting started! oh yeah did i mention? the phonecalls were super super super super super super amusing! especially the answers some of them gave XDDDDDD hahaa! eh! but i lost reico's recording! >=/ oh wait. did they get a "suitable scene" in the end? i hope they did; or they wasted all those phone calls for nothing xD

okay so ambience comm meeting was looooonnnng and draaaaggggyy. and yeah. we finally decided on some stuff. they were going to bugis to shop for stuff but i couldn't go! ): hmph~!

hee. i shall really start tidying up the place tomorrow. i promise!!. err. i hope ^.^

Friday, June 01, 2007

Posted by yann at 9:01 PM 0 comments
whee! congrats! you just got 72 pouches to sew for popping your head into logistics comm meeting to help out. oh and did i mention? i took ONE HOUR to sew THREE pouches. four actually, but i sewed it wrongly so my mum helped me take out the thread for me to resew. but then my poor efficiency probably results from the fact that i was trying to learn how to use the sewing machine!(: (okay i dont sound too enthu so i added the smiley at the back) so at this rate i'm gonna finish sewing by.... sunday midnight. but zuxin probably has three times what i have to sew so i'm not complaining any further ^.^

so basically tmr we have to present the climate change thing at nanhua; and you know what? i'm not fullly prepared. i can't even remember the main points i'm supposed to cover. okay i do. but i take time to think. eh im super angry can! how come yihui gets to replace nelson! >=/ i dont wanna present! i have stage frights, dont you know!

AND i just found out today we have to present not only to the judges but to all the other teams in the same classroom. WOW. i hope they're not as. umm. curious and enquiring as terry chua, ang yong qing and utkarsh.


Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Posted by yann at 8:14 PM 0 comments
whoosh. i've been too tired to blog after i reached home for the past few days, but i've been rotting at home today so i'm super un-tired now. ._.

okay let's start from yesterday. whee! my mum could send me to school late; so of course i didn't want to take the bus to school ^.^ so anyways the paper was super long. and. uhh. i left like half the thing blank; and i didn't manage to crap out answers to fill in all the blanks i left! ): nvm.

so after that i was supposed to go for some fps presentation thing. but i didn't know about it! (i only knew about the briefing, which was supposed to end at 1) so i had. umm. already made plans. in the end i still didnt go for fps anyways. whee. sigh. i shouldn't have agreed to help x) i'm super scared of the presentation on saturday now. SATURDAY LEHH!! i didn't realise it was gonna be so soon =x (whee! i finished drawing my trees!)

okay so basically after that ate macs for lunch with da-ni-elle, deb and mag(:

whee and we spent the rest of the afternoon playing xDDD hee. so funn!!

so yep. and i spent the whole of today watching tv and playing ff (i still cant defeat the mimic queen!)(i know i didn't buy enought potions... but still there must be a way to defeat the queen. don't expect me to go all the way back to buy potions! =x). and of course i had to draw trees too. sigh sigh sigh. im super bored.


Thursday, May 24, 2007

Posted by yann at 8:32 PM 0 comments
whee okay lets see what happened today.

oh yeah i was super bored and super tired in school today. the pri. sch kids are not as cute today ): okay maybe its just me. im so unfriendly today! ^.^

whee counted coupons! lets see. oh yeah 1133 coupons yesterday. and i found green coupons in the box but green is for tmr! so weird.

whee. i was so super tired i fell asleep in the mrt. okay not really. i was half asleep.

mum just went overseas today. so from today i have to go home by public transport ): luckily my bro can still send me to sch in the morning before he reports to his internship boss.

whee. im super bored.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Posted by yann at 8:15 PM 0 comments

okay. let's see... umm. today; went to botanic gardens for level bonding. walked a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot (x10000). and we went the wrong way for quite a number of times XDDD and then there was this drawing "competition". and we were practically having a picnic cause sabrina brought a disposable table cloth and food. and we each had a little food too. we went back late! xD

next was the evolution walk. i didnt see the dinosaur; whatever its supposed to be.

so anyways after that had to head back to sch. wheww. cause sab could give us a lift, we didnt have to walk back to tanglin gate xD grabbed macs from the drivethrough on the way to sch.

i think chaffeurs are cool. how on earth do they knowwwhich way takes them where. i won't know how the hell you make your way to king albert park!

whee. okay so basically after that it was umm. quite siaan la. i was doing the ticking-off-thing! supposedly the registration, but it wasn't EXACTLY the registration. so anyways after all the schs were here, we were standing around. umm. helping the ppl who needed help? and there was so much food; we played pick-up-sticks with pasta. oh crap! i had to eat 2 of the cakes duno who brought up. but i wasnt the only one(: nat and jiaqing had two too! gerlynn only ate one! ):

so after that we cleared up; whee. found so many bottles lying around. then when we opened the bin it was filled with plastic bottles; should have thrown them in the plastic recycling bin. quite a bit of the exhibits were destroyed. and the place was super messy actually.

after that we all went to the GO to slack abit. hee. once i sat down, i was too lazy to get my butt moving. started playing with the stuff in our goodie bags. then prof lai came and gave us this puzzle that states on the box that there are "240 possible ways". whee. so far; we only found like. uhh. three or something? and elston is super pro at this kind of thing.

whee. the ring and chain thing is super funny. i couldn't do it in school at all lor! (Except for once when i dropped it through and it miraculously happened) then i was trying and trying just now XDD i still cant do it! i can only do the cheaty way where you start with the ring tilted alllllll the way until it vertical.

whee i was also playing with the wood puzzle thingy (with the 4 interlocking stuff) while watching tv. whee! i just got it out. now i dont know how to get it back in.

okay so basically me and weijin got a lift from mr lee to mrt and walked allll the way from serangoon station!(: and i reached earlier than my mum! whee. bye!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Posted by yann at 8:57 PM 0 comments
whee. i tried not thinking about my results today but it failed terribly. especially maths mann. i did super badly for mensuration. and am currently super sad. but i didnt tell my mum. intending to break all the news to her on tuesday when she goes to meet mr imbufe (she cant attend on monday)(i can't imagine my mum talking to mr imbufe)

right. so. umm. nothing much today; really. oh just that i realised my badminton is super lousy now (it wasn't good to begin with)(and now its worse)

oh yeah so today they were talking about majors and stuff. so i was thinking and thinking and thinking while they were talking (whee! im so thoughtful right! xDDD)(i meant it literally) then i decided im taking maths, bio, chemistry and geog. then i told my mum. cause. ya. i was talking to her in the car. then she said i should take physics cause its kind of impt. then i was telling her how not-very-good (like, lousy) my physics was. then she was like "you can get daddy to teach you if you want. or gor gor." so i've decided; i shall work extra hard for physics and try to major. so i might not take geog after all! anyways the yr 4 and 5 geog modules dont sound interesting. whee i feel purposeful now!(:

whee! vinnie just emailed me. and she asked about all of you 206 ppl. oh yeah and she wished you luck and everything. whee!(:

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Posted by yann at 5:49 PM 0 comments
okay. i was so wrong. i mean i thought my weekend (plus one friday) would be okay without my dearest handphone? aww man. i'm missing my handphone really badly =x *sigh* i shouldn't have been so lazy and just went back to school to get it. okay. maybe i wont go back to school to get it after all. but im seriously missing my handphone )))):

oh yeah. let's see. what's interesting? oh. i didn't get scolded by my piano teacher cause she didnt listen to my exam pieces. we were doing aural and sight reading today. and guess what. my vocal range is like err. half an octave? okay that was an exaggeration; but still...

whee. okay since its going to be the holidays soon, i shall set a few targets:
1. clear up my super messy room and the table downstairs; you won't believe how messy i can make a place
2. umm. lets see. how about get a whole lot better at piano?
3. keep all my year 1 and year 2 sem 1 worksheets properly in proper files. whee.

i'll think of a few more later. for now; tata.
Posted by yann at 9:31 AM 0 comments
okay. lets see. what did i do yesterday? oh yeah. sleep

*nods* seriously. i spent the whole day sleeping. okay not exactly. cause i got up to do what? oh right. eat. but i did read a little. well. and i surfed the net too but that isnt counted.

so basically, yesterday was an extra boring day. and i was too bored to practise the piano so my piano teacher's gonna kill me today.

oh yeah and im going to back up my homework and songs and stuff in my thumbdrive today cause im suuper afraid my laptop will crash or something; after it died on me yesterday. (but they say its just overheat) i promise i'll treat you better now! =x =x =x please dont die! but just in case, im going to back up my files anyway.

whee. i shall go... practise the piano? now. okay maybe not. i'll got watch tv. whee. im a tv junkie.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Posted by yann at 9:29 PM 0 comments
whee. today was a pretty boring day. laaa.

okay so i was supposed to be preparing for jap presentation in the morning, but i predictably didnt. whee. i went to read. can you believe it? i haven't touched a storybook in weeks! =x

okay so basically after that i was fervently trying to contact adeline cause i didn;t know whether she was coming early for the jap presentation. in the end nelson had to become the messenger. whee! thanks!!(: but that evil guy started reprimanding me for wasting his smses.

okay lets see. so the super super climax of my super super boring day was jap presentation.

lets see.
i was super nervous; i could hear my heart jumping and struggling and banging on my ribcage. and then i totally forgot the script i prepared during the presentation. so i started looking at the script BUT i printed it in too small a font! sheesh! ): so i crapped out some sentences from what i could remember of the content. i could just feel all the grammar mistakes spilling out of my mouth.

my heart almost died when i recieved my score mann. (bold, underline, caps, italize) I GOT FULL MAAAARKS!!!(((((((((: ohmigawd i think my teached was being extra nice(: whee! i almost burst out laughing mannn! (i died of hyperventilation then)

and i was totally gloating when nelson didnt get full marks xDDDDD and of all things, he didnt cause he was being so un-lively. anyway who has heard me speak jap will so obviously know that i am totally un-jap lor.

whee. i shall go back to watcing tv now. byyyye! ((((((((: whee! im still super happy from jap presentation. wheeee!!!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Posted by yann at 9:21 PM 0 comments
1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question.

How am I feeling today?
candy in the sun
(??? i had a baaaad day today mann >.<)

Will I get far in life?

How do my friends see me?
extraordinary girl
(ahaha lol! whee!!((: ) *imagines jy going YEAH RIIIIGH *COUGH COUGH**

Where will I get married?
don't love you no more
(haha lol!!!)

What is my best friend's theme song?
thank you
(eh. okay x))

What is the story of my life?
dont lie
(eh. i lie too much ah? but im so honest! =x)

What is/was high school like?
fool again
(how can! im still enjoying sch leh!)

How can I get ahead in life?
welcome to my life
(err. okay.)

What is the best thing about me?
one, two step
(Huh. is that supposed to be good?)

What is today going to be like?
here we go again
(that's spot-on!)

What is in store for this weekend?
my everything
(woww. okay so this weekend im gonna be extra selfish)

What song describes my parent(s)?
pretty boy
(err. i think pretty=mummy; boy=daddy.)

To describe my grandparents?
journey to the past
(ohmigawd! this is so amusing >.<)(err. its quite true actually. i dont know half my grandparents)

How is my life going?
have you ever
(err. okay is that supposed to be good or bad?)

How does the world see me?
let's get it started

Will I have a happy life?
my happy ending
(WHEE!(((: )

What do my friends really think of me?
you had a bad day
(fine. i know. you dont have to tell me)

Do people secretly lust after me?

How can I make myself happy?
you and me
(err. okayy.)

What should I do with my life?
(complicate my life?)

Will I ever have children?
(is that a yes or no?)
Posted by yann at 7:37 PM 0 comments
ohmigawd today was a terrible day. but yep its was quite fun >.< again with the two-oh-fivers. then more ppl came and we continued wheee. finally we decided to go to the com lab to do crap. so. yep. ah sheesh la i realised i got the moon-phase thingy question in the science competition wrong i think.

super stupid i didnt realise that it takes half a month for full moon, not quarter a month. boooo.

oh crap i didn;t know that i had a psl meeting after that. (oh and miss chen didnt come for geog) im so so sorry you ppl had to wait for me for an hour x) (i scooted out during discussion xD)(but i wasnt the only one!) *attempts to feel less guilty*

then went to the com lab to find them. and conveniently left my handphone in the com lab (and realised only on the bus) luckily the 205ers called mr ku to help me keep my handphone >.<>stuff again XD okay and mariel mentioned the same topic a lot of times. (right cleo jy and little idol??)

so next we went for neoprints and my we took a super long time. oh and btw we saw chua feyra and gerlynn there (sharlene went off before we saw her) and err. i kept clearing the deco for one of the neoprints cause they were so ugly xD and. umm. didnt have enough time to finish decorating cause we didnt notice the timer starting again.

whee so basically we started walking around (whee! had squid heads! :))))))))) and sheesh! we didnt visit the arcade. okay and we wanted to sit down and yeah. you know. chat (aka gossip) and somebody suggested the library. the LIBRARY of all places. and miraculously; we all agreed. it was umm. not a very intelligent decision cause the library was suuper quiet then so we had enough common sense than to gossip in the library. so in the end we ended up in the library's cafe. (whee! had apple crumble) and uh. just started talking. for almost three hours xD and we played that quite retarded and mean hamtaro game (heeeee anything works if youre bored)

okay after that something we were suuper angry about happened. sheesh! i should have kept the pen instead of dumping it in the bin. dont wanna talk about it. but it was super freaky >_< nevermind i'll do it tmr morning. (since i'll probably slack tonight away anyways im super tired)
Posted by yann at 8:42 AM 0 comments
whee. im suuper bored. reached school super early today cause my dad couldnt send me to school that late. okay wait. i assumed he couldnt. i forgot to tell my mum that i started school late today xD

whee. brought princess diaries to read today; but the two-oh-fivers came and we started gossiping. again. xD xD xD

whoosh. its been like. one and a half hours already and we were just outside the admin office talking and talking.

laaalaa. im suuper bored. i will go read.
no wait maybe not.

laalaaa suuper bored.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Posted by yann at 2:10 PM 0 comments
whee! ^.^ the exams just ended! poof!(:

so yup. today was suuper amusing ^.^ my impression of cleo just turned 180 degrees *ahem ahem coughs coughs* suuper funny la! the way she (and mariel) were looking and staring and devising evil plots! xD whee! laughed too much today now my abs hurt xD

spiderman 3 was sad T.T

whee. and we went to the arcade! and we got a porcupine! okay fine. 205's claiming it for themselves. hmph.

so basically after that lots of people had to go home leaving me, jy, little idol!, cleo, and mariel! and then we started gossiping while snacking cause we gave up on finding the neoprint shop xD whee! found out lots of stuff =x im sorry im so slow! >.<

then debra and tricia poofed out of nowhere! xD whee.

*sigh* i just spent my tuesday night on jap. do you have any idea how saddening that is? T.T its the last day of the exams and yet im busy with jap! )):

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Posted by yann at 6:04 PM 0 comments
oh yeah. and i just lost about a hundred marks in the maths test and quiz
Posted by yann at 5:55 PM 0 comments
went to sab's big and pretty house for lit project; we didn't do much actually. (we hadn't done much by the time i left) well i'm hoping nothing goes wrong on thursday. but then again, i'm not even too sure about my script. gahh. and and and my costume design is not done! ._.

greaat. there's jap exam tmr. okay fine its only a ct but its equivalent to a midsem exam xD BUT i missed the whole of lesson 18 (i did only the elearning parts) because i didnt go for the last two lessons AND the half the thing is on lesson 18. gah gah gah.

i need to chiong my studying tonight =x and i have to chiong lit project tmr night; along with studying chinese. i HAVENT touched chinese and theres going to be an exam. luckily there isn't tian2 xie3 han4 zi4 but i have a feeling zhuolaoshi will set the exam such that most the the ciyu will be the dapeis he taught (but i never listen to) in class.

oh yeah. i just remembered i need to do my lit journal tmr too. and im getting suuper nervous cause everybody else started studying for the exams while i haven't. uhoh. i should stop blogging and go bathe. then i can start early on jap. (but i wannt watch tv! :(( )

Friday, April 27, 2007

Posted by yann at 10:48 PM 0 comments
Woots. Today was open house. Suuper tiring. Had to talk so much =x gahh. its kind of a freaky thing to do.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Posted by yann at 6:46 PM 0 comments
yippee! its the long weekends!(: hee. i'm so sure i'm gonna slack it away since i dont have much homework (but tons of projects) but its okay(:

this week was. not very nice. sigh. i was trying hard to concentrate =x no problem in class (except bio and chem and history); but when i'm at home studying for like the chem test and physics test and stuff, i couldn't concentrate at all! ._. die.

and i just got back my titoudao cr which i did terribly for; it will be a wonder if i scrape a B+ for lit. hmph. gotta work harder for journals and stuff! and project! (yeah riight. i dont even have a single costume design after my tai-tai design) im kind of regretting my choice to be costume design cause you have so much more fun things to do when you're the director! i can't keep spending 3 hours on a single costume design (like the tai-tai one which i decided to scrape!) hmph. and my mum will accuse me of wasting my time again on useless stuff (like lit project? (?)) i really dont mind her constantly reminding me to not waste my time because without those reminders i wouldn't really mug at all, but when she keeps bugging me i dont know when i'll just yell back at her =x it has never happened before, but lately i've been getting quite bad tempered. luckily my mum has been busy with work recently; and she's looking more tired by the minute. i should really start revising for the exams. if i can get down to it. =x

boo. caught up on 4 hours of sleep today! actually i woke up after three hours but went back to sleep anyway. i feel less guilty about wasting my time sleeping than wasting my time on other stuff. but i still feel really guilty anyways. i haven't touched the piano in ages and i haven't touched a single piece of homework since thursday night. AND i've been wasting my friday nights on a range of games that i dont even like. i just don't feel like doing my homework and sleeping.

gahh. i'll go eat dinner and and. i'll practise piano later. and if i've got the time, i'll do some costume designs. i must must must reserve tuesday for mugging for exams. if i can finish all my homework on sunday noon. *sigh*

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Posted by yann at 6:14 PM 0 comments
yayy! its the weekends again!((:

woosh. had a really busy week.

i.. hmmm. what happened. oh yeah. i passed my sbq! yep yep(: and and and the history quiz was not too hard!(: yup yup. after sch i stayed back for terrarium for a bit. yay! sabrina made the terrarium nice and healthy(: okay actually i dont know about the healthy part. we caught millipedes! i mean, i looked for them while sabrina caught them. wait. i mean i tried to look for them(: so after that basically i was at home chionging english portfolio. i cant believe it. i finished my final draft for the first piece in two hours. i was supposed to use only an hour! >.<

it was theory lesson for pe. nutrition >.< it was quite boring. yep. how interesting can theory pe lessons get? to think i thought the theory lesson was solely for 205 (cos miss lee only told them) and i was gloating! =x so basically after that we were back to our terrariiium and slacking around. i finished my jap compo draft!(:

bio was good. no theory lessons! >.< heee. i touch milly! (our favourite millipede) i realised it's quite cute actually. (but hamsters are still cuter! :) and when it crawls on your palm its really really ticklish! xD yup basically next was chinese. is it me or is zhuo2 lao3 shi1 getting nicer and nicer?

err. i forgot what happened on wednesday. oh YEAH. physics wave exam was extreeeemely difficult! ): boooo. i left like. a lot. blanks. ))): next we watched some super amusing movie for mentoring! haha!(: but unfortunately, i dont think we're continuing it!):

next was chemistry. i shall not say anyyyything about it.

after that was fps, which was basically slack, and come to think of it, i think we won't be able to finish our action plan by wednesday xD

whoosh. jap ct was freaking hard too! but mr nelson teo said it was easy! ): i'm dead mannn. sheeeeesh.

long long long long long day again. basically. i met miss sim for my english portfolio consultation about my third piece. woosh. and and and i didnt fail my physics e&m test and quiz! yay! the practical was pretty slack too.

drama was not bad, actually; quite fun. AND LUCKILY LIT CR WASNT DUE ON FRIDAY! heee(: slept at 11 (my norm is 10, mind you) because i was doing my english portfolio. i really hope it turns out well =x

FIZA FORGOT TO BRING MY SCRIPT! now i cant do my lit cr! ):

okay so anyway it was the last day of the school week! i was suuuper happy. so basically mentoring was... weird. principal's dialogue. so next was geog. yippee! my geog test wasn't too bad!(: so after that was boring maths. i just realised construction's quite hard actually. i got quite confused after a while. next was free period to slack! i was trying to french braid gerlynn's hair! hah! i managed to french braid until the bottom! but of course, my idol was much faster! (hah! i just found a free-of-charge hairdresser!)

dance was. booo. i missed half of the last lesson for third lang and it turned out that laoshi taught a lot of steps during that time. i was suuper confused cause i didnt know my positions and stuff! ): luckily danielle was there to help me! ((:

jap jap jap. i was suuuper tired. then i think tan sensei noticed because he kept asking me to answer questions ):

yep yep. for the weekend there's LOTS of homework. ): but i just slacked my saturday away! ):

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Posted by yann at 6:22 PM 0 comments
T.T sayuri wont be coming to NUS High anymore! ): im starting to miss her!

so anyways. on monday, i got a LaAAARGE pink bear from debra, tricia, magneline, cleo, janell, jiayi, mariel and.. uhh.. sorry! i forgot xD it was really, really, really, laaaaaarge! yeah!(: hee. so anyways. after school, went to moelc for the opening ceremony thing, which uhh. was quite a small event. and then i met my jap friend! sayuri!(: hee. im really relieved her english is great xD

tuesday: picked sayuri up from clementi mrt and went to school! yup yup. english was amusing; miss sim kept talking to sayuri because we wouldnt give her the answers she wanted. yup. after that was pe. haahaa miss loh had to go somewhere (i think it's that transforming-our-character course x)) so we could play captain's ball! hee(: we got trashed! so after that's bio. *yawns* but i managed to keep my eyes open! sigh. why does bio ALWAYS have to be after pe? then it was chinese which was funny. because zhuo2 lao3 shi1 was like taking it slow and easy.

so wednesday was. eh. okay. i suppose! mad day was lame =x and we watched FLUSHED AWAY for mentoring session! yayy!(: its really cuute! hahaa. sayuri enjoyed it too! after that was. umm. very-interesting chemistry lesson. (ahaaahaaa bingo! and i was talking to sayuri through her dictionary! x)) so next was fps. wooh. our group finally stopped slacking. haahaa. but we didnt manage to finish! after that the hci ppl came to talk to us. haii. very little ppl bought their book xD next was jap jap jap. i FINALLY passed up my homework. whoopsy! xD

thursday: wooh! it wasn't that long long thursday because friday and thursday's schedules got switched!(: and since liu lao shi (I/II) couldnt make it for dance, it was an extremely short day. first was mentoring session. FLUSHED AWAY WAS CUUTE! i <3 <3 the slugs! hee(: and then it was geog. uhh. the test was pretty much about memorising your notes, which i thankfully managed to do so for 50% of the stuff. but i got a pretty bad shock when we handed up the paper and danielle's answers were like. WOAH. damn long. so next was maths. gee. it was pretty much spent on doing problems, problems and problems. WOOH. Thankfully, the day ended at 12:30! hee(: i could go home in 0.5h's time, but decided to stay to play tennis! wooh. sayuri is GOOD. and im an idiot at tennis. i mean, that was the first time i played tennis. so i end up picking up all the balls and she has to try to catch my wayward shots that are obviously out-of-court xD

sad. sayuri wont be coming to NUS High anymore ): ): ): boo!

i spent my thursday afternoon slacking around before going home =x and i spent friday at home sleeping. booooooo. theres still so much homework to do! gah..

~.~ i'm sleepy ~.~
Posted by yann at 6:22 PM 0 comments
wooh! today's my birthday! and everybody's been treating me really well today(: hee(:

so basically went for piano this morning. my piano teacher was really nice to me! haha! and she released me early today(: yeah!

and i had to go to botanic gardens for bio xD (im sorry we're so last minute!) what a way to spend my birthday. so anyways. havent been there in a VERY long time; and it changed a lot. like seriously. it would be quite a nice place really, if the irritating mosquitoes weren't there xD so basically. we found MANY plants, but no; no animals. after some hard work and determination, we finally found a few insects and got pictures of them. so basically this is our food web: sun --> plants --> insects; and it stops there. wOw. im gonna do SO well for this project =x so yep. basically we finished in an hour plus, with like half the time trying to find each other x))

so yep. thanks everybody who smsed early in the morning to wish me a happy birthday!(: a pity i have to chiong all my homework on my birthday ): oh yeah and of course, thanks darling girly and stinky! and dearest jie for the prettaye presents today and friday!(: hee(:

bye!!(: and i played neopets today! hah!(:

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