Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Posted by yann at 9:20 PM
oh whee after being umm. out of contact with my blog, i'm finally baaaack!((: yup yup.

okay umm. lets see. so many many many many things happened!

i love nightingale its super nice(: and extra fun to play too! this is the the second time i spend so much time practising for one piece ^.^ (the other time was cause i was super bored so i started practising my new exam piece) but because nightingale's so funn, i'm neglecting rhapsody in blue and my exam pieces ^.^ whoops! hee. and my sis loves nightingale too! so i hear it being played over and over again.(: whee! but i still can't memorise the parts for var. II ):

oh and i decided to start playing sims again so i designed a new house! haha! but i haven't built it yet. but my sis's hogging her laptop the whole day so i can't play ): but it's okay! i still have ff ^.^ i still can't defeat the first demon wall =x but nvm it isn't compulsory to defeat anyways ^.^

and i couldn't go for ambience and log comm meeting cause i was feeling unwell ): but the super strong me is up and running again! hah! ^.^

and shrek 3 is uhh. quite amusing ^.^ and i just went broke today! =x and i must remember to trust my sis's taste for food. next time i shall order whatever she orders xDDD

but i've realised my sis likes flowers more than stars.
okay that was superbly random. hah! (sigh i love cham's stuff)

oh whee. i was seriously considering exemption from sem 2's chem module to escape the super fun and interesting chem lessons! and i really don't mind the extra two hours to slack around a bit xD but my mum said there wasn't enough time to learn everything cause i'm barely at home for the holidays and the topic's super important. but my mum said i could do the maths ones! just that i dont like exemption for maths. its just super weird. (hears my sis saying: why is it weird? for the 1000000000000th time today)

okayy my bro is super weird he went to exercise in uhhh that kind of office shirts. like those that's made of cotton or something and has those sharp collars and you can put cuff links on them. yah those. (err i think they're called dress shirts or something) and when i told him he was super super weird, he was like "no lor! this is called being unique! and. umm. setting a new fashion trend!" with that large goofy smile.

oh crap i'm super hungry now although i just ate dinner. gahh.

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