Monday, June 04, 2007

Posted by yann at 10:40 PM

okay. went to school today for logistics comm and ambience comm meeting. no wait; actually i wasn't planning to go for logistics cause well; i felt like staying at home to slack around a little but i brought a few pouches home so i had to go back to school =x *sighs*

so yep. bascially it was quite slack XD

whee then after lunch we went shopping around for like. yarn. and fabric marker. but we combed the whole of clementi central and couldn't find suitable ones. so. yep. went back to sch and after an amusing period of time asking THE question ambience comm meeting started! oh yeah did i mention? the phonecalls were super super super super super super amusing! especially the answers some of them gave XDDDDDD hahaa! eh! but i lost reico's recording! >=/ oh wait. did they get a "suitable scene" in the end? i hope they did; or they wasted all those phone calls for nothing xD

okay so ambience comm meeting was looooonnnng and draaaaggggyy. and yeah. we finally decided on some stuff. they were going to bugis to shop for stuff but i couldn't go! ): hmph~!

hee. i shall really start tidying up the place tomorrow. i promise!!. err. i hope ^.^

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