Sunday, April 01, 2007

Posted by yann at 6:22 PM
wooh! today's my birthday! and everybody's been treating me really well today(: hee(:

so basically went for piano this morning. my piano teacher was really nice to me! haha! and she released me early today(: yeah!

and i had to go to botanic gardens for bio xD (im sorry we're so last minute!) what a way to spend my birthday. so anyways. havent been there in a VERY long time; and it changed a lot. like seriously. it would be quite a nice place really, if the irritating mosquitoes weren't there xD so basically. we found MANY plants, but no; no animals. after some hard work and determination, we finally found a few insects and got pictures of them. so basically this is our food web: sun --> plants --> insects; and it stops there. wOw. im gonna do SO well for this project =x so yep. basically we finished in an hour plus, with like half the time trying to find each other x))

so yep. thanks everybody who smsed early in the morning to wish me a happy birthday!(: a pity i have to chiong all my homework on my birthday ): oh yeah and of course, thanks darling girly and stinky! and dearest jie for the prettaye presents today and friday!(: hee(:

bye!!(: and i played neopets today! hah!(:

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