Saturday, April 21, 2007

Posted by yann at 6:46 PM
yippee! its the long weekends!(: hee. i'm so sure i'm gonna slack it away since i dont have much homework (but tons of projects) but its okay(:

this week was. not very nice. sigh. i was trying hard to concentrate =x no problem in class (except bio and chem and history); but when i'm at home studying for like the chem test and physics test and stuff, i couldn't concentrate at all! ._. die.

and i just got back my titoudao cr which i did terribly for; it will be a wonder if i scrape a B+ for lit. hmph. gotta work harder for journals and stuff! and project! (yeah riight. i dont even have a single costume design after my tai-tai design) im kind of regretting my choice to be costume design cause you have so much more fun things to do when you're the director! i can't keep spending 3 hours on a single costume design (like the tai-tai one which i decided to scrape!) hmph. and my mum will accuse me of wasting my time again on useless stuff (like lit project? (?)) i really dont mind her constantly reminding me to not waste my time because without those reminders i wouldn't really mug at all, but when she keeps bugging me i dont know when i'll just yell back at her =x it has never happened before, but lately i've been getting quite bad tempered. luckily my mum has been busy with work recently; and she's looking more tired by the minute. i should really start revising for the exams. if i can get down to it. =x

boo. caught up on 4 hours of sleep today! actually i woke up after three hours but went back to sleep anyway. i feel less guilty about wasting my time sleeping than wasting my time on other stuff. but i still feel really guilty anyways. i haven't touched the piano in ages and i haven't touched a single piece of homework since thursday night. AND i've been wasting my friday nights on a range of games that i dont even like. i just don't feel like doing my homework and sleeping.

gahh. i'll go eat dinner and and. i'll practise piano later. and if i've got the time, i'll do some costume designs. i must must must reserve tuesday for mugging for exams. if i can finish all my homework on sunday noon. *sigh*

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