Monday, July 09, 2007

Posted by yann at 7:08 PM
i shall be happy today(: yup yup.

okay. uhh.

was super sleepy today xD watched too much tv last night and couldn't fall asleep after that ): haha.

before i left home, i knew i had forgotten something. my thermometer. sheesh. nvm. hopefully i remember tomorrow xD
so anyways first was chemistry. errr. what can i say?

then met miss tan for drama. sheesh! perform 2 times ): i'm gonna die of stage fright can! ): haha and got my costume design portfolio thingy back. errr. i couldn't read whatever was written. but there were quite a bit of (hopefully good?) comments hahaa.

next was english... quite okay. our grp wanted batman! ): but we got pierre png in the end. and i was acting gay and i was supposed to be super devoted to my wife and trying to stop paris hilton (hanisah) from hitting on me but am secretly enjoying it. hahaa damn funny. and i had to do lots of impromptu cause i didn't exactly prepare before that. luckily it was hanisah i had to do it to.

next was chinese. errr. i couldn't read the script properly. haaha.

then i.s. err. we didn't finish our report. oh wait. did we even start on it? x= nvm. will be doing it on friday, i hope.

and during lunch we were playing some retarded games. haahaa. ^.^ then they were playing truth or dare. i didn't play. don't laugh when i tell you the reason!

it's called... truth or dare phobia. xD hey! stop laughing!

and mr low gave lots of hw for maths! ):

haha my mum was nice enough to pick me up from serangoon mrt. then we went to book the recital for my piano exam. eeeek. nervous nervous x)

and my bro decided to rob auntie of her job! he cooked dinner today! haaha! apparently his friend "taught him how to cook a really great dish". err. i tried it just now. the sauce thingy wasn't that nice. it was made of ginger! ): but apparently my sis says its nice and she can't stand ginger. ? maybe i put too much sauce so it became gross. but it wasn't that bad for a first timer. oh wait. second timer. the last time was worse (he tried to cook some noodles he dumped everything he saw in the fridge into the dish x))

oh whee. a reminder to myself to bring my thermometer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

okay. that should be sufficient to remind myself

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