Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Posted by yann at 5:55 PM
went to sab's big and pretty house for lit project; we didn't do much actually. (we hadn't done much by the time i left) well i'm hoping nothing goes wrong on thursday. but then again, i'm not even too sure about my script. gahh. and and and my costume design is not done! ._.

greaat. there's jap exam tmr. okay fine its only a ct but its equivalent to a midsem exam xD BUT i missed the whole of lesson 18 (i did only the elearning parts) because i didnt go for the last two lessons AND the half the thing is on lesson 18. gah gah gah.

i need to chiong my studying tonight =x and i have to chiong lit project tmr night; along with studying chinese. i HAVENT touched chinese and theres going to be an exam. luckily there isn't tian2 xie3 han4 zi4 but i have a feeling zhuolaoshi will set the exam such that most the the ciyu will be the dapeis he taught (but i never listen to) in class.

oh yeah. i just remembered i need to do my lit journal tmr too. and im getting suuper nervous cause everybody else started studying for the exams while i haven't. uhoh. i should stop blogging and go bathe. then i can start early on jap. (but i wannt watch tv! :(( )

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