Thursday, May 24, 2007

Posted by yann at 8:32 PM
whee okay lets see what happened today.

oh yeah i was super bored and super tired in school today. the pri. sch kids are not as cute today ): okay maybe its just me. im so unfriendly today! ^.^

whee counted coupons! lets see. oh yeah 1133 coupons yesterday. and i found green coupons in the box but green is for tmr! so weird.

whee. i was so super tired i fell asleep in the mrt. okay not really. i was half asleep.

mum just went overseas today. so from today i have to go home by public transport ): luckily my bro can still send me to sch in the morning before he reports to his internship boss.

whee. im super bored.

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