Sunday, May 20, 2007

Posted by yann at 5:49 PM
okay. i was so wrong. i mean i thought my weekend (plus one friday) would be okay without my dearest handphone? aww man. i'm missing my handphone really badly =x *sigh* i shouldn't have been so lazy and just went back to school to get it. okay. maybe i wont go back to school to get it after all. but im seriously missing my handphone )))):

oh yeah. let's see. what's interesting? oh. i didn't get scolded by my piano teacher cause she didnt listen to my exam pieces. we were doing aural and sight reading today. and guess what. my vocal range is like err. half an octave? okay that was an exaggeration; but still...

whee. okay since its going to be the holidays soon, i shall set a few targets:
1. clear up my super messy room and the table downstairs; you won't believe how messy i can make a place
2. umm. lets see. how about get a whole lot better at piano?
3. keep all my year 1 and year 2 sem 1 worksheets properly in proper files. whee.

i'll think of a few more later. for now; tata.

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