Sunday, May 13, 2007

Posted by yann at 2:10 PM
whee! ^.^ the exams just ended! poof!(:

so yup. today was suuper amusing ^.^ my impression of cleo just turned 180 degrees *ahem ahem coughs coughs* suuper funny la! the way she (and mariel) were looking and staring and devising evil plots! xD whee! laughed too much today now my abs hurt xD

spiderman 3 was sad T.T

whee. and we went to the arcade! and we got a porcupine! okay fine. 205's claiming it for themselves. hmph.

so basically after that lots of people had to go home leaving me, jy, little idol!, cleo, and mariel! and then we started gossiping while snacking cause we gave up on finding the neoprint shop xD whee! found out lots of stuff =x im sorry im so slow! >.<

then debra and tricia poofed out of nowhere! xD whee.

*sigh* i just spent my tuesday night on jap. do you have any idea how saddening that is? T.T its the last day of the exams and yet im busy with jap! )):

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