Friday, October 26, 2007

Posted by yann at 4:27 PM
T.T yesterday was the last day as m07206! T.T T.T (okay i know it's abit slow but; yeah)

i shall do dedications too! (inspiration from cheryl and danielle) (:

sabrina: *dum dum dum... attempts to sing the star wars theme but fails horribly*(i shall take music lessons from zx next time) you are super moodswingy! but you're great when you're in a good mood! whee! fun! ^.^

hafizah: ohmigawd. you're a very very good influence. if only i were half as hardworking as you. you're really really nice! ^.^ hee! and you're as ego as me! (that's a compliment!) ^.^ can i join your study group? O.o

tiffany: mugger no. 2! you're the very first person i knew from NUS High. whee. it's been... 2 years? woahs. we've both changed a lot(: you're still the thinnest person i know on earth. :/

lynnette: haha stay happy and healthy! ^.^ always. and you're really dilligent! i'm stressed.

cheryl: funny stinky! i don't get you half the time ^.^ oh and i remember i used to be scared of you! haha! you come up with all the weird ideas! oh and you're the most compulsive butt-smacking addict i've ever seen. (is that a compliment? O.o)

hanisah: super nice! no wait "nice" is too vague a word. but you're still super nice anyway! and i like your songs(: heehee! you're really great to talk to! especially if i'm having problems with some people.

danielle: you bimbo! ^.^ dance dance! you are great to talk to when you're in the mood to listen(: and you're funny! just like cheryl! and you're a bridge addict! just like me whoops!

jerdine: you are so super quiet! hmph. we don't exactly talk but you are super nice anyway(: and you're a left hander! hahaa.

jiahui: you were so super quiet! and you are super hardworking too. sheesh. i'm even more stressed now :/

nelson: amusing! like. seriously. and thanks for starting the macs order and cup noodles thingy. it really helps(: hee. and you're a good person to ask for help when i need it on jap.(: whee!

yihui: SMART. like. seriously. :/ and nice to gossip with! heehee! especially on the train back home(: i should hang out more with you so you spread some intelligence to me! and we can gossip more!

zikai: heehee my nice gor(: and the principals son *blinks* really nice to talk to!(:

ivan: super nice! and *ahem* one of the more serious people in class. but you are very sarcastic when you want to be and it's super funny!(:

lewis: nice scar!^.^ and thanks a lot for all the sick and un-sick jokes in class.(: stay like a monkey! (umm. that's meant to be a compliment too, i think :/)

weiren: nice(: and you're always giving in to other people(: and super TALL. gee. what do you eat for breakfast?

nicholas: super good in piano and violin; my fingers can't move half as fast as yours. :/

shengze: haha you're good at tolerating ryan! and you're good in chinese!

tianlu: *shivers* talented in... _________ (you know what i mean) and super good at drawing nice world maps! promise you won't kill me next time!

zongxuan: pfff. genius! and rubik's cube pro. and super good at imitating voices! haha! and you can beatbox too! i should hang out with you more too to cope some intelligence

funan: maris stella! *whoops* that was a slip of my fingers! second thinnest person i know in the world :/

maojia: heehee! you are so serious when you want to be serious! and i love your chinese accent! and you're super nice!

stella: prettaye and super nice! i want to be as tall as you! you are quiet in class but.... *ahem* after class....? *grins*

ryan: HAHAA! you make all the super lame jokes in class! hee! ^.^ class will be boring without you.(:

yuhan: oh.mi.gawd. your art rocks and you can do stuff like deciphering codes. you're really good with numbers!

T.T i don't want to be reshuffled! what if i end up with people i cannot click with? what if i can't stand the way my new class works? what if i drift apart from my friends now? what if.... T.T i don't want to be reshuffled.

206 is the best class around! T.T

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