Sunday, November 11, 2007

Posted by yann at 9:53 PM

pfff. my laptop just died on me again! pfff. pffff. but now, i've got a new hard disk! that's larger than my old one! whee! but but i didn't salvage all my files in the old harddisk! i forgot to transfer some out -.- noo!

well. let's see. umm. i'm super nervous for tuesday. i don't know why. T.T

i'm bored. i'm really bored. and i have a feeling i'm forgetting something.

and i'm not making sense to myself.

and i think i'm a super lousy sister cos i've been pestering my sis the whole day although she's busy mugging for As. but i can't help it! i'm bored. i should have planned something for sunday. (besides going shopping with my mum)

okay i will talk about shopping with my mum. i thought i was the most impulsive shopper around but my mum's worse. she spends one second choosing things and one hour after that regretting her buys.

and i finished writing all the notes and packing all the presents! whee!

and i don't want to reshuffle

and i think that i'm very random

and. i have nothing more to say.


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