Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Posted by yann at 7:50 PM 0 comments

Monday, June 29, 2009

Posted by yann at 10:40 PM 0 comments
Today was the first day of school! The school's really trying to avoid students having contact with each other unless they are in the same class, so I didn't really see many people today :p I'm sorry GM but I really can't find my chemistry file!

I just realised in history that i've been writing my date wrong the whole day; 290607 :/ i must still be living in the past! Wow after the first day of school, my homework pile is already that much higher! (and so are my pile of history readings)

After school, i went to meet up with my sis! :D I was released late because of history (and the timetable was pushed back to accomodate temperature-taking) so we didn't really get to walk around much. There was this really cute cow stuffed toy i wanted to get but i decided not to because i am NOT SPOILT! :p Anyway the KFC people were really nice today and drowned my cheese fries in cheese! Yum. ;p and and we decided to stop by the library and i borrowed this really funny-sounding book called "how to ditch your fairy". hahahaha.

I can't wait for my bro to come back! The first thing I want to do when he comes back is to eat and go kbox-ing! haha.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Posted by yann at 4:18 PM 0 comments
i'm apparently supposed to not post until 21 july so as to make the previous post a "sticky" post :p

tomorrow's the first day of school! *sigh* actually, i can't wait to see everybody. haha. 403 people, remember to bring your travel declaration and print your bio notes!!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Harry Potter outing~

Posted by yann at 3:21 PM 0 comments
Disclaimer: For friends only

My friends and I have made a major decision! We are organising a Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince movie outing. Details are as follows:

Venue: Vivocity Golden Village (
Date: 21 July 2009 (Tuesday)
Time: After 6pm
Attire: Casual/School Uniform

R.S.V.P. Yanling/Debra/GM by 17 July 2009 (Friday)

P.S. Please refer to Debra's or GM's blog for more details.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Posted by yann at 10:41 PM 0 comments

I SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED MY SCI-FI!!! in addition to a talking toaster, i have a talking blender!

Posted by yann at 5:56 PM 0 comments
i wanted to go to the zoo with rachel, her brother, his friend, ernest and bernard today but i was too lazy to leave the house xD so i stayed at home writing my sci-fi!!! (which i was supposed to finish yesterday xD) i'm proud to announce....


and the first half already sounds like a primary school compo O: i have a talking toaster that walks too! how cool is that.

anyway i just saw my timetable. i only have english twice weekly now. and four hours of bio weekly again. hmm. is that two different modules? and i end late everyday!! ):

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Posted by yann at 10:37 AM 0 comments
my shoulders are aching from marching! i went back to school yesterday again for marching! i was late, but not the latest :p haha.

anyway i was fickle about whether i should go watch transformers, because it was going to be the 9pm show! so late D: i decided to watch it anyway in the end because... it's a long story :D so i went home first to shower (i was ALL sticky and sweaty after marching xD)! and eat dinner before getting to suntec

transformers isn't exactly what i would choose to watch normally; i'm a disney-rom com-chic flick kind of person. i would only choose transformers over like. a horror movie.

but transformers was good! :D haha. it's really exciting! i like bumblebeeee :p anyway the first part of the movie was funny! but as it neared the end it started getting pretty gory and making ppl emo. O: i hope there wasn't an extra scene after the credits cause we rushed home immediately after that!

it was so dark after the movie ended!! suntec was like. a ghost town. anyway i couldn't find the bus stop to get home xD i'm not sure if i have said this before, but suntec is the most confusing place ever! so i cabbed home in the end. i forgot about the city area surplus so...

anyway i reached home at 12+++ :/ and i purposely brought a key out so i don't have to ring the doorbell but somebody pulled the latch across so my key was rendered useless. in the end i still had to ring the doorbell and wake my maid up (which took many rings! haha xD)

yay! i don't have to go out today! so today shall be a science chronicle day. my goal for today is to successfully complete a sci-fi!!!! (yay. *tries to sound enthusiastic about it!*) the thing is... i haven't read a science fiction in ages and i have no idea how to even get a storyline out. meh. maybe transformers will give me some inspiration :P

Monday, June 22, 2009

Posted by yann at 7:22 PM 0 comments
haha i'm feeling happy now! :D

i shall start from saturday. i went for piano in the morning, as usual. okay actually my piano is usually in the afternoon on saturday but last week was special! haha. after which, i went to my grandma's house for a gathering! yum. it was supposed to be a great, relaxing thing to do (and i was supposed to join them for tennis after that!) but i had to rush off for smp! anyway they just kept talking and talking and talking so in the end we left our grandma's house late and i was almost one hour late for smp! >.< luckily debra managed to find a pattern for the brick thingy at home (my pattern was like. inefficient?) and we digressed until we drew out the whole mrt line -.-

yesterday was fathers' day! I LOVE MY DADDY! i would have bolded, underlined and made the font a whole lot bigger but i'm just too shy! ;p we went high tea-ing yesterday, which became my dinner! oh and my one-year-old cousin is really really cute! he's a cry-baby! you have to see him! i shall post the pictures when my cousin sends them over. haha. okay; actually the below-5-year-olds are all really noisy and cute!

meh. i went to school this morning for exco meeting O.o it was so early, at EIGHT AM in the morning! i wasn't even half awake and anyway we digressed a lot :p after that was marching! there were so many people today! [because about half the school's marching or something] but gerlynn had to be quarantined so she couldnt come :p it's quite amusing! haha. we went to macs after that for dinner (i was too hungry to wait to eat at home! xD).

when i reached home today, there was chocolate cake waiting for me! haha. maybe that's why i'm so happy :/ mmhm. i should stop being addicted to chocolates.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Posted by yann at 2:45 PM 0 comments
hmm. i realised that i only blog during smp xD

yesterday was danielle's birthday! happy birthday!!!! :D danielle's condo is really difficult to spot because the back gate is hidden in the middle of a bunch of tree-looking things. i think pinata makers should make pinatas less hardy! xD

okay wait my mentor is coming down now!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Posted by yann at 3:56 PM 0 comments
haha I AM BACK!!! :D

i am doing matlab now! it is getting boring because we have to run the programme 50 times :/ can miss ng jiayi tag the password now?

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Posted by yann at 1:52 AM 0 comments
meh meh meh. i am tired, and waiting for inspiration to come to me! :p

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Posted by yann at 5:13 PM 0 comments
woots! i had a short afternoon nap today. i feel much better :p i'm fully prepared to stay up late now!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Posted by yann at 7:41 PM 0 comments
haha. i went for geog script checking this morning! before leaving for SISC. i didn't get to see my paper... but apparently, i got A overall!! woots :D i THINK i did quite well for econs too :p both of which are surprises, because i really really really felt very bad about both papers. i guess these few weeks are my lucky weeks! haha.

i then left school for SISC. hmm. nothing much was done today. and we went to NTU for a random learning journey. it was really cold in the lecture theatre!!! ): and computer engineering sounds quite cool! if i weren't such a programming idiot, i might actually have considered computer engineering as a future career~! :D

i just reached the school's hostel. i didn't get the guest room so no aircon for me; but usually, four people share a double room with a toilet joining both rooms. but... i got the whole place to myself. which means i have four beds... haha if i'm really bored i might just sleep on one each day! it's kind of freaky here because it's really dark and empty!!!! and (fortunately) they won't let me eat hostel food so i have to get takeaways :p

time to get to work!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Posted by yann at 7:57 PM 0 comments
Yanling is especially happy today :D I expected to do really badly for vectors, english and chinese; but i guess i did pretty okay for vectors and english. also... FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY NUS HIGH HISTORY, I GOT AN A FOR MY CHINESE EXAM!!!!!!!!! :D haha woohoo! i never knew my chinese was secretly so good.

went to NJC for SISC briefing today. it wasn't much of abriefing, the whole thing took only 10mins? -.^ haha. but NJC happened to be next to rgp. i haven't been there for such a long time! it was... mmhm. nostalgic? haha. now all the classrooms are all airconditioned! and they cut down the field size to build a new classroom block :p even if i had the choice, i wouldn't choose to go back to my primary school life, but it was still great being back there :D

i have to start staying in the hostel tomorrow for SISC!): this basically translates to late nights trying to complete the challenge :/ i hope i remember to bring coffee!! haha.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Posted by yann at 9:02 PM 0 comments
i finally know why i've been feeling ill at ease all day. i kept thinking that monday is the 26th!!! now my schedule's all messed up. anyone free for DOS meeting ushering?

monday seems to be my last day of school O.o

and this is very bad. i might be staying in the hostel for SISC from tueday to saturday, and i'm flying off on saturday night O.o this is very very bad.

i don't feel like going for IGGY warwick anymore. it was a... spur-of-the-moment decision to sign up, and now it's the spur-of-another-moment decisions to reject the course... meh.
Posted by yann at 10:08 AM 0 comments
Hmm. I've not been feeling at ease recently! This is bad!

I had to go back for SMP again yesterday xD It wasn't very productive yesterday; I was like. on facebook half the time xD (Reminder for myself: Write code)

Yesterday was a pretty boring day I suppose; I stayed at home watching dramas because my mum's not in Singapore again... My biggest accomplishment: To tidy up my wardrobe! Well, I only tidied up a certain corner which was really messy and getting on my nerves. I ended up throwing half of the clothes there away xD I don't even wear them anymore O.o I promise to continue tidying the rest of my room once I come back! :D :D

Friday, May 22, 2009

Posted by yann at 7:23 PM 0 comments
Eh. what a terrible day today. right, rachel? :D <--- happy birthday wife! :p thanks; i saw your facebook note i know i'm handsome :D

Today was the very first day of script checking! We got back my better papers today: chemistry, physics, biology and maths. I'm quite satisfied with my marks, I suppose, except for physics! haha. but i still can't believe i got 2 out of 3 marks for that cow question O.o

I feel accomplished today! I walked to clementi central in 10+ mins and FINISHED MY KFC MEAL IN 15 MINUTES!!! :D sort of. i kind of left my drink and whipped potato xD haha. and i walked back to school in 10+ mins again! reached school just on time at 1:30 PM. woots!

Building robots are hard. I wonder how i even managed to enter NJRC in primary school O.o

anyway the prime ministers' wives came today. (i.e. not two wives of the same prime minister... 2 wives of 2 different prime ministers... -.-) we happened to be in the library when they walked in (okay actually i think that was only one of them) but luckily they didnt come into the discussion room to talk to us! phewww.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Posted by yann at 10:13 PM 0 comments
I woke up really early today for riotinto because i had to go to school myself! ): almost fell asleep during the paper. fortunately, kashing (who was originally supposed to sit next to me) had to sit at the back because yihui came in late and took his seat! muahaha. so in the end kashing ended up throwing staples at weijin instead :D whee!

OH. THERE WAS THIS HUGE GREEN CATERPILLAR THAT DROPPED ON ME WHEN I WAS WALKING UNDER SOME TREE!!! i had to shake it off my water bottle >.< except for the fact that it's green, it crawls, has more legs than me, and belongs to the insect group... it's quite cute actually!

i missed EXCO meeting today >.<>.<>.<

anyway, the year 4 meeting started late!! so in the end it only ended at... around 4:30? debra, jean, mariel (nice enough to waiting for us) and i cabbed to tockseng outing xD

night at the museum II was funny! but i didn't watch night at the museum I; apparently the first one was nicer! mmhm. the monkeys are the best! haha. we went for dinner after that and most of us went home :D i think. except for clayton who still had training.

i went home today and saw the IGGY letter my dad left for me! woots! :D

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Posted by yann at 11:05 PM 0 comments
i am tired, but i can't sleep yet because i'm waiting for my hair to dry O.o i seem to be busier after the exams than before! D:

i'm proud of myself! i managed to programme a random code for smp with functions, and it worked! the problem is, i take a very long time to understand codes in general and i only tweaked what jiayi typed out xD part 2 of my self-discovery journey: i should stay away from programming in the future.

anyway, class outing/birthday party/bbq (?) at rachel's house today was fun with yummy food (especially corn and squid)! and they specially stopped eating to watch american idol -.- watching adam sing makes me emo!! haha. i wasn't the latest to reach rachel's house today because some poor girl named mingyan had her japanese exam today. apparently, she's about to fail; but it's okay! maybe she will be lucky enough! there was also a mahjong gang whose "one game" lasted about 7 hours, and refused to come over for food. ray was being exceptionally lame today... and rachel's younger brother grew about another thousand meters!! >/ he's kind of very very TALL now.

i am feeling... random today. because... today is a random day! :D yay.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Posted by yann at 8:18 PM 0 comments
Just in case I decide to stop blogging again tomorrow,



Did I leave anybody out?
Posted by yann at 8:05 PM 0 comments
Hello! :D I am back! I shall start blogging in full sentences from now on, influenced by GM (Greater Grassy Mind <-- new adjective for full of grass!).

I took my last examination today. It was pretty okay, except economics is not my subject. I'm not corny enough! I'm probably not going to do well, but I'll find out if that's true only later! Being the day of my last examination, i should logically be out the whole day playing. Unfortunately, I had to go for SMP! ): I'm going to dream about honeycombs tonight. I hope I come up with a proof whilst I'm dreaming. The worst thing is, I have SMP again tomorrow!! BOOO. I should try to complete as much of our project as possible before leaving for my holiday, or else Debra and GM will kill me!

Blogging in complete sentences is challenging.

Facebook is too addictive, but it's also great for self-discovery. I learnt that I must not open restaurants in future.

It is now time to look at honeycombs.

I can't wait for tomorrow and the day after!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Posted by yann at 7:39 PM 0 comments
today was great! :D walked around for 4+ hours.. haha :p


dance workshop's on monday! the dance is simple and easy to teach :p either that or angela's a great teacher! haha.

woooo. facebook is addictive! the games are all so. umm. brainless and weird O.o hahaa.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Posted by yann at 7:07 PM 0 comments
wooooooooooo :D it feels like the holidays now! haha. to replace my suck-ish march holidays spent recovering from a horrible flu... D:

the common tests are over! i guess they were quite okay... apparently the school decided to make all our tests and assignments easier, and leave the exam to be difficult. hmm. haha but the geog test today was a little. uh.. weird. haha. i just crapped through the first question cause i have no idea what the question wants xD

O.o today was a hole-y day! haha. all the teachers all released us early! 4o mins early for PE cause drsun wasnt here... 30 mins early for bio... 30 mins early for maths... and wulaoshi had to leave class 5 mins after he entered O.o haha.

oh! they added some taiwan bubble tea at the drinks stall... haha the pearls are super chewy! and some of the flavours are quite nice actually :p BUBBLE TEA IS COOL! maybe i should go open a bubble tea shop next time. compete with sweet talk :p haha.

next week is a special week! :D *HINT HINT. HINTS SOME MORE* it really feels like the holidays now!! haha

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Posted by yann at 6:06 PM 0 comments

yesterday was the last day of term ONE!!! :D woohooo.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Posted by yann at 8:06 PM 0 comments
this week was a very random week. tuesday was funny cause of the random game of charades xD we are so random.

and wednesday's chinese test was surprisingly... understandable O.o no weird passages describing a river or something O.o but i still thought it was quite difficult la xD haha. and since all the lessons were pushed back by one hour.... my fake-wednesday ended really really late -.- we went to clementi central to look at evidence of weathering. the empress building place was really spoooky O.o i never really paid attention to it last time. anyways we didnt really know what would be weathering so we just snapped at every dirt/stain/crack/ugly spot we found. yumyum. butter corn :D

today was actually quite fun O.o haha. we kind of left the ssef exhibition place like. 15 mins after we reached and went off to science centre! for mini class outing! haha. but at least we went back for the results. apparently nushigh did worst than last year. but i dont even know what happened last year so.... anyways met staceyann zongmin charmaine and samantha :D haha.

today felt like a friday.
EH. tomorrow got another friday ):

i cant wait for the holidays!!! :D

Monday, March 09, 2009

Posted by yann at 2:18 PM 0 comments
oooh :D debra's present is yummy!! xD (i had extras :)) but the previous year's one was yummier. umeya should continue selling jellies!
Posted by yann at 2:09 PM 0 comments
hello! :D i'm in the com lab now, supposedly to do smp! but i'm watching jiayi blog O.o jiayi has a blog... with A one-liner post O.o jiayi is so lame

today is a very sian day. they changed our classroom seating arrangement for our common tests so now we cant doodle on each other's papers ): at least i pay more attention in class now :D

muahahaha. ONE MORE WEEK TO THE HOLIDAYS!!! :D cant wait cant wait cant wait cant wait.

You Are a Carousel

You are young at heart and a truly playful person. No one would ever accuse you of taking life too seriously.
You are definitely in things for the fun. You find joy easily, and you are often building up anticipation for your next adventure.
In relationships, you tend to want to be babied and taken care of.
And while you may be a bit high maintenance, you are incredibly loyal.
Your life is simple and satisfying. Each day you treat yourself to something you enjoy.
You have a lot of emotional attachments, and experiences are extra vivid to you.
You tend to be nostalgic and sentimental. The past is important to you.
Comfortable around all living things, you have a special connection to animals and children.

At your best, you are whimsical, free spirited, and creative.
Even if your schemes seem a bit strange, they usually work out wonderfully.
At your worst, you are spoiled, demanding, and impossible to satisfy.
You've been known to act like a brat if you aren't getting your way!


Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Posted by yann at 6:38 PM 0 comments
i'm in a good mood today :p

went to school for sli rehearsal on saturday, which was err. quite slack. cause half the ppl werent there anyway. the dance is so nice!! after that, we made our way to daughty's house :p haha it was like sort of a mini 403 gathering xD with intruders like ivan, jiaqing and tiongsuan. anyways we played billiard! haha and squash O.o i realised i'm really pro at billiard. like. do all the tricks like have my white ball jumping too much -.- okay. i confess: i suck at billiard. went back to gerlynn's house after that to eat O.o haha. we had voluntary onigiri making ppl so the rest of basically slacked while waiting for our onigiris :D and there was so much food~! O.o then gerbelle went around tricking everybody with her fake butterfly O.o so everybody ended up cramped in gerlynn's room telling ghost stories with the lights all switched off and the curtains drawn O.o the last one was super scary!!! the first few ones were lame -.-

sunday was choing-hw day!! except i was so tired i barely did much :/ meh. so i'm burning today trying to clear hw.

monday was sli!! haha everybody got to miss lessons :D except i had a free period so i didnt miss any. anyway i realised i took the wrong kind of stockings so i didnt wear my stockings in the end :D haha. and aikann's name became "egg an" when i told the emcee how to pronounce his name xD anyway the dance during sli was gooood! vanessa and gerlynn smiled throughout!!! :D and apparently bernard did not have a stone face anymore :D but i was backstage so didnt really manage to see his face. and the school tour made my feet hurt T.T the school tour was weird, though. cause it was so late already so most of the places were like locked and super quiet. so there wasnt much to see :/ missed council photo because the school tour took too long xD pan talk too much!! haha.

missed chinese today!! for ri's pi. it wwas CORNY. (the poses part) and they SANG O.o like. a bunch of guys on stage singing and doing some actions for parts of the song! O.o O.o it was kind of weird xD AND I MET MANDIIIIIII!!! yayyayayayayayyayyy. she give me the bushuang face again ): haha. and we compared heights and realised we were both the same height xD and both of us haven't grown since like. p6 or something. haha. the whole of rgpb exco came O.o anyway we saw bernard's brother!!! haha super different from bernard. bernard so dao, but his brother so friendly :D (and his brother spoke chinese when he said bye O.o) and jiaqing and gerlynn saw ben kuek's twin. i didnt manage to see him though :p he walked away too soon! anyway ri + rjc super big. my feet were dying after the school tour :p and our guide was so afraid we would be bored he brought us all over the school xD meh. hmm some of the ri ppl recognised me and i didnt even know who they were O.o

in the end i found out the whole school got released from lessons early O.o so i missed chinese for nothing O.o

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Posted by yann at 5:00 PM 0 comments
meh. yesterday was an unlucky unlucky day!! booo.

due to. uh. some miscommunication, i ended up at bugis library yesterday -.- at 10am sharp. no actually i reached there at 9:55 am and was wondering why libraries dont open early! haha. but anyway i got this interesting book! hahahaha. :p about this EVIL girl. lol.

and then i accidentally set my hp time wrongly so i was late for council meeting xD luckily i was only five minutes late xD then i got drenched on my way home............. cause i forgot to bring an umbrella. and i alighted at the wrong busstop. .-. meh. and i decided to take an afternoon nap so i was basically insomniatic at night. meh meh.

okay last week was "chiong-hw" week so i shall slack this weekend :p anyway i keep forgetting where i put my hw and stationery so i ended up spending most of the time walking around trying to find stuff. and stuffing myself with cake/tarts :p yum.

meh. I AM BORED. >.<

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Posted by yann at 8:21 PM 0 comments
HAPPY VALENTINE'S(or valentines' .-.) DAY!

haha havent blogged in so long!

meh. I MISS MY BRO. T.T he flew off on monday and apparently he called back lots of times but i wasnt home!!! ): but i managed to talk to him on thursday night!!! yayayayayayyy. it's not as cold there now and his rented house is biiiig! :D now the house is so quiet O.o last time i could always hear him playing music in the middle of the night ._.

tuesday was BAAD cause we all had to stay back for amc! so we had like. LOTS of free periods on tuesday! and there was urgent council meeting after that .-. and my mum couldn't fetch me home. so basically i reached home at like midnight or something. okay la. at nine. which is three hours away from midnight, which sounds a bit like three minutes, which also sounds a bit like three seconds and POOF. midnight. haha.

went to botanic gardens for field trip on wednesday!! so fun! :D haha. we took LOTS of random pictures!! hahahaa. and mr soh was so nice cause he always hinted when we passed a plant we were supposed to see etc. etc. in the end we finished the field trip quite early. then it started raining! booo. but the rain stopped quite sooon so we walked out of botanic gardens to take a bus to tangs. and then it started raining again O.o haha the guys so nice! lend us their umbrellas :D okay. umbrella. we bought miss sie's valentine's day present, which is lame! hahaaha. we took so long to decide what to get O.o boooo. by the time i got home my feet were aching!!

thursday was long, as usual. luckily geog was slack for me cause we were supposed to research for some thingy and my question was so short -.- in the end i spent like 1 hour talking to jiayi and so she didnt manage to finish her research xD

friday was valentine's day eve!!! 403 was HYPER. haha. dunno why also. i ran very little in pe :p and miss lim was telling us lame jokes in bio xD and chinese was slack and math was fun! haha. dance was baaaaaad, though. stretched so much! and i havent exactly stretched in a long time....... so i'm basically handicapped today :p stretch a bit more then i paralyze already... okay la. i was exaggerating. and my piano teacher just told me to buy some music encyclopedia... and when i flipped through it half of it was in latin -.- i hope it's just some printing error in her copy cause obviously i can't read latin for nuts.

today was BORING. i spent the whole day trying to figure out what the twiggy looking leaf thingy i picked up (ahem) for bio project was... ohohohoh my sis bought this box of cherry brandy (i think) chocolates (cause she thought the box looked nice -.-)!! they were quite gross at first but they tasted GOOD after a while! haha i must be an alcoholic :D

and sorry dotty/daughty/granddotty/granddaughty SEET so busy today so cannot go for candlelight/sparklerlight dinner O.o

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Posted by yann at 4:59 PM 0 comments
i'm proud to announce,
I'M DONE WITH MY COMMONWEALTH ESSAY!!!! yayayayayayyy. but i'm brain dead now after squeezing out 1380 words T.T anyway my essay is suck-ish. it's BORING when i read it haha.

havent blogged for so long! it's theoretically speaking still chinese new year!~ my chuyi and chu er this year was.... normal ._. haha. except i got to play mahjong this year; with my dad, bro, aunts and cousin(inlaw?) :D haha. i ended up with $51.80. which means I WON $1.80!!! yayayayyy. haha. my aunts are pro! apparently they play every saturday or something O.o O.o hmmmm.

wahhh. then back to school... and i realised i had so much homework to catch up on xD whoops. haha. and i just had to miss my two shortest days of the week cause of chinese new year. booooo.

oh and wednesday, we were supposed to have potluck! haha. and miss sie bought this yusheng set. that didnt have carrots and whatever is in the main part of the yusheng. but she thought it was included. haha. so we couldn't laoyusheng in the end! hahaha.

went kboxing on friday! *coughs* sang for 5 hours straight T.T okay la i was hibernating for one whole hour cause the room was too cold and i was too tired from dance! haha. maybe that's why my throat didnt hurt the next day :D anyway my bro brought his friend. haha. and she sings really high~! haha. in the end we didnt eat dinner O.o whoops. reached home at 12:30... T.T so tiiiiiiiiiired. luckily my bro's friend drove so we got a lift :D

ahemm. and i havent gotten my mum a present yet cause i forgot T.T whoooooooooooooooooops!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Posted by yann at 11:38 AM 0 comments
yeahhh! :D no school on mon and tues cause of CNY!

haha yesterday we had CNY celebrations.. 403 got second for class deco! hahaha. the fishes and the big square are so nice :D anyway our attempt to arrange the tables in a word failed. haha. we ended up arranging it back. dance was.. ahemm. haha. we all missed the first part of the music cause it was too soft T.T nvm. and i was getting more and more nervous as i danced cause the audi was so bright!! aaah. haha anyways apparently the celebrations were quite funny this year! haha. too bad i missed it ): oh and i heard the poor year 1s and 2s could not fit into the audi so they were having some potluck or something O.o oh oh gerlynn's pineapple tarts are nice!! haha.

went to thai express for lunch after that with debra, jiayi (i will start calling her jibee), janell, mingyan, rachel (shall i start calling her ritual too?), naomi and kyle joined us later! haha. okay. we were supposed to practise matlab but the com lab wasnt open so too bad :p anyways we spent so much time eating and deciding where to go for lunch that we were late for smp ^.^ whoops! haha.

smp launch was ahem. not very interesting! i was so tired i almost fell asleep xD the problem was that i was sitting near the middle in the third row (right behind the vips and teachers and stuff).... wahhh. and 1/3 the lecture theatre was filled with ri ppl -.-

yayayayayayy my mum picked me up to send me to piano after that! ahahaa. except she had to go somewhere else so i reached super early O.o which was good, considering i hadn't finished my theory homework yet :p but because she had to go somewhere else........ i had to go home myself!!!!! nooooo ): so dark. later i get kidnapped how. oh anyway on the way home some guy's ezlink card ran out of money or something so he asked me whether i had coins to change for a 2dollar note O.o except i only had 1.70 in coins and he said it was okay O.o okay. i just earned 30cents today. yeahh. maybe i can get a job standing at a busstop waiting for ppl to change money with me. at the end of a full day's worth of work i'll be able to buy.... a popsicle! yayy. ._.

Oh! we're going to jieun's house tomorrow for lunch! haha :D yeahhhhh!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Posted by yann at 7:05 PM 0 comments
went to my grandma's house to make pineapple tarts yesterday! haha. actually... my sis and mum and maid went to make pineapple tarts :D my dad was overseas and my bro went out and i didnt want to be left alone at home so i tagged along :p haha EYE POWER! aiyah. it's actually cos my other two little cousins went there too so there were three little cousins playing with dough so there wasnt enough space around the table for me to help! realllyyyy!! anyway they finished making all the pineapple tarts in the end so i guess my eye power worked! yayayayaayy

haha anyway i feasted the whole day cause i had nothing to do xD we had pizzas for lunch. actually. the pizzas were SUPPOSED to be for lunch. except i probably ate it for lunch, 2:00PM tea, 3:00PM tea, 4:00PM tea and 5:00PM tea. dinner was at 6:00PM or something :D haha.

whoosh. so tired. hmm. eye power is tiring too! so i napped throughout todayyyy. now i have lots of homework to complete T.T nooooooooo.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Posted by yann at 7:30 PM 0 comments
ahemm. i did not write the previous post! :p

kk we were supposed to be spring cleaning today O.o ahem. but nobody brought anything! hahaa. so in the end we assumed that our classroom was quite clean :p haha. and our class deco is nonexistent! ahemm.

whee! my biggest accomplishment today is smp!! haha. we figured out what the random codes all meant... programming is so freaking hard. ahem. i wonder if we will ever finish our smp project at the rate we are going xD

i am BORED. i'm supposed to be clearing homework today but nvm... x) i shall pretend i'm still emoing about my fringe. emo emo emo.

i shall do a random lame quiz!

You Are "alt"

Some people might find you to be strange, mysterious, and even a bit off putting.

You tend to be drawn to and influenced by alternative lifestyles. You're definitely not normal.

Once people get to know you, they realize you're interesting, intriguing, and very intelligent.

You have a lot of knowledge stored in that big brain of yours. Most of it is useless knowledge, but some of it is very useful.

"Most of it is useless knowledge" hah! maybe i should stop going to school now.
okay that was really random!

jibee and debra rock!

Posted by yann at 3:17 PM 0 comments

i love debra and jibee! becos they are so pro! proer than me! whee! my fringe looks weird (it is true many ppl have told me that). i love hongkong drama! especially moses!!

i have to do SMP now! bye!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Posted by yann at 9:28 PM 0 comments
omg omg omg my FRINGE. i ahem. decided to get a haircut today to cut, of all things, a FRINGE. and now it looks weird!!!! hahaaa. but i still think it looks better than my sis's :D i'm going to pin my fringe up tmr! hopefully NOBODY notices anythiiiiiiiing.

JIEUN CAME BACK TODAY!!!!!!!!!! hahaa. yayayayayayay. now nobody's missing from class! oh miss sie reassigned some math groups. now gerlynn's with kashing. xiangwen and terry i think O.o haha. and i'm with jeck and jonathan O.o except i have NO IDEA what class they're in so i have NO IDEA how we're supposed to the project and i have NO IDEA what to do for the project anyway.

my fringe really looks quite weird. O.o

wahh cny dance is rather weird! haha. i've been ponning too many lessons. so i keep forgetting random steps here and there. hmmm. nvm luckily i got the super easy steps. this is like my 2nd cny prac or something O.o O.o O.o whoops.

nononono i hope my fringe grows back before chinese new year or something. maybe if i go around looking like that i will get less angpao money or something.

Friday, January 09, 2009

Posted by yann at 9:20 PM 0 comments
hahaha :D havent blogged in such a long time!!

we had orientation one week ago! hmm. i thought it was quite fun :D maybe cause 101 is such a nice class!! haha. they listen to the OGLs when we say something :p and they are weird! haha. ahemmm. and STUART is so LAME, SAMANTHA is so NICE and WEIHAO is so NOISY --> supposed to be a compliment!! hmm. the year 3s' programme was really much more fun than the year 1's programme. hmm. slide-y (?) and battleships (?) is FUN! haha. except i wasnt really in the mood to get wet cause i forgot to bring my baby powder :p haha. so i ended up spending almost half of tuesday morning with hanisah xD xD

my timetable is EVIL!!!! the earliest day i had was 4:00PM... until i changed from HAM 1 geog to HAM 4 geog so now i get to go home at 2:30 on tuesday!!! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee(: umm. but i bet we have SMP on that day........ boooo. speaking of which, we havent touch matlab in AGES. hahaha. i forgot what all the colons, semicolons, brackets etc. mean already :/ haha and i bet dr ng would kill us!!!

haha litho diagnostic test was funny! we were supposed to critique the special effects in some movie showing a volcanic explosion, and say if they're geologically accurate or not. it just so happens that everybody forgot all about volcanoes already so we had NO IDEA what to write! haha. err. i wrote that the dog should have died. and the car should have exploded. and the other people should have died too. and lots of other crap. (all with valid geological explanations!) lalala. i hope we NEVER get the diagnostic test back.

just came back from induction night (hmm.) :D it was uh. rather boring compared to the concert xD and 102 was so noisyyyy!!!!!! NOW i know why gerald was so irritated by whatever-his-name-is. haha and i ponned piano for induction cause i was too lazy to leave school :p

oh no! have to go to the science centre tmr. which means i have to wake up early!! ):

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Posted by yann at 9:29 PM 0 comments

new year's day 2009 is a horrible, horrible day.

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