Sunday, February 01, 2009

Posted by yann at 4:59 PM
i'm proud to announce,
I'M DONE WITH MY COMMONWEALTH ESSAY!!!! yayayayayayyy. but i'm brain dead now after squeezing out 1380 words T.T anyway my essay is suck-ish. it's BORING when i read it haha.

havent blogged for so long! it's theoretically speaking still chinese new year!~ my chuyi and chu er this year was.... normal ._. haha. except i got to play mahjong this year; with my dad, bro, aunts and cousin(inlaw?) :D haha. i ended up with $51.80. which means I WON $1.80!!! yayayayyy. haha. my aunts are pro! apparently they play every saturday or something O.o O.o hmmmm.

wahhh. then back to school... and i realised i had so much homework to catch up on xD whoops. haha. and i just had to miss my two shortest days of the week cause of chinese new year. booooo.

oh and wednesday, we were supposed to have potluck! haha. and miss sie bought this yusheng set. that didnt have carrots and whatever is in the main part of the yusheng. but she thought it was included. haha. so we couldn't laoyusheng in the end! hahaha.

went kboxing on friday! *coughs* sang for 5 hours straight T.T okay la i was hibernating for one whole hour cause the room was too cold and i was too tired from dance! haha. maybe that's why my throat didnt hurt the next day :D anyway my bro brought his friend. haha. and she sings really high~! haha. in the end we didnt eat dinner O.o whoops. reached home at 12:30... T.T so tiiiiiiiiiired. luckily my bro's friend drove so we got a lift :D

ahemm. and i havent gotten my mum a present yet cause i forgot T.T whoooooooooooooooooops!

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