Monday, May 25, 2009

Posted by yann at 7:57 PM
Yanling is especially happy today :D I expected to do really badly for vectors, english and chinese; but i guess i did pretty okay for vectors and english. also... FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY NUS HIGH HISTORY, I GOT AN A FOR MY CHINESE EXAM!!!!!!!!! :D haha woohoo! i never knew my chinese was secretly so good.

went to NJC for SISC briefing today. it wasn't much of abriefing, the whole thing took only 10mins? -.^ haha. but NJC happened to be next to rgp. i haven't been there for such a long time! it was... mmhm. nostalgic? haha. now all the classrooms are all airconditioned! and they cut down the field size to build a new classroom block :p even if i had the choice, i wouldn't choose to go back to my primary school life, but it was still great being back there :D

i have to start staying in the hostel tomorrow for SISC!): this basically translates to late nights trying to complete the challenge :/ i hope i remember to bring coffee!! haha.

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