Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Posted by yann at 7:41 PM
haha. i went for geog script checking this morning! before leaving for SISC. i didn't get to see my paper... but apparently, i got A overall!! woots :D i THINK i did quite well for econs too :p both of which are surprises, because i really really really felt very bad about both papers. i guess these few weeks are my lucky weeks! haha.

i then left school for SISC. hmm. nothing much was done today. and we went to NTU for a random learning journey. it was really cold in the lecture theatre!!! ): and computer engineering sounds quite cool! if i weren't such a programming idiot, i might actually have considered computer engineering as a future career~! :D

i just reached the school's hostel. i didn't get the guest room so no aircon for me; but usually, four people share a double room with a toilet joining both rooms. but... i got the whole place to myself. which means i have four beds... haha if i'm really bored i might just sleep on one each day! it's kind of freaky here because it's really dark and empty!!!! and (fortunately) they won't let me eat hostel food so i have to get takeaways :p

time to get to work!

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