Monday, June 29, 2009

Posted by yann at 10:40 PM
Today was the first day of school! The school's really trying to avoid students having contact with each other unless they are in the same class, so I didn't really see many people today :p I'm sorry GM but I really can't find my chemistry file!

I just realised in history that i've been writing my date wrong the whole day; 290607 :/ i must still be living in the past! Wow after the first day of school, my homework pile is already that much higher! (and so are my pile of history readings)

After school, i went to meet up with my sis! :D I was released late because of history (and the timetable was pushed back to accomodate temperature-taking) so we didn't really get to walk around much. There was this really cute cow stuffed toy i wanted to get but i decided not to because i am NOT SPOILT! :p Anyway the KFC people were really nice today and drowned my cheese fries in cheese! Yum. ;p and and we decided to stop by the library and i borrowed this really funny-sounding book called "how to ditch your fairy". hahahaha.

I can't wait for my bro to come back! The first thing I want to do when he comes back is to eat and go kbox-ing! haha.

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