Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Posted by yann at 10:37 AM
my shoulders are aching from marching! i went back to school yesterday again for marching! i was late, but not the latest :p haha.

anyway i was fickle about whether i should go watch transformers, because it was going to be the 9pm show! so late D: i decided to watch it anyway in the end because... it's a long story :D so i went home first to shower (i was ALL sticky and sweaty after marching xD)! and eat dinner before getting to suntec

transformers isn't exactly what i would choose to watch normally; i'm a disney-rom com-chic flick kind of person. i would only choose transformers over like. a horror movie.

but transformers was good! :D haha. it's really exciting! i like bumblebeeee :p anyway the first part of the movie was funny! but as it neared the end it started getting pretty gory and making ppl emo. O: i hope there wasn't an extra scene after the credits cause we rushed home immediately after that!

it was so dark after the movie ended!! suntec was like. a ghost town. anyway i couldn't find the bus stop to get home xD i'm not sure if i have said this before, but suntec is the most confusing place ever! so i cabbed home in the end. i forgot about the city area surplus so...

anyway i reached home at 12+++ :/ and i purposely brought a key out so i don't have to ring the doorbell but somebody pulled the latch across so my key was rendered useless. in the end i still had to ring the doorbell and wake my maid up (which took many rings! haha xD)

yay! i don't have to go out today! so today shall be a science chronicle day. my goal for today is to successfully complete a sci-fi!!!! (yay. *tries to sound enthusiastic about it!*) the thing is... i haven't read a science fiction in ages and i have no idea how to even get a storyline out. meh. maybe transformers will give me some inspiration :P

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