Friday, January 09, 2009

Posted by yann at 9:20 PM
hahaha :D havent blogged in such a long time!!

we had orientation one week ago! hmm. i thought it was quite fun :D maybe cause 101 is such a nice class!! haha. they listen to the OGLs when we say something :p and they are weird! haha. ahemmm. and STUART is so LAME, SAMANTHA is so NICE and WEIHAO is so NOISY --> supposed to be a compliment!! hmm. the year 3s' programme was really much more fun than the year 1's programme. hmm. slide-y (?) and battleships (?) is FUN! haha. except i wasnt really in the mood to get wet cause i forgot to bring my baby powder :p haha. so i ended up spending almost half of tuesday morning with hanisah xD xD

my timetable is EVIL!!!! the earliest day i had was 4:00PM... until i changed from HAM 1 geog to HAM 4 geog so now i get to go home at 2:30 on tuesday!!! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee(: umm. but i bet we have SMP on that day........ boooo. speaking of which, we havent touch matlab in AGES. hahaha. i forgot what all the colons, semicolons, brackets etc. mean already :/ haha and i bet dr ng would kill us!!!

haha litho diagnostic test was funny! we were supposed to critique the special effects in some movie showing a volcanic explosion, and say if they're geologically accurate or not. it just so happens that everybody forgot all about volcanoes already so we had NO IDEA what to write! haha. err. i wrote that the dog should have died. and the car should have exploded. and the other people should have died too. and lots of other crap. (all with valid geological explanations!) lalala. i hope we NEVER get the diagnostic test back.

just came back from induction night (hmm.) :D it was uh. rather boring compared to the concert xD and 102 was so noisyyyy!!!!!! NOW i know why gerald was so irritated by whatever-his-name-is. haha and i ponned piano for induction cause i was too lazy to leave school :p

oh no! have to go to the science centre tmr. which means i have to wake up early!! ):

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