Friday, March 27, 2009

Posted by yann at 7:07 PM
wooooooooooo :D it feels like the holidays now! haha. to replace my suck-ish march holidays spent recovering from a horrible flu... D:

the common tests are over! i guess they were quite okay... apparently the school decided to make all our tests and assignments easier, and leave the exam to be difficult. hmm. haha but the geog test today was a little. uh.. weird. haha. i just crapped through the first question cause i have no idea what the question wants xD

O.o today was a hole-y day! haha. all the teachers all released us early! 4o mins early for PE cause drsun wasnt here... 30 mins early for bio... 30 mins early for maths... and wulaoshi had to leave class 5 mins after he entered O.o haha.

oh! they added some taiwan bubble tea at the drinks stall... haha the pearls are super chewy! and some of the flavours are quite nice actually :p BUBBLE TEA IS COOL! maybe i should go open a bubble tea shop next time. compete with sweet talk :p haha.

next week is a special week! :D *HINT HINT. HINTS SOME MORE* it really feels like the holidays now!! haha

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