Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Posted by yann at 1:08 PM
yeah hoo! mandii's backkk. haahaa.

anyway past few days have been spent muggingg. so sian now. and i did this chem exercise, and scored 35/60. how.. nice. my only consolation is that i at least passed. hahaaa.

and that was only section A. tackling section B today, and needless to say, i left practically the whole thing blankk. booo. die die die.

anyway going out with mum bro and sis later =) yayy. havent went out together in a loong lonng time. going to suntec cityy.

and on fri im going out with my bro! =) yayyye.

blah. forgot bout the ice skating todae. missed it. and if i set out now i'll prob reach at like 3. so.. no point i guess. i think. im not even sure what time it's supposed to be at =P. teesh told me to check my email.

and.. hahaaa. i kept off the com and my hp for two whole days! [xcluding today.] and im pleased to say i feel.. free. everytime i switch my phone on im half expecting somebody to call me for some weird stuff like english grammar stuff. [yes i had that like last week. blahh.] and jerdine keeps callign me for random stuff too. hahaaa. ok its not that i dont wanna help. but... its pressuring me to have ppl calling me to ask for stuff [like that night before physics test when jerdine called me and i spent 45mins explaining buoyancy or something like that] because.. wat if i told them the wrong thing. and i will be so guilty i'll prob kill myself. ok maybe not.

ok fine i was lying when i said i kept off my com for two whole days. i came on to download the exam answers from espace. and to download my jap worksheets.

and speaking of jap.. i hope i have no holiday homework! cos.. if i did, i completely forgot, and im still not remembering.

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