Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Posted by yann at 6:38 PM
my goals for today:
1. practice for dance prac.
2. dump the useless things on my table.
3. sleep by 22:15 today.

possibilities of completing tasks:
1. 40%
2. 1%
3. 70%

ok today was the best day of the holidays.

reached sch, met with other ppl, then sac came. in the meantime, ms flo was 'briefing' us.

started with icebreaker games first. both teams lost! so we all ended up with powder in our hair and drawings on our faces as a form of souveniors. so anyway derrick came and we started hiphop. i sucked today. i forgot every step the moment i went up on stage >.< no actually not every. thats relatively impossible.

ok anyway started a 2nd dance item. then went for lunch. dumped almost me whole pack away.

went back, beng came. so... we started some workshoppy thingy. first we had.. some diagonal running thing. it was damn funny. anyway the order went wrong somewhere.. and i ended up having my head in a weird position and legs barely off the ground for one of the rounds. and my head wasnt touching the other guys' but i passed anyway :P

then we had a short talk. and then car-and-driver thingy. i almost cause renee to fall. whoops!

anyway had anothershort talk. talked about.. um.. things we normally wont talk about >.< go ask some of the ppl there. its ummm.. inconvenient to blog about everything we talked about.

anyway had some actions thingy. haahaa everybody was embarrassed badly >.<

anyway it was almost 5, so we had debriefing. said ty to everybody etc. etc. then ms flo talked to us about our items. co, strings not that sure what they were doing yet. dance not complete yet. choir has a rough idea. so... auditions wont be next friday.

anyway... about 22 ppl (i think) came today. danielle renee tiancheng angela mira eeleng nicholas tiffany (yr 4) aiwei jean kelly yihui shihui farah shikin aisha jiaxin and five other someones. >.< sad to say, i only know 17 ppl.

anyway... today was okayy i supposed.

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