Friday, June 30, 2006

Posted by yann at 8:53 PM
okay im feeling slightly more emotional today. its like a whole lot of feelings put together. happy, moody, calm, angry etc. etc.

its slightly more windy today. currently sitting right beside the window. just on a chair and my laptop on my lap. the clouds moved especially fast. as in it was just there, in the middle of the sky 10 seconds ago. now its behind those houses over there. and ive got piglet beside me now. haha. i realised:

-my neighbour's currently renovating the house.
-the same neighbour has a weirdlooking light.
-both of my other neighbour's cars are gone.
-one of my neighbours just came back. like. now. he's driving into the driveway now.
-theres a plot of weird land just behind the other semidetached estate and my estate. its like not developed yet.

okay enough about the 'scenery' here. its getting warm in here. its slightly less windy now.

okay today was better than expected. our class spirit was great. (i think.)
anyway went to sch, flagraising. then the ppl came and collected money. donated all my coins. went to the audi. got a really short briefing. and the class left the audi. not together, of course. guess the 'class spirit' thing doesnt work in the morning. anyway half the class were in the audi, one quarter outside the music studio waiting for them. and another one quarter already at the station. haahaa. anyway we finally got together as a class. the floaters walked past us without noticing. haahaa.

anyway first station. some blindfolding thing. got blindfolded. and i was trying to return lewis his shoe i think. anyway we played two more times.

[oh no my sis came up and is chasing me away from the window. ): it is supposedly her di pan cos its her side of the room.]

then next station it was some dna code thingy on the paper. so we went near the bio lab part. it was quite easy. just tie legs together and walk up a flight of stairs. just that the string will tighten occasionally. but i was wearing jeans so no trouble. the girls all held hands on the concourse cos there wasnt a railing.

anyway next up was captains 'cabbage', as sab insisted. i gotta admit it was pretty fun. haahaa. but the cabbage was too light! anyway we played until the stump was smashed.

anyway got our stuff and moved on to the frog thingy game.

it was quite easy since mr ku did it with us before. anyway we beat 104's timing of 13 seconds. haahaa. so funny. we were trying and trying. it was originally 16. then 15. then 14. then 16. then 11. when lewis was chosen to guide the ppl he was like 'autorun! autorun!' dorothy came in once during the game and told us to do our class cheer.

grace almost didnt want to give us our clue! anyway begged her and she did. haahaa.

next station. water bombs thingy. only transported 2 over. the first three nelson and sz smashed. then nelson was like 'next time i count to three then you throw!' haahaa. damn funny. anyway we changed strategy and in the end one of the water bombs smashed in our gabbage bags. hahaa.

anyway next station was in the hall. roy ang made us complete the thing thrice. then we had to stop quite a few times. but overall it was great! haha.

finished early. so went for break. got a drink. [i was dehydrating] limeade, as usual. hahaa. anyway sab cheryl lynnette dan fiza hanisah came. so me and tiff had to get our class flag. the purple was so nice! but cheryl wouldnt let us get it cos it was the 'international gay colour' and the pink was pretty nice too. but got blue anyway. went to take the spray paints and other stuff in audi and started our class flag. the guys werent helping! hmph. only yuhan was building the thing. anyway we finished the flag and was focusing on building.

halfway through the guys came to help. (finally). and they balance one table on two others. and it fell and hit my leg! it didnt hurt that much but now theres a huge blueblack right there. anyway our whole thing didnt really work. so in the end we just let down the bucket and the flag was raised. haahaa. we arent exactly the brainiest class. and 105 (jy and mariel) was boasting about theirs being able to work. then whaipeng said later that the thing was out so in the end panchuen did something. so they skipped a few steps. but anyway i gotta admit, their thing was pretty good.

anyway rushed to audi and after debrief went to staffroom. shaun and jonathan were ahead of me. so anyway ger called ms cheong on her hp and she came out. the seminar rooms were used so we got the chem lab instead. anyway the test was pretty easy, only 5 marks worth of questions i wasnt confident of getting. i left 3 marks blank i think. then the 2 marks were pretty lame answers i gave. anyway it was easier than i expected. but 40/45 is only 88.88888888..%!! i need 90%. i really hope i can get a half of a mark more. hahaaa.

anyway met adeline tricia nelson on the way. went to wait for the bus together. then on the bus me adeline tricia whaipeng were talking about bryce being sissy and kosa being a poor thing etc. etc. and about how weijin and bredfad (wadever i still dunno how to spell his name) are not on good terms. put them together and a war will start. and then we were talking about kohsensei. and tricia and whaipeng insisted she hated them. then tricia insisted that she loves me alot. yeah riiight.

anyway this third lang lesson was better. i actually understood what kohsensei was saying. anyway funan took tricia's seat. and nelson was gonna take my seat. but kohsensei didnt let them cos i was originally sitting there. so nelson had to sit beside weilun, and funan had to sit beside brenda. so tricia me and adeline got to sit together again (:

anyway during break adeline me nelson went to the water cooler. and adeline was washing her hands there and wetting her brop. (btw the brop was so freaking cuute!) and me and nelson were like "brooms arent supposed to be wet. a brop has the properties of a broom." then adeline insisted brops had a mop's properties too. hahaaa.

anyway nelson said we were supposedly unscrupulous to wash our hands there. then he was like 'nvm i shall be unscrupulous too' and went to wash his hands there. -.-

anyway went back, passed the rest of the lesson really boringly. and i was like writing 'im in love with doodling' on my jap textbk. and tricia only saw the first three words cos i havent written the last two yet. but she saw the whole thing later anyway.

i was doodling and doodling in class. whoopsy.

anyway near the end i suddenly realised steph was sitting at the back of the class! i thought she wasnt here today! whoopssy!!!

anyway class ended (finally) and nelson was complaining about an antisocial weilun cos he daoed nelson in class. anyway nelson begged me to change place with him. like, would i? i would much prefer tricia and adeline to some antisocial guy thank you.

anyway i was standing there talking to tricia beside the road cos i thought my mum wasnt here yet. turned out she was waiting at the busstop already whoopsy! anyway she drove in front so i didnt have to walk all the way to the busstop. haahaa.

there isnt a moon today. and the clounds are large. im back at my window again. and its getting really windy again. time to return my sis her fan! (: the nightview's fantastic.

(aww mann shouted at the class too much today. im getting a slight uncomfortable feeling in my throat. and that reminds me. im short of 4 glasses of water.)

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