Sunday, June 11, 2006

Posted by yann at 10:01 AM
a tempo XVII was great! hahaa. ok umm..

reached there at about 7:15. went to collect the tickets then went in. chose a seat in front. anyway saw emm and fatimahh. and there was this pro flute cum picolo player. haahaa. and another pro saxophonist. wahhh. he kept soloing. haahaa. anyway the ensembles were the best. tong hua was a little boriing though. and the 4movements thingy was too.

anyway during interval went to the back of the stage. hahaa. the whole place was so crowded.

anyway a tempo ended at bout 10. then went home. reached home at 10:55. then went to watch tv till 2. mum went to pick sis up at 12:30, and she was wondering why i was still up. but i continued watching tv anyway. then went to sleeeep.

and yesterday i was so tired i slept for 5hours during the afternoon. haahaa. wasted my whole dayyy. anyway didnt do much yesterday although i brought my chem bk down.

hmmm i think im going to the library on mon to study. i cant seem to keep my hands off the tv remote and my com for more than an hour. maybe do some chem and might prepare for smo a bit if i feel like it.

anyway its pretty boring at home so i might as well spend the day at the library [and i think i might end up going window shopping instead]

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