Saturday, June 03, 2006

Posted by yann at 12:16 PM
wahh ok lets see.

yesterday.. went out and just started running along the main road. but stopped halfway cos i realised i didnt know where i was going -.- so i just turned back and turned into some weirded road thingy.

ok fine then when i reached home i jumped through the window like thingy and landed on the sofa. haahaa. remind me to move the sofa further away from the sliding door so i can WaLK through the door instead of jumping in the window.

so anyway went to eat lunch. a very gross lunch but i was starving so..

then went up to my room and just fell asleep. boooo. haahaa. and woke up remembering i still had chem. but who cares anyway =) so i just switched on the com and played neopets. yes, neopets. haahaa. damn farni. anyway i realised i had LOTS of things in my sdb. hahaaa. and that i've been neglecting my pet. its dyingg. haahaa.

anyway went off cos neopets was boriiing. and started listening to music and staring into space. heh.

anyway went back to sleep and woke up to bathe. then went down for dinner and tv. then came up again. my mum was too sleepy for chem so i went back to playing neopets. haahaa. then stopped after bout 30mins and went to sleep. couldnt fall asleep until after like.. 1.5h? i think i was disturbing mysis with all the tossing and turning i was doing.

wahhh. my life is boring.

anyway woke up todae feeling irritated cos i kept sneezing. haahaa. anyway went down and ate some dumplings. [hmm i realise we've been having dumplings quite often recently] anyway today's dumplings were not very nice. ok fine went to watch tv next. quite boriing. so i just switched on my laptop and started surfing the net. nothing much to do actually. just check my email and stuff.

wahhh this is getting boring.

im bored.

and the storybooks arent much good. quite boring. they just have a cool title and a cool cover.

hm.m. i'll go eat lunch.

[wahhh mandi's gone.]

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