Friday, June 09, 2006

Posted by yann at 9:57 AM
self restraintttt

hmm.. im currently battling bout whether or not to go online. i mean, there isnt anything to do otherwise [i mean nothing to studyyy] cos im bored of chem, and i gave up on revising for last sem. but then.. if i go online i'll feel guilty cos im supposed to do something more useful.

maybe it wasnt that bad that my internet connection went bonkers yesterday. at least i was able to keep my hands awayy from my laptop.

ok lets see..

the day before went out with mum sis bro. i told my sis to help me hold my phone. and guess what? she took my phone and changed her number from being saved under 'Jasmine HP' to 'I Love Jasmine!' haahaa. damn funni. anyway my sis bought 3 bells for a tempo and borrowed my fabric paint to write 'a tempo XVII' on each. i still think the silver one looks the nicest! hahaa.

ok im blogging while making my bed. and im spending arranging all the stuff toys than folding the stuff and everything. booo. my sis wants her stuff toys to be arraned in this particular order, so i copied it down on a paper. and every morning i just refer to it. hahaaa.

yayy its raining now. i love rainy days. but i like the sun when im outside. hahaaa.

anyway going out with bro laterr.

wahhh this is boriiiing.

theres nothing to do.

not even homework.
-sigh- at least homework's better than sitting around and rotting.

i swear the decomposers will die of overwork.

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