Monday, June 12, 2006

Posted by yann at 6:14 PM
lala left house for the library at about 12, with my sis. but we took diff. busstops though. she wanted to go to the ew line but i wanted the ns line. but we took the same bus number anyway, just in diff directions. haaha.

anyway reached that before 1, so.. i decided to tour around the mall for a *short* while. saw nice clothes and everything. and *finally* reached the library. after.. lets say... no less than 15mins. [the walk's supposed to take only 2mins.]

reached the library and was lugging my chem books plus bio file up the stairs. and found a seat!! yayy. i was worrying about the lack of seats in the library. anyway sat down, was really noisy while rummaging through my bag, and i think i disturbed the other person beside me. but anyway, finally settled down and started on my chem txtbk, then went the do the problems behind, then got bored of chem. and started on bio. went through the exam paper, decided i needed to revise third lecture, but didnt anyway. went to look for some books and began reading this one on vampires. laalaa. spent 1 hour doing that. so.. i didnt go to the library to study after all. anyway decided the book was nice so i borrowed it. then i went back to my seat and was considering what to do next and started staring at my chem book. anyway went to get more books, and borrowed all of them. and then decided to go home.

reached home at about 5.. then my mum replied to my sms asking her whether i could go to the library. and luckily it was a yes.

ate 2 oranges after i got home. haahaa. and went to bathe. and now im gonna start on my vampire book again.


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