Friday, June 16, 2006

Posted by yann at 8:27 PM
haii. school's reopening soon. that means... homework. and that reminds me. i havent give axis a single thought. time to start. get the creative juices flowing. [yeah like that's gonna ever happen]

20th march. teambuilding with sac.
23rd march. dance prac possibly with sac.
24th march. smo. probably not going for bbq.

26th march. sch reopens. aka hell.

haii. my mind is so used to tv, tv and story books everyday, im really not sure if she can get used to schoolwork anymore. my brain's like... *knocks on my head* empty. and absolutely unwilling to fill itself up starting 26th.

time for homework, homework and more homework.

no time for books anymore, except textbooks, that is.

and chinese starting again. im really sick of chinese now. im not even trying to do well. i mean,
1. i really dont want my english to deprove anymore
2. im plain bored of chinese lessons.
3. i really dont really like chinese.

but then again... i cant afford to let my grades fall anymore. haiii. i barely got an a last sem. any slips and i'll have a b+ soon.

wahhh. im really nervous about the teambuilding exercise coming tuesday. its like... im meeting ppl ive never met before. and just about a month later im supposed to dance alongside them. this is... nervewrecking. and i dont know why im feeling like this at all. maybe its just because im afraid to make all the mistakes when we're doing our dance; because im so lousy and everything compared to everyone else.

oh yah that reminds me. i need new track pants.

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