Friday, June 02, 2006

Posted by yann at 9:40 AM
i swear im the most pressurized kid of the century.

ok that was an exaggeration.

anyway this morning woke up.. remembered i had to do chem... so i was reciting the chem stuff my mum wrote. haahaa. and i never fail to wake my sis in the process. anyway after i finished i went to do the assignments my mum made me do for practice [3 questions only. haahaa] then i realised i think my mum wrote something wrongly. started with sulphate then went on to sulphide. wahaahaa one less question to do.

anyway went to do my textbook next. then my sis saw then she was like 'your life is so sad. early in the morning recite chem thing and still do chem textbook.' like its my choice. anyway im gonna slack the whole afternoon so it's only right to study a little in the morning and just make mummy happy. haahaa.

ok fine then went online cos i realised i didnt know how to do some questions. then jiahui started asking me about my grades and stuff like that. aaaah! im so pressurized by her. its the holidays leh! still make me think about the exams.

anyway im currently dying of heat cos i used the powerpoint of my fan to charge my hp. now im trying to survive without a fan. haahaa.

anyway im so in love with the neos i took yesterday! i kept staring at them in my wallet. haahaa. ok maybe just once this morning. not as mad as to take it out every second.

boo im damn bored. maybe i'll go exercise later. i hate staying at home. and my sis isnt talking to me =( she's listening to some weird song for the hundredth time and she's not bored of it. haahaa.

wahhh i dont think im going for 8th june. nobody's gonna be there! manda isnt even going! then everybody else isnt going either! the only person i know going is evan. and possibly sam. heh.

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