Friday, June 30, 2006

Posted by yann at 8:53 PM 0 comments
okay im feeling slightly more emotional today. its like a whole lot of feelings put together. happy, moody, calm, angry etc. etc.

its slightly more windy today. currently sitting right beside the window. just on a chair and my laptop on my lap. the clouds moved especially fast. as in it was just there, in the middle of the sky 10 seconds ago. now its behind those houses over there. and ive got piglet beside me now. haha. i realised:

-my neighbour's currently renovating the house.
-the same neighbour has a weirdlooking light.
-both of my other neighbour's cars are gone.
-one of my neighbours just came back. like. now. he's driving into the driveway now.
-theres a plot of weird land just behind the other semidetached estate and my estate. its like not developed yet.

okay enough about the 'scenery' here. its getting warm in here. its slightly less windy now.

okay today was better than expected. our class spirit was great. (i think.)
anyway went to sch, flagraising. then the ppl came and collected money. donated all my coins. went to the audi. got a really short briefing. and the class left the audi. not together, of course. guess the 'class spirit' thing doesnt work in the morning. anyway half the class were in the audi, one quarter outside the music studio waiting for them. and another one quarter already at the station. haahaa. anyway we finally got together as a class. the floaters walked past us without noticing. haahaa.

anyway first station. some blindfolding thing. got blindfolded. and i was trying to return lewis his shoe i think. anyway we played two more times.

[oh no my sis came up and is chasing me away from the window. ): it is supposedly her di pan cos its her side of the room.]

then next station it was some dna code thingy on the paper. so we went near the bio lab part. it was quite easy. just tie legs together and walk up a flight of stairs. just that the string will tighten occasionally. but i was wearing jeans so no trouble. the girls all held hands on the concourse cos there wasnt a railing.

anyway next up was captains 'cabbage', as sab insisted. i gotta admit it was pretty fun. haahaa. but the cabbage was too light! anyway we played until the stump was smashed.

anyway got our stuff and moved on to the frog thingy game.

it was quite easy since mr ku did it with us before. anyway we beat 104's timing of 13 seconds. haahaa. so funny. we were trying and trying. it was originally 16. then 15. then 14. then 16. then 11. when lewis was chosen to guide the ppl he was like 'autorun! autorun!' dorothy came in once during the game and told us to do our class cheer.

grace almost didnt want to give us our clue! anyway begged her and she did. haahaa.

next station. water bombs thingy. only transported 2 over. the first three nelson and sz smashed. then nelson was like 'next time i count to three then you throw!' haahaa. damn funny. anyway we changed strategy and in the end one of the water bombs smashed in our gabbage bags. hahaa.

anyway next station was in the hall. roy ang made us complete the thing thrice. then we had to stop quite a few times. but overall it was great! haha.

finished early. so went for break. got a drink. [i was dehydrating] limeade, as usual. hahaa. anyway sab cheryl lynnette dan fiza hanisah came. so me and tiff had to get our class flag. the purple was so nice! but cheryl wouldnt let us get it cos it was the 'international gay colour' and the pink was pretty nice too. but got blue anyway. went to take the spray paints and other stuff in audi and started our class flag. the guys werent helping! hmph. only yuhan was building the thing. anyway we finished the flag and was focusing on building.

halfway through the guys came to help. (finally). and they balance one table on two others. and it fell and hit my leg! it didnt hurt that much but now theres a huge blueblack right there. anyway our whole thing didnt really work. so in the end we just let down the bucket and the flag was raised. haahaa. we arent exactly the brainiest class. and 105 (jy and mariel) was boasting about theirs being able to work. then whaipeng said later that the thing was out so in the end panchuen did something. so they skipped a few steps. but anyway i gotta admit, their thing was pretty good.

anyway rushed to audi and after debrief went to staffroom. shaun and jonathan were ahead of me. so anyway ger called ms cheong on her hp and she came out. the seminar rooms were used so we got the chem lab instead. anyway the test was pretty easy, only 5 marks worth of questions i wasnt confident of getting. i left 3 marks blank i think. then the 2 marks were pretty lame answers i gave. anyway it was easier than i expected. but 40/45 is only 88.88888888..%!! i need 90%. i really hope i can get a half of a mark more. hahaaa.

anyway met adeline tricia nelson on the way. went to wait for the bus together. then on the bus me adeline tricia whaipeng were talking about bryce being sissy and kosa being a poor thing etc. etc. and about how weijin and bredfad (wadever i still dunno how to spell his name) are not on good terms. put them together and a war will start. and then we were talking about kohsensei. and tricia and whaipeng insisted she hated them. then tricia insisted that she loves me alot. yeah riiight.

anyway this third lang lesson was better. i actually understood what kohsensei was saying. anyway funan took tricia's seat. and nelson was gonna take my seat. but kohsensei didnt let them cos i was originally sitting there. so nelson had to sit beside weilun, and funan had to sit beside brenda. so tricia me and adeline got to sit together again (:

anyway during break adeline me nelson went to the water cooler. and adeline was washing her hands there and wetting her brop. (btw the brop was so freaking cuute!) and me and nelson were like "brooms arent supposed to be wet. a brop has the properties of a broom." then adeline insisted brops had a mop's properties too. hahaaa.

anyway nelson said we were supposedly unscrupulous to wash our hands there. then he was like 'nvm i shall be unscrupulous too' and went to wash his hands there. -.-

anyway went back, passed the rest of the lesson really boringly. and i was like writing 'im in love with doodling' on my jap textbk. and tricia only saw the first three words cos i havent written the last two yet. but she saw the whole thing later anyway.

i was doodling and doodling in class. whoopsy.

anyway near the end i suddenly realised steph was sitting at the back of the class! i thought she wasnt here today! whoopssy!!!

anyway class ended (finally) and nelson was complaining about an antisocial weilun cos he daoed nelson in class. anyway nelson begged me to change place with him. like, would i? i would much prefer tricia and adeline to some antisocial guy thank you.

anyway i was standing there talking to tricia beside the road cos i thought my mum wasnt here yet. turned out she was waiting at the busstop already whoopsy! anyway she drove in front so i didnt have to walk all the way to the busstop. haahaa.

there isnt a moon today. and the clounds are large. im back at my window again. and its getting really windy again. time to return my sis her fan! (: the nightview's fantastic.

(aww mann shouted at the class too much today. im getting a slight uncomfortable feeling in my throat. and that reminds me. im short of 4 glasses of water.)

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Posted by yann at 10:01 PM 0 comments
have been really busy for the past few days. and finally today im done with hw due tmr and im taking time off chem.

ok.. um.. [events arranged in chronological order (: ]

- happy school reopening (not)
- met jy cleo janelle and everybody else! <3
- new maths and english teacher. the class wasnt too happy with our new maths teacher.
- got two english 'projects'
- another lunchless day
- pe was boring
- end of monday
- two math period today. everybody was groaning.
- had ms chua for history!! haahaa. and the guys had to let ms chua know that we know about the chocolates. ):
- was split into grps according to chocies. got zongxuan funan ryan. uh-huh. im really not too sure about the teamwork.
- tiff joined fibo cheerleading
- chem was okay. yayy! ms cheong's still teaching us! (:
- wats after that?

- oh yeah was being lame with the lizard, the fish, and (the) jiayu. and stephanie.
- stayed to wait for mummy i think.
- mugged till 11 cos chem test was tmr.
- end of tuesday.
- ms cheong said chem test postponed to friday. janelle was unhappy cos she didnt like me to be totured any further
- higher chinese to start the day. ):
- omg!!! mr wee!!!!! yayy! [but he claimed he was only reliefing for our absent female physics teacher. and 105 thinks we're lucky cos we didnt get ms ang. but look who got mr ku? ): ]
- ms chua again! haahaa. pretty interesting. but i was still worried about the hist project ):
- mentoring. donovan came and 'mentor'. but seriously, the guys were too noisy so we couldnt really hear what he was saying.
- discussed for fri. guys not helping. ): got rough idea out, but i swear it wont work. [yeah i came up with original. then lynnette change here change there.]
- lunch with 105 ppl again.
- dance. new dance steps. not much diff. at the moment.
- rush rush rush to catch the bus. but bus driver not there -.-
- tricia couldnt sit with us during jap cos the place was taken by some guy from some sch. ):
- i couldnt understand what kohsensei was saying at all during jap. [didnt study for lesson 8]
- almost failed jap quiz. 6/10. damn! i should have mugged jap too rather than mug for chem only.
- was counting down to break and dismissal with adeline.
- during break rushed to buy jap bk. queue too long so i decided not to buy.
- 1min before break ended the queue was leftwith 2 ppl. whaipeng and nelson accompanied me to bkshop.
- thought would be late for class but kohsensei came back late.
- dismissal.
- didnt do chem. was doing jap hw and chinese hw.
- end of wednesday.
- 101 merged with 105 and 106 today in the concourse (haahaa)
- mr sukanda(r?) said to announce to the class that i.s. lessons will be in chem lab 2.
- higher chinese to start the day again.
- laoshi needed ppl to take the key. so lewis nelson tiff me take turns.
- during break we were discussing for fri.
- almost the whole class went to i.s. together. almost "squeezed" in lift. [haahaa only like 10ppl?]
- was practising dance steps with tiff outside the lab.
- did some weird stufff in first activity during i.s. played with oobleck in the second. lynnette almost dumped a whole lot on my polo tee!
- asked for more corn starch for ooblecking!
- was discussing about potato chips with mr sukanda(r?). he said ruffles was nicer. but honestly, lays sour cream n onion is nicer!
- lunch.
- lit enrich. class of 11 ppl. tiff sat in cos she was bored. she missed loci because of that! haiii.
- nelson was feeling lost cos everybody read the bk before so we were discussing it as an introduction.
- break for 2hours. played 7-up. tiff had to sing as forfeit. i had to stare at a guy for 10secs for forfeit -.- andafter that jy was like, 'ok from now on no more forfeit.' hurh! so obvious she wanted to toture me! ):
- no place in 3d art so.. to bad?
- went to library with hanisah.
- escaped in time from a game of truth or dare with fangyi luxi divya timothy, thanks to tingan (: i caused her to fall because of that! oh no! sorry sorry sorry.
- did some jap and went to canteen cos library was closing.
- wanted the lime thingy ice cream but bought the wrong one cos i took the first ice cream pack that i saw which had a lime green packet. ended up with some jelly thingy.
- waited waited waited for mummy. then i got pretty irritated with ******** and shouted at him. whoopsy! sorry sorry sorry.
- was talking to chicken little janelle tifff in the concourse before mummy came.
- end of thursday.

random (or not-so-random) stuff:
- im stressed just on the 1st week. my mum said it's cos the teachers thought we were recharged after the holidays.
- i caught a beetle in paper and threw it out the window. not before it got onto my hair. (gross!) i was screaming and screaming *widens eyes in innocence* and my sis told me to 'shut up' hahaaa
- my jap is dying.
- my chem shouldnt be able to accelerate.
- i have no more stuff to study for chem.
- im closer to 105 ppl than to 106 ppl.
- im dehydrating.
- i shrank from 158 to 157cm. and nelson was just saying he grew x cm taller, where x is a positive integer not less than 3. he was saying that in my face. hmph!
- jy said she didnt grow. but i shrank! (see the diff.?)
- h. chinese is realyl hard. im deproving. fast.

-end of story cos the 'low battery' thing just appeared-

Friday, June 23, 2006

Posted by yann at 2:42 PM 0 comments
went to school this morning. reached at about 7:45. went to the canteen to do some reading and some work. the teachers were all rushing everywhere preparing for a certain major event, which unfortunately, i havent heard anything of. anyway eeleng was already in the canteen, then after a while weilin came. 8:50 went to the hall and saw danielle mira joa and fen.

sat in the dance studio slacking cos a lot of ppl werent here yet. started prac only at about 9:30 (or later) i think. anyway started on a new dance. quite easy actually. only 2 parts that were a little tough.

anyway joa pulled my leg (literally), or rather, my sock. and i was trying not to scream (imagine how you would feel if suddenly something tugged at your leg) but the scream came out anyway. luckily it wasnt too loud.

after dance prac went home immediately cos i was hungry :p slept on the bus and my neck hurt a little now.

reached home... took a shower. and... the power tripped while i was bathing. >.< so.. no heater. and i had to turn the tap to the largest to get half the water supply of what i normally would get. anyway came out freezing and came down expecting lunch :p

but... apparently auntie thought i was done with lunch. ): now im freezing and starving. and im still not getting any lunch.

hmm. forget it. i shall pretend im on a diet. (yeah riight)

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Posted by yann at 9:00 PM 0 comments
oh no. im feeling guilty about not giving a single thought to axis. but seriously, i cant think of anything to work on. but if i stick to the original idea... well... im not too sure...

yayy! finally managed to convince myself to practise dance. haahaa.

anyway... had a pretty boring day today. very boring, in fact. and theres nobody online to talk to! where did everybody gooooo...?

haii school's reopening soon.
very soon.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Posted by yann at 6:38 PM 0 comments
my goals for today:
1. practice for dance prac.
2. dump the useless things on my table.
3. sleep by 22:15 today.

possibilities of completing tasks:
1. 40%
2. 1%
3. 70%

ok today was the best day of the holidays.

reached sch, met with other ppl, then sac came. in the meantime, ms flo was 'briefing' us.

started with icebreaker games first. both teams lost! so we all ended up with powder in our hair and drawings on our faces as a form of souveniors. so anyway derrick came and we started hiphop. i sucked today. i forgot every step the moment i went up on stage >.< no actually not every. thats relatively impossible.

ok anyway started a 2nd dance item. then went for lunch. dumped almost me whole pack away.

went back, beng came. so... we started some workshoppy thingy. first we had.. some diagonal running thing. it was damn funny. anyway the order went wrong somewhere.. and i ended up having my head in a weird position and legs barely off the ground for one of the rounds. and my head wasnt touching the other guys' but i passed anyway :P

then we had a short talk. and then car-and-driver thingy. i almost cause renee to fall. whoops!

anyway had anothershort talk. talked about.. um.. things we normally wont talk about >.< go ask some of the ppl there. its ummm.. inconvenient to blog about everything we talked about.

anyway had some actions thingy. haahaa everybody was embarrassed badly >.<

anyway it was almost 5, so we had debriefing. said ty to everybody etc. etc. then ms flo talked to us about our items. co, strings not that sure what they were doing yet. dance not complete yet. choir has a rough idea. so... auditions wont be next friday.

anyway... about 22 ppl (i think) came today. danielle renee tiancheng angela mira eeleng nicholas tiffany (yr 4) aiwei jean kelly yihui shihui farah shikin aisha jiaxin and five other someones. >.< sad to say, i only know 17 ppl.

anyway... today was okayy i supposed.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Posted by yann at 6:59 PM 0 comments
i should seriously get more sleep. all the keeping late nights stuff is already showing on my face. and im feeling tired at 10 in the morning. not the 'havent wake up' kind of tired. its the 'i can sleep for the whole day if i want to' kind of tired.

and im not even up studying for chem or anything.

i hate it.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Posted by yann at 10:44 AM 0 comments
had a nice long sleep yesterday. sang myself to sleep. actually my sis sang me to sleep. she was singing jay chou's song. haahaa.


Friday, June 16, 2006

Posted by yann at 10:46 PM 0 comments
you know...

i keep wondering why i have all these kinds of demoralising thoughts. maybe its a lack of confidence.
or maybe its just because im not as good as everybody else. thats why i keep worrying about everything. im not as good as everybody else.

so i worry to convince myself that i am doing something about it. but who am i deceiving? nothing's gonna happen if i worry my whole life away or something.

but its instinctive. its like.. something's just there saying im the dumbest lousiest person on earth.

and i cant helpt believing it.

because thats what i've known since... forever.

im not as good as everybody else

if i were to just ignore and just shrug that feeling off.

if only it was that easy.

its like if i ever put that feeling down... a whole part of my life just sort of disintegrates.

because thats what i have been believing.

the whole world is sudddenly going in the other direction. and i currently have two seconds to adapt to it.
Posted by yann at 8:27 PM 0 comments
haii. school's reopening soon. that means... homework. and that reminds me. i havent give axis a single thought. time to start. get the creative juices flowing. [yeah like that's gonna ever happen]

20th march. teambuilding with sac.
23rd march. dance prac possibly with sac.
24th march. smo. probably not going for bbq.

26th march. sch reopens. aka hell.

haii. my mind is so used to tv, tv and story books everyday, im really not sure if she can get used to schoolwork anymore. my brain's like... *knocks on my head* empty. and absolutely unwilling to fill itself up starting 26th.

time for homework, homework and more homework.

no time for books anymore, except textbooks, that is.

and chinese starting again. im really sick of chinese now. im not even trying to do well. i mean,
1. i really dont want my english to deprove anymore
2. im plain bored of chinese lessons.
3. i really dont really like chinese.

but then again... i cant afford to let my grades fall anymore. haiii. i barely got an a last sem. any slips and i'll have a b+ soon.

wahhh. im really nervous about the teambuilding exercise coming tuesday. its like... im meeting ppl ive never met before. and just about a month later im supposed to dance alongside them. this is... nervewrecking. and i dont know why im feeling like this at all. maybe its just because im afraid to make all the mistakes when we're doing our dance; because im so lousy and everything compared to everyone else.

oh yah that reminds me. i need new track pants.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Posted by yann at 7:45 PM 0 comments
[this was a dialogue between me and SOMEBODY called mandi =)]

Lalala im damn bored. Im currently waiting for SOMEBODY to complete wrapping her
present. Hurry somebody.


Cos I wanna go home larr. Must get home before my mum does!!

You didn't tell her you were going out?!

I did.. but im not sure if she heard. I dunno la. But its considered late if I
get home AFTER she does.

What time does she normally get back

Six I think. If im not wrong.


I know... why do you think im hurrying you?!?

Am currently looking for the beginning of my tape. Stop typing to me.

Who asked you to type back.

Hurryy tape that thing. And btw I MIGHT squash it.

Squash it for all I care, it DESERVES to be squashed.

Its just a PRESENT. Squashing it wont squash the person its meant for

You're right.

For once.

Im ALWAYS right k.

So deluded...

Bleahh. Daos you.

Whatever the hell la xD


I thought you were daoing me.


... eh.



Im gonna post this on my blog or something.


Laalaa. Wait send to my email first.
Posted by yann at 7:22 PM 0 comments
left house at about 10 today to meet mandi =) reached queenstown at about 10:45 and called mandi to come. and on the way to queens we stopped at ntuc for cup noodles.

after that spent some time in queens because of sometime very idiotic. and after that went to the gym. spent not much time there, so wasnt too tired.

went back to queens and went to bathe. realised i use the same showering foam as glenn. haha. anyway after that spent some time talking to a-gong. and after he was gone, ate cup noodles. and then watched some movies/videos while pigging out on chips etc. watched... grave of the fireflies. i think it was a studio ghibli production. looked SO like howl and spirited away. anyway after that watched some videos of mandi and denise and glen etc.

anyway got bored and went to play the com, and left the chips to mandi's cousin. [who was damn cute!] anyway went online and started asking nelson bout the class webpage etc. etc. and decided i might miss the class bbq after all. i mean, NOBODY's doing anything about it. and if we just cancel the whole thing... ms koh's gonna be angry. so... hafizah might rush all the planning out.. and lynnette wants the thing at HER condo. aww mann. its like in the north.. and almost everybody lives along the east west line. and.. coincidentally, lynnette's condo is my old condo. haahaa. castle green. [and it isnt one bit green.] and well.. it IS pretty near yck mrt.

anyway while i was chatting online mandi was wrapping a prezzie. and she said *** was an s-whole [umm its pretty obvious what that is] . never seen her THAT agitated before. freakk la.

anyway denise was nice. haahaa =) and glenn was unusually courteous when i left.

lalaa reached home at bout 6+. before my mum. yeah! anyway expected to see my sis, but unfortunately she only came home just now cos she went to bake cookies. -.^

laalaa. funn today. got my presents from mandi =) was trying to attach the bracelet to my phone ,but in the end gave up. decided to put it on my pencil case [along with the clover] instead.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Posted by yann at 6:14 PM 0 comments
lala left house for the library at about 12, with my sis. but we took diff. busstops though. she wanted to go to the ew line but i wanted the ns line. but we took the same bus number anyway, just in diff directions. haaha.

anyway reached that before 1, so.. i decided to tour around the mall for a *short* while. saw nice clothes and everything. and *finally* reached the library. after.. lets say... no less than 15mins. [the walk's supposed to take only 2mins.]

reached the library and was lugging my chem books plus bio file up the stairs. and found a seat!! yayy. i was worrying about the lack of seats in the library. anyway sat down, was really noisy while rummaging through my bag, and i think i disturbed the other person beside me. but anyway, finally settled down and started on my chem txtbk, then went the do the problems behind, then got bored of chem. and started on bio. went through the exam paper, decided i needed to revise third lecture, but didnt anyway. went to look for some books and began reading this one on vampires. laalaa. spent 1 hour doing that. so.. i didnt go to the library to study after all. anyway decided the book was nice so i borrowed it. then i went back to my seat and was considering what to do next and started staring at my chem book. anyway went to get more books, and borrowed all of them. and then decided to go home.

reached home at about 5.. then my mum replied to my sms asking her whether i could go to the library. and luckily it was a yes.

ate 2 oranges after i got home. haahaa. and went to bathe. and now im gonna start on my vampire book again.


Sunday, June 11, 2006

Posted by yann at 1:24 PM 0 comments
mush mash moosh. haahaa

anyway was pretty mad today. ok maybe not THAT angry. [at least im still blogging] but not very happi either. anyway i dont even know who im angry at. im just angry for no particular reason. [i think.]

anyway woke up this morning to, finally, not dumplings! yayy. im sick of dumplings.

ok next watched tv. then eedeotic mosquitoes came around so i plugged the mortein thingy in. haahaa. it works wonders! just take pretty long to get the thing around the whole room. mozziesbefree.

anyway after lunch was being pretty random and remembering weird things. like jo, about the connection between nus high and mush. haahaa. maybe this's what happens when you get older, and getting Alzheimer's disease or something. [oh no~!]

and here i am.. sitting down on the floor blogging. damn boring. i should have went out with my mum just now. it beats rotting at home.

maybe thats a sign for me to start chem

and i finally realised the connection between theodor toble and toblerone
Posted by yann at 10:01 AM 0 comments
a tempo XVII was great! hahaa. ok umm..

reached there at about 7:15. went to collect the tickets then went in. chose a seat in front. anyway saw emm and fatimahh. and there was this pro flute cum picolo player. haahaa. and another pro saxophonist. wahhh. he kept soloing. haahaa. anyway the ensembles were the best. tong hua was a little boriing though. and the 4movements thingy was too.

anyway during interval went to the back of the stage. hahaa. the whole place was so crowded.

anyway a tempo ended at bout 10. then went home. reached home at 10:55. then went to watch tv till 2. mum went to pick sis up at 12:30, and she was wondering why i was still up. but i continued watching tv anyway. then went to sleeeep.

and yesterday i was so tired i slept for 5hours during the afternoon. haahaa. wasted my whole dayyy. anyway didnt do much yesterday although i brought my chem bk down.

hmmm i think im going to the library on mon to study. i cant seem to keep my hands off the tv remote and my com for more than an hour. maybe do some chem and might prepare for smo a bit if i feel like it.

anyway its pretty boring at home so i might as well spend the day at the library [and i think i might end up going window shopping instead]

Friday, June 09, 2006

Posted by yann at 3:00 PM 0 comments
bored bored bored bored

went to check the smo second round name list. guess i'll be seeing rebecca and xiaowei soon. haahaa. anyway checked the rgs seniors..casatrina and rachel. no sign of liting. boo. haii i miss rgp wind symphony '05. ok yeah i wasnt THAT attached to it. but it was a fun bunch of ppl around. and the seniors would come back and visit uss. boo.

and i still remember summerdreams. haahaaa i was sweating and sweating under the stage lights. and they were so bright. and then i remember the scuffle to get our instrus. and percussions quarrelling with the saxes about them taking up too much space with their instrus etc. and then the clarinets always sat in one corner chatting and waiting for the percussions to finish, or the juniors will rush to the cupboards inside the instru rm before the percussions move their drums in. and then during break evan and pam will teach me to use sam's drum and the bass drum. band was funnnn.

and the eoy party wasnt too bad. everybody sat in a circle and played gamess. and went to the canteen to eat the food the teachers ordered for us. haahaa.

anyway smo clashes with class bbq, so im thinking of skipping it. but i dont really feel like skipping it. it will be funn. [i hope.] and i wonder who will do the bbqing.

anyway.. smo. ok umm. i was really tyco and stuff... and i almost died when i saw 'full solutions are required' in the 2nd round. im so dead. i cant really present my solutions properly cos... i just cant. anyway i dont expect prizes or anything so im just taking it as it comes.

anyway cant wait for holidays to end. im sick of this boredom. because i will be wondering why im so free and i'll be anxious all over again to do some revising.

ok im not making sense to me.
Posted by yann at 9:57 AM 0 comments
self restraintttt

hmm.. im currently battling bout whether or not to go online. i mean, there isnt anything to do otherwise [i mean nothing to studyyy] cos im bored of chem, and i gave up on revising for last sem. but then.. if i go online i'll feel guilty cos im supposed to do something more useful.

maybe it wasnt that bad that my internet connection went bonkers yesterday. at least i was able to keep my hands awayy from my laptop.

ok lets see..

the day before went out with mum sis bro. i told my sis to help me hold my phone. and guess what? she took my phone and changed her number from being saved under 'Jasmine HP' to 'I Love Jasmine!' haahaa. damn funni. anyway my sis bought 3 bells for a tempo and borrowed my fabric paint to write 'a tempo XVII' on each. i still think the silver one looks the nicest! hahaa.

ok im blogging while making my bed. and im spending arranging all the stuff toys than folding the stuff and everything. booo. my sis wants her stuff toys to be arraned in this particular order, so i copied it down on a paper. and every morning i just refer to it. hahaaa.

yayy its raining now. i love rainy days. but i like the sun when im outside. hahaaa.

anyway going out with bro laterr.

wahhh this is boriiiing.

theres nothing to do.

not even homework.
-sigh- at least homework's better than sitting around and rotting.

i swear the decomposers will die of overwork.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Posted by yann at 1:08 PM 0 comments
yeah hoo! mandii's backkk. haahaa.

anyway past few days have been spent muggingg. so sian now. and i did this chem exercise, and scored 35/60. how.. nice. my only consolation is that i at least passed. hahaaa.

and that was only section A. tackling section B today, and needless to say, i left practically the whole thing blankk. booo. die die die.

anyway going out with mum bro and sis later =) yayy. havent went out together in a loong lonng time. going to suntec cityy.

and on fri im going out with my bro! =) yayyye.

blah. forgot bout the ice skating todae. missed it. and if i set out now i'll prob reach at like 3. so.. no point i guess. i think. im not even sure what time it's supposed to be at =P. teesh told me to check my email.

and.. hahaaa. i kept off the com and my hp for two whole days! [xcluding today.] and im pleased to say i feel.. free. everytime i switch my phone on im half expecting somebody to call me for some weird stuff like english grammar stuff. [yes i had that like last week. blahh.] and jerdine keeps callign me for random stuff too. hahaaa. ok its not that i dont wanna help. but... its pressuring me to have ppl calling me to ask for stuff [like that night before physics test when jerdine called me and i spent 45mins explaining buoyancy or something like that] because.. wat if i told them the wrong thing. and i will be so guilty i'll prob kill myself. ok maybe not.

ok fine i was lying when i said i kept off my com for two whole days. i came on to download the exam answers from espace. and to download my jap worksheets.

and speaking of jap.. i hope i have no holiday homework! cos.. if i did, i completely forgot, and im still not remembering.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Posted by yann at 12:02 PM 0 comments
oh shoot. after one week of slacking, its rush rush rush. i realised ive got lots of things to do during the holidays. [im even starting to type faster now. haahaa.]

ok firstly, chem. wahh. i'll be really disappointed if i fail the accelaration test. so.. i guess i shall have to work harder. realised im about done with the concepts and everything, but my mum says i need more practise. haahaa. but seriously, i think im not done yet. i mean, i feel so not confident about passing the test. booo.

ok next.. i made a deal with tiffany to revise last sem's work and battle it out next sem. hahaaa. to see who has a higher cap next sem. wahh. pressure pressure. but i suppose it'll be ok if i work harder =).. IF and ONLY if i work harder. sighs.

and.. i've got a pile of books on my table to finish by two weeks. dont ask me why. i jsut like finishing everything rather than keep stuff to the beginning of sch. in fact, im planning to slog these two weeks and have my share of fun in week four of the holidays. but then again, 'fun' wont be much fun.

next.. i ve got dance to practise. fine fine i admit august isnt very far, and im so sure i'll get stage fright. wahhh. [ok fine i know there are bout 15 other ppl on stage, but that isnt the point.] the fact is, i CANT go up and dance. and... not in heels. im gonna sprain my ankle again or something. i swear i cant twirl properly in heels. and then theres the combined dance with.. some international sch, or is it acsi? ok i dont know. but theres just this combined dance. and we only have 2 more months to get the dance out. and then theres the jump-splits thingys and the leg thingys to practise too. wahh.

and i got more dvds. haahaa. i guess these two weeks wont be all slogging time then.hahaa. i shall leave some time to have a little fun slacking.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Posted by yann at 12:16 PM 0 comments
wahh ok lets see.

yesterday.. went out and just started running along the main road. but stopped halfway cos i realised i didnt know where i was going -.- so i just turned back and turned into some weirded road thingy.

ok fine then when i reached home i jumped through the window like thingy and landed on the sofa. haahaa. remind me to move the sofa further away from the sliding door so i can WaLK through the door instead of jumping in the window.

so anyway went to eat lunch. a very gross lunch but i was starving so..

then went up to my room and just fell asleep. boooo. haahaa. and woke up remembering i still had chem. but who cares anyway =) so i just switched on the com and played neopets. yes, neopets. haahaa. damn farni. anyway i realised i had LOTS of things in my sdb. hahaaa. and that i've been neglecting my pet. its dyingg. haahaa.

anyway went off cos neopets was boriiing. and started listening to music and staring into space. heh.

anyway went back to sleep and woke up to bathe. then went down for dinner and tv. then came up again. my mum was too sleepy for chem so i went back to playing neopets. haahaa. then stopped after bout 30mins and went to sleep. couldnt fall asleep until after like.. 1.5h? i think i was disturbing mysis with all the tossing and turning i was doing.

wahhh. my life is boring.

anyway woke up todae feeling irritated cos i kept sneezing. haahaa. anyway went down and ate some dumplings. [hmm i realise we've been having dumplings quite often recently] anyway today's dumplings were not very nice. ok fine went to watch tv next. quite boriing. so i just switched on my laptop and started surfing the net. nothing much to do actually. just check my email and stuff.

wahhh this is getting boring.

im bored.

and the storybooks arent much good. quite boring. they just have a cool title and a cool cover.

hm.m. i'll go eat lunch.

[wahhh mandi's gone.]

Friday, June 02, 2006

Posted by yann at 1:43 PM 0 comments
haahaa i emailed my mum bout the weird question. then she was 'not weird... just that your skill's not there yet.' booo. fine fine i'll try again sometime later. haahaaa but as my sis says, 'your later never comes cos the next second will always be 'now''

haahaa. i love my sis =) she totally rawks! haahaaa.
Posted by yann at 9:40 AM 0 comments
i swear im the most pressurized kid of the century.

ok that was an exaggeration.

anyway this morning woke up.. remembered i had to do chem... so i was reciting the chem stuff my mum wrote. haahaa. and i never fail to wake my sis in the process. anyway after i finished i went to do the assignments my mum made me do for practice [3 questions only. haahaa] then i realised i think my mum wrote something wrongly. started with sulphate then went on to sulphide. wahaahaa one less question to do.

anyway went to do my textbook next. then my sis saw then she was like 'your life is so sad. early in the morning recite chem thing and still do chem textbook.' like its my choice. anyway im gonna slack the whole afternoon so it's only right to study a little in the morning and just make mummy happy. haahaa.

ok fine then went online cos i realised i didnt know how to do some questions. then jiahui started asking me about my grades and stuff like that. aaaah! im so pressurized by her. its the holidays leh! still make me think about the exams.

anyway im currently dying of heat cos i used the powerpoint of my fan to charge my hp. now im trying to survive without a fan. haahaa.

anyway im so in love with the neos i took yesterday! i kept staring at them in my wallet. haahaa. ok maybe just once this morning. not as mad as to take it out every second.

boo im damn bored. maybe i'll go exercise later. i hate staying at home. and my sis isnt talking to me =( she's listening to some weird song for the hundredth time and she's not bored of it. haahaa.

wahhh i dont think im going for 8th june. nobody's gonna be there! manda isnt even going! then everybody else isnt going either! the only person i know going is evan. and possibly sam. heh.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Posted by yann at 8:53 PM 0 comments
waahh im awfully happi now. haahaa.

anyway after i got home went to bathe and then scan the neos. haahaa.

anyway was too full with coffee to eat dinner so.. skipped it. luckily my mum didnt find out.

blahh cant wait for 8th. actually im not too excited to go to deb's place. but.. i wanna see everybody. but i have a feeling nobody willl be there =) not the ppl i wanna see at least. mandii maybe we should reconsider not going. haahaa.
Posted by yann at 7:21 PM 0 comments
ok lets see...

12.55 reached bugis mrt. couldnt call mandi so went to the toilet to find them. coincidentally, they were in the first toilet i went into! haahaa. actually not very coincidental since that toilet would be the first you will see when you enter. anyway they were changing. min changed into this pair of weird but cute shorts. haahaa. damn farni. and i liked her shoes! they were so cool. anyway everybody changed.. then we went off.

first stop, macs. wanted to eat at swensens but decided it was too ex. anyway we exchanged reports to see. ahaahaa. oh and anyway chelle got 4.0 as expected. haahaa. and they all did quite well! but i didnt get to see min's. bleahh. anyway we went to get some stuff to eat. and sat there chatting.

anyway went to take some neos. haahaa we were making lots of noise. anyway the neos came out pretty gd. except mandi said she looked qian bian in one. haahaa. this was the best one:

from left: top - me, min, mandi. and in the middle, jo! =)

ok went window shopping next. were browsing through the keychains. then saw some mentally unwell thingy keychain. haahaa damn farni. anyway i was lookign through the puzzles. and saw some really nice ones. anyway my goal is to get a 10000 piece puzzle and finish it in 1 week. and im gonna hang it on the big empty wall in my bedroom. had a doggie poster last time, but it dropped some time and i forgot where i put it.

anyway went off to some other random shops. then we were looking at some dragonfly, butterfly and angel thingy. that i suggested to min to buy that angel thingy for her angel. then jo looked at me weirdly. then i was like 'makes sense wat.. angel thingy for an angel"

anyway went to starbucks to sit down and chat. me and mandi got ice latte. then jo and min got ice mocha. anyway we sat there talking bout stuff. then jo decided her thing was too sweet. so we tried pouring some of my latte into her mocha and it turned out gross. haahaa. jo said it smelt like manure. eww eww.

anyway had a stomachaaaache. wahh. remind me NEVER EVER to drink coffee ever again. mandi! next time go macs to get coke or something.

anyway went off after sitting in starbucks for 1h ++ haahaa. caught up alot with jo mandi and min during that time. anyway went off home cos min had to leave by 5plus.

laalaa took the mrt home. then me and jo transferred to northeast, min to northsouth, leaving mandi in east west. anyway chatted with jo throughout the whole thing about random stuff.

got off at serangoon and walked all the way back home. i hate the smell of buses. they make me.. sick. anyway when i reached home saw grandma in the living rm. haaaha first time i saw her down.

anyway todae was funn! haahaa
Posted by yann at 9:51 AM 0 comments
yayy going out with mandii later =) and min and jo too! haahaa

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