Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Posted by yann at 7:05 PM
lol! just received a really random sms from flo darling (: love you too darling! xD

gahh today was kind of shitty x)


my bro decided to try a new route today. and guess what. he ended up missing his exit on the pie and went one whole big big big round and finally reached school x) gahhs. no more new routes for him xD

had to help janell with her presentation thingy. the article was damn sad ): that girl's cousin actually died! ):

boo. eliza has a sore throat. lets go cliche: get well soon! ((:

anyway the book was damn lame xD but extra extra amusing. talk about claws and mutants... xD

and on a more serious note; ppl in class are getting eviler and eviler. gahh. (and no, nelson... NO pay x)) gahh. and anyway the quiz was easier than the last one. yayy. i hope i do better this time xD

anyway missed home econs. heard they were doing some pasta thingy. seriously. when i saw the cherry tomatoes and veggies and tuna i thought of subway. nice and delicious xD but then again. you never know what stinky's going to put in her food. anyway. pasta's not bad too. just that you never know how messy we can be xD

anyway went to clementi central first to get a drink i.e. bubble tea and stuff. then took the loooong train ride to bishan. gahh. didnt feel like studying on the mrt. and i must say, i totally regretted it ):

anyway went to macs to study abit more and was stuffing ourselves with fries and stuff xD when i say stuff, i mean stuff. anyway had to finish everything in 25mins and then rushed to 408. yayy tricia's in same room with me. anyway. the paper wasnt very good. i cant believe i forgot what "have interest in" was. gahh! i studied it like yesterday for oral! ):

anyways. after paper went to umm. celebrate. lets put it this way. we wanted to celebrate. but well. it didnt work out that well x) *glares at that person who swished the coke around* anyways we ended up kind of dirtying the place xD anyway went to get cup noodles while waiting for my bro to come.

went home and bathed and everything and its time for dinner xD

:: im lucky the story isnt due tomorrow ::

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