Monday, September 18, 2006

Posted by yann at 6:00 PM
shit! i just lost my whole post! freak freak freak. anyway.

mummy went for operation today. i really hope she's okay. theres this weird thing over her eye now. and. well. it looks pain

okay anyway.
had some weird survey today and actually i hope they take our suggestions into serious considerations. i mean, who doesnt want those modules thingys xD actually i dont mind the maths one if its fun xD

anyway.captains ball today was really fun. and the girls all agreed our class plays quite well. yeahh! just that im getting more violent xD whoops! maybe i should bring a spare teeshirt on monday next time xD and i hope our class wins! miss mariel ng insists 106 sucks so we must prove her wrong! xD anyway i think we'll have lots of fun on that day xD

okay today was quite a disappointing day. when i say disappointing, i mean my grades.
- english test. i was one mark away from a+! and i shouldnt have been so angry. but the point is i missed out this freakingly easy question! i didnt see it at all lor! and it wasnt even because there wasnt enough time! ): shheeesh! damn angry with myself.
- maths test. i divided wrongly kay! (i think) i got 1.8 instead of 1.2 and 8 and 2 are not even closE! ):
- the acm was quite disappointing. i barely got my h ):

anyway anyway i will end off today. bye!
jiayooouuuu for i.s. project xD i just hope tiff and fiza sends me the stuff soon.

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