Monday, September 04, 2006

Posted by yann at 6:16 PM
gahh. jabs manda and makes sure she rolls her head off laughing on the floor x)

Skin colour: *nods* im green.
Hair colour: ummm. Brownish black? -.^
Eye colour: ummm. Hazelnut?
Clothes colour: as in. now? Red and navy blue
Wardrobe colour: well. Its brown.
Seven memorable things this month
1)errr. dinner at ajinesan. ohwait that was last month. gahh
2)the dance we screwed up. that was last month again x)
3)the fateful day of 2nd sept - fretting before going up and everything turned out okay.
4)putting half a box of sweets in my mouth and they were great x)
5)getting nagged at by my mum again xD
6)that nice smell now that hopefully is my dinner
7)0 smses until the 7th! ))):
Six people you talked face to face this week
1) sis
2) bro
3) mum
4) dad
5) mandi
6) lisa
Five things you bought recently
1) dinner? -.^
2) the solution thingy and lots and lots of candyy
3) hairties?
4) clothes.
5) stuff.
Four people you saw today
err. i didnt see four ppl today. my whole family was out by the time i was up. x)
1) auntie
2) my grandma
3) winks then.
4) and lisa. i saw her on my phone wallpaper x)
Three people you want to talk to now but cant
1) -shayne- (i seriously am a directional idiot etc. etc. and need help. like. now! actually can we push it forward to tonight?)
2) -secret x)- actually theres three ppl occupying this space.
3) mumMMYYY
Two things on your mind now
1) the show on tv now is quite lame.
2) i should finish all my hw by today
Lastly, you need to tag people to do this quiz.
1) err. umm. mandi then xD
2) flo. oh wait. flo doesnt have a tagboard. umm. errr. noone x)

Here's the second one:
1. grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18 and find line four.
Line 4's "copper (some weird symbol)x5 (another weird symbol) change distribution"
2.stretch your left arm out as far as you can.
*reaches* barely touching the endtable
3. last thing you watched on TV?
nothing much.
4.without looking, guess what time it is. 6:00
5.the actual time? 5:58
6.what can you hear with exception of the computer?
"find the element of fun. and...*snaps*" (its some tv advert btw)
7. when did you last step outside?
what were you doing?went out to sch ): for some weird event.
8. what did you look at before you started this survey?
err. ay's blog.
9.What are you wearing? red tee with shorts
10. did you dream last night? not that i remember.
11.When did you last laugh? last night while crapping with sis.
12.what is on the walls of the room you are in?
paint? -.^ and. an airconditioner. and lights. and switches. and the fan remote control.
13. seen anything weird lately? the back of my bro's head. his hair was sticking up xD
14. what do you think of this quiz? ummm. pretty lame xD
15. what is the last film you saw?
movie? the devil wears prada
16. becoming a multi-millionaire overnight,what would you buy? stuff. (:
17. tell me something about you that i don't know.
how do i know what you don't know... lets see. i. took three minutes to master the e flat minor melodic scale. (which is considerably long)
18.what's one thing would you change about the world?
let it revolve the other way round.
19. do you like to dance?
umm. depends what kind of dance. generally, i like to dance (((:
20. George W Bush... american?
errr. uhhhh. ummmm. ermmm. i... dont know x) i guess so...
21. if your first child is a girl,what do you call her? err. lets see. aricia?
22. if your first child is a boy,what do you call him? err. havent thought about that. how bout. aaron?
23. have you ever considered living abroad?
if my whole family moved over along with all my friends, i dont really mind x)
24. what do you want God to say to you when you reach the pearly gates?
prefably not "you're in the wrong place"
25.20 people who must do this in their journal or blog
strikes that out.

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