Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Posted by yann at 4:56 PM
woohoo! i finished my jap oral. and it was better than i expected.

well. anyway the past few days have been okayy. gahh. evil stinky papaya-flavoured sashimi evil sorceress was being extra evil today during english. *smacks her on the butt*

well. surprisingly, im not exceeding my sms limit anytime soon. smsing is getting sianer x)

gahh. i still havent found out whether theres an extension so im considering between chionging for jap exam and the story. actually. i was thinking of an hour of jap today to just sort of refresh my memory and i'll study the rest on the mrt to jap tmr. and the rest of the time for story. *nods* thats if i do not spend all my time in front of the tv xD

gahh. jap is fun. but not when youre stuck with orals and exams. hahaa i taught my sis jap yesterday and she was extra amusing xD

okay. went for counselling yesterday. it was well. i dont know. but when ive got the time to, i'll post something on the class blog. its extremely. umm. breaking. so i will do it before the chionging period for exams stuff. after the blog goes up again xD well. there;s lots to say.

currently waiting for my nuggets xD my bro put two layers of nuggets on top of each other so its taking extra long to cook xD

gahh. time to post the hw again.

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