Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Posted by yann at 8:44 PM
i'm bacccckkkk! (((:

okay. i've got lots and lots to say today. so. its gonna be a really long post. and i realised after three terms. it was time to reflect and everything. and just think: what next?
lets start with a recount first.

anyway. left house. went to j8 to get ahem ahem. stuff. x) (shhhh mandi x))

anyway reached clementi after like a long long time. and was waiting for mandi and her dad. shit. tiff ger deb jaryl ahmed panchuen mat were like. going off somewhere. so they saw me. seriously i was freaked. okay i dont know why either. but i was really worried about meeting anybody from nushs cos it was like. weird. but. i saw them anyway. and well. it was a really short meeting. and everything and i accidentally disconnected mandi from the phonecall when they came. i was liike talking and talking and talking and suddenly there was a *tap* on my shoulder xD and then i saw all of them and in a rush i was like. oh shit. *accidentally pushes the disconnect button* anyway after they were gone i called back and realised i was on the wrong side of the road! so i had to pass through the mrt station again ._. and saw them again. and was being pulled and stuff for some weird thing and anyway finally reached the busstop. on the other side xD. anyway. i was still traumatized by what happened and when mandi came i didnt see her x) until she rolled down the window and called me xD

anyway. reached flo's house really early. her bro opened the door and was really shocked cos we were so early. anyway. flo's mum was supposed to be there. but she wasnt ): so we had 2hours of boredness crapping and stuff. and finding out the balloonhamsterthing could squeak x) and seriously. we talked about all our problems in school. and well. there were many. and its pretty scary hearing what's happening in rg. im lucky its not that bad in nushs. i mean. sure. there was a few cases of stuff like that. but well. i wasnt too involved in any. i've got my own way of evading stuff like that x) but sometimes. well. its really hard. well. im drowning mandi in my problems x) and im already submerged under hers xD well. it was really great. we were just telling each other about stuff and squeeaking the balloonhamsterthing and looking around flo's room.

then kevin and his friend (jon i think) suddenly barged in and was like looking around flo's room looking for something she likes x) kevin was like "argh! one more hour to find a present for my sis!" "hey you all know her better right? what does she like" and when we didnt reply he was like "i know i know watermelon!" and finally jon suggested lightsticks. and kevin even told flo's grandma not to tell flo about him not getting her a present earlier x)

finally maryam and joni came. along with those obscene presents xD okay. actually. if didnt they tell us. i really wouldnt notice. i mean. well. i really wont notice xD

anyway we were doing a game of heart attack kind of thing. and we were screaming and squirming and everything and messed up the bed. and i lost )): after a one-time demo, mandi finally joined in. and me and maryam were like watching joni and mandi fight to be third x) they were so blur! they didnt even notice when the numbers matched xD and well. ahem ahem ahem ended up with the biggest pile x)

yayye! flo steph and sarah came. with jessica, of course (((: anyway. me maryam mandi joni hurry jumped off the bed when we saw jessica coming into the room and were like: lalalala we weren't doing anythiiiiing.

and after a few games of cards and everything. everybody else came! wanhui, chlo, jiayi, shiiiiiiiiiiing . anyway. we were just chilling in the room when lisaaa came too! and she was being high. x)) and anyway we played with lightsticks x) and did necklaces halos and bracelets and ear"rings" for someppl X)

anyway. it was dinnertime. and before we started we played that weird game with satay sticks. and our team won! xD the other team was supposed to do aces day dance and seriously. flo and sarah didnt do it! anyway we were screaming and shouting *again* x) and kevin and jon were being nice and helped us with bbqing the satay and sausages. and jessica was hardworking enough to do her hw. actually. i think she was doing her hw.

anyway. had mandi's agong's curry for dinner. with satay nuggets fishballs sausages prawns chickenwings and lots and lots of stuff. and we were seriously bloated. oh yeah. of course. the salad that was *specially* reserved for wanhui xD

anyway after dinner did some talking. about. umm. stuff. and then everybody had to leave ): including my double ): anyway next it was like dancing and stuff like that. and of course the high high high lisa was leading us with her "nightclub" dance x) we were like screaming and shouting again xD anyway we played like truth or dare and some were really funny x) (ahem ahem ahem raisins or dates) and i got like that weird cucumber thingy and romanian lettuce thingy )): and there was this weird cocktail by wanhui and chlo with cuttlefish inside (no wayy) anyway after a while we stopped and did some talking under the stars (yeah riight we didnt see stars at all. the thing was only translucent. but we saw cats though x) right mandi?) and we took some pictures too. there were some really grossones with lisa and flo x) actually. it was only one gross one. and of course. there was cake. with mock alcohol. but the alcohol taste was really strong. but it was quite nice.

haii. wanhui and chlo had to leave.
and well. we all went to bathe. and we were discussing about where to go. considered sentosa, iceskating, west coast park, east coast park, escape theme park... and decided to stay at home instead xD and well. we came to the conclusion that s'pore wasn't very fun

shoosh. we all screamed/shouted ourselves hoarse and the romanian lettuce and cocktail prob contributed to my soar throat.

anyway after that it was a movie "marathon" well. it was supposed to be. she's the man was quite okay. rumour has it was scandalous x) anyway we ordered macs and ahem ahem ahem was disappointed that the macs delivery guy wasnt cute. of coursewe all know who she was. xD
anyway we were feasting on macs and stuff and was going to clear up when everybody fell asleep xD flo was the first. then it was sarah. and lisa. then me x) mandi was the only one that finished rumour has it. and we didnt clean up anyway xD went to bed like. a little before dawn. and were squished into 3 beds x) actually. i took a rather long time to fall asleep. lisa and flo shared one, i shared one with mandi and sarah took one. oh yeah. me and mandi found out flo snored louder than lisa did xD

anyway woke up at like 7 in the morning. i thought everybody else was still asleep so i tried to go back to sleep. but mandi and flo were already up x) three of us woke up and talked a bit and then went to brush our teeth. then sarah woke up. and we were playing "i never.." when lisa woke up at 9 plus x) seriously. we found out a lot of things about each other. and lisa was giving me suggestions about what to say when she was awake. and we were playing it with milo. so some of us got a soar throat from drinking too much x)

anyway after we all washed up and everything, we talked a bit and then watched wimbledon. lisa insisted it was too matured for flo and told her to close her eyes xD and in the end lisa thought flo was really listening to her when actually flo was just yawning xD anyway jessica (finally took a break from hw) and kevin joined us and after the show we all went to the clubhouse. ahem ahem ahem was really excited. and we were being a little mean and was teasing and teasing her. actually. everybody was teasing her throughout the whole party. anyway the lunch was great x) but the soup wasnt too great. anyway we had problems finishing up everything and we decided to split them into equal portions and everybody had to eat one x) and the uncle was extra extra nice and gave us 12 prawn fritters for the price of 6. (woah!)

anyway ahem ahem ahem was extremely anxious about getting back to flo's house. xD god knows why. xD

anyway played a few card games. me lisa and flo were screaming and shouting in a game of speed. actually, it was a game of cheaty speed. and flo kept insisting lisa was a cheater bug x) lisa did win in the end. me and lisa were like fighting over the same pile a couple of times and once lisa bit me! xD and thne my hands accidentally slipped. so i lost the pile ))): anyway me and flo insisted that lisa had to "slot" her last card in to win and "shout game!" and lisa was protesting like siao x) anyway the daidi game was kindof okay. and mandi got four sevens!

anyway we all pigged out on m n ns and cake. okay wait. we've been pigging out through the whole party. we finished like packets of ruffles, lays, etc. etc. plus like cracker thingys. and before everybody came, i was sharing mentos with mandi xD im gonna get diabetes soon x)

anyway after a while everybody got tired and me and flo fell asleep on the sofa, lisa fell asleep on the couch and mandi on the day bed. woke up to find mandi packing and tidying up xD anyway talked for a bit and had to call flo and lisa up. flo's ahma insisted we ate dinner first. so we did. we rushed dinner in 10mins x) lisa and mandi's parents were outside waiting for us xD

you know. i didnt want to leave flo's house. but im missing my house too x) well. we all promised that we'll meet again in december.

anyway. got a ride from lisa. on the bus ride i read through mandi's notes. it was.

well. i wanted to cry. i was tearing. but i decided not to in case the ppl around me thought i was mad or something. anyway i was looking out through the window and never realised the roads were so nice at night. anyway almost missed my stop cos i couldnt see what was in front xD sheesh i should grow taller.

finally reached home. and well. my mum's still not back yet. ):

i love you people.

thanks flo's sis bro ahma mum dad

thanks a lot wanhui chlo maryam joni jiayi shiing

thanks so much flo sarah lisa mandii

for making this the best september holidays. (i think x))

sheesh. stop that

oh yeah. sarah was freaky. x)

anyway. going out with sis tmr.
gahh im feeling feverish.
sheesh. i hope i get better tmr.

and well. i should do my hw. i've got like. lit left. and i really need to study physics before i fail.

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