Thursday, September 21, 2006

Posted by yann at 9:48 PM
have been feeling like. down. since the beginning of school. and really. i dont exactly know why. and the fear of. everything. is taking its toll on me. my mum says i think too much. i agree. but it seriously cant be helped. i need to concentrate more on well. everything.

especially jap and physics. come to think of it, jap oral is in 5 days time, written paper in 6 days and i havent started revising. i dont know whether its plain confidence or that i just dont care anymore. but seriously. i really dont want to fail jap. its too easy to be failable and if i just put in that little effort to revise and refresh my memory, i think i will at least pass.

well. that is if i do put in the effort. and for physics, my sis gave me serious tutoring for half and hour last week. and she told me i think too much too. actually. she said i think too much for the wrong questions and too little for the right ones. fine fine so i'm supposed to not think like im supposed to think. fine. should have told me earlier x)

if only it was that easy.

well. to tell you the truth, i seriously absolutely cannot do physics. i just cant get all the forces right xD my thinking is little. warped, you see. well. hopefully i can do better for energy and everything; cause i really cant do kinematics.

mr sukandar said we were going to part anyway in yr 5. so it didnt really matter if we split in year 3. and seriously. i dont want reshuffling. my class can have the most irritating people in the history of mankind. but im comfortable in it. and thats just how i want it to be. ): i dont want reshuffling ): people were asking around today what we were all going to take in year 5 after what mr sukandar said. well. i never really thought about it. i know im going to do maths and maybe chem. perhaps bio. but physics...? but i think i'll end up dropping some humans.

lit was surprisingly serious today. but i was lost in the debate most of the time when lorna was talking xD whoops! sorry! so i had to change place with dan to be the second speaker. nelson was better (you never know how slow he can speak) but annabeth... we all know her speed xD right danielle? (miss clap-after-every-five-words x)) im lucky im not the last speaker xD we won anyway and i got this cute eeyore thingy xD

freakk. all the nice teachers are leaving already. mr wee left, miss cheong's leaving, mr sukandar's leaving... ):

you know. i dont want to go to school tomorrow, the day after the day after the day after, the day after the day after the day after the after and every other day.

time to sleep or i'll miss my stop again tmr. *yawns*

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