Sunday, September 10, 2006

Posted by yann at 8:42 AM
sheesh. i hate my laptop. it disconnects from the internet just because it feels like it. like. once every two mins. so i'll just make this really short. and really sweet.

okay. first things first.

happy belated birthday flo! (((:
happy belated birthday mandi!! ((((:

i'm sorry this is so late. but. well.

okay anyway.
went out with sis on fri instead of thurs but anyway came back a happy kid x) just that now my wallet is empty xD but nvm. and squidheads from oldchangkee rawks. and so does green apple and green tea bubble tea.

yesterday bro's friends came. two of them were hogging the tv and ps2 and everything else (including the sofa) so the rest of us had to play bridge and set. it was really fun! and i kept stopping the bidder pair from winning ((: go me! no actually i didnt do it a lot of times xD everybody else was so pro xD and i didnt know what was going on most of the time xD anyway set was really fun and everything.

anyway had like late night supper at midnight. had some western thingy that my bro and his friends went out to buy. was so bloated a couldnt fall asleep x)

anyway woke up early to clear up the ends of my hw. like blanks here and there and stuff. and i have to research for chinese and i.s. and do my filing for maths. shoot. but first, breakfast x) yum yum

was going to study physics but didnt. is supposed to be studying physics now but wont.
physic's hard! )):

hug rawks xD

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