Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Posted by yann at 9:03 PM
gahh. realised i read the questions wrongly for one of the maths quiz. shoot shoot shoot! ): thats such a stupid mistake to make.

did cartwheels during pe today. haaha its quite fun. but well. weird. and i still cant do it properly but nvm.

freakk freakk played bball yesterday and injured my middle finger xD now its swollen and numb and i cant bend it. gahh. luckily its the left hand.

yeah. i love my story thingy xD the language is a little weird cos i wrote it in parts; so one day i will feel like using lots of descriptions and the next i'll just be bent on completing my story. so well. the whole thing is weird. im trying to get my sis to proof read, but prob no more time already. cos i need to print (hahaa i told my mum to bring it to her office to print cos her printer there is so much nicer x)) and illustrate and make the cover. freakk freakk.

and then theres the english reading journal and axis board. but the board should be fast cos we're almost done with everything just print it out and type it properly xD and paste everything soon.

gahh so many things, so little time.

i swear im not going to slack in the weekend again.
i'll work hard.
(the projects shold all be over already)

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