Saturday, October 14, 2006

Posted by yann at 8:22 PM
i'm pleased with myself ((: my study-and-play schedule was closely followed today (:
i finally started mugging! xD

actually. nope. i didnt really mug. i merely did some maths and physics, but its a change from endless weekends spend slacking ((: but well. i did spend quite a lot of time in front of the tv still, but i promise i'll stop! soon. x) really. tv's getting boring x)

i finally finished my personal choice. ((: sunday shall be reserved for filing. and my darling tv, of cos (: and perhaps xs ((: and if i finally decide to get up from the comfy couch, i'll do some more physics. im intent on doing well for the physics exam xD jiayouu me! and jiayouu everybody else!!

exams are coming. holidays are coming.
im beginning to love my life (:
i like working hard.
because i know good things come out when ppl work hard (:
well. if does come true.

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