Monday, October 23, 2006

Posted by yann at 4:33 PM
Today has been a positively gloomy and bleary day. After having to drag myself up from that comfy bed upstairs, all I've been doing is sitting around sulking about my dreadful cold - a stupid idiotic cold that hasn't been all that serious to begin with. I'm being too much of a brat about this whole cold thing. Did I forget to add? I've been feeling sorry for and whining to myself about my stupid cold for the whole day.

My eyelids are positively drooping now but whenever I lay on the couch (like I haven't been doing that for the whole day) my whole mind just jerks awake and starts worrying about stupid things that have been going on right now. Sometimes I really wished I was back in school doing weird worksheets and I didn't have that much time to mull over trivial things.

It's getting hot in here, although the winds blowing in because it's going to rain soon. My toes and fingers are freezing but I'm still feeling feverish. I hate colds. They never go away.

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