Friday, October 06, 2006

Posted by yann at 12:09 AM
woah. first time ive seen my bro study so hard for a test before. the last time i saw him study for his exams, he was dota-ing while looking through his notes and eating dinner at the same time.

wells. second time ive stayed up this late. the last it was cos i wanted to finish my i.s. project but regretted staying up to do it (it was due the next week) cos i couldnt sleep early after that. had to lie in bed for an hour before i fell asleep. thats how bad it is. thats why i dont usually stay up late. cos i cant. i'll be all energetic when i wake and before i even reach school, i'll be yawning like mad. gahh. i need 72 hours of sleep per week xD

i must say, i liked the feeling of staying up to work hard for something you know will turn out great if you put in the effort to. ive seriously done my best today. i cant continue anymore. so in the end, i rushed out a little of what i was supposed to complete. and because i had no time to complete anything else, i had to rush out my ip poster stuff. luckily i had the paper cutter today xD

i love my book. i really do.
but im scared of what mk will say about it.
seriously if she criticised it i would cry.
this is the first book ive written and well.
everything went in.

no time for drawings. rushed it out in half an hour. my pics looked like well. not better word than crap. seriously. i cant draw for nuts. actually. it depends what im drawing xD i kind of like drawing mo and shi. and butterflies too xD

gahh. now i cant fall asleep.
considering whether to go back to work. maybe a little of maths and english.
but then again, my brain is like. blank. now. i can only do brainless stuff like cutting the ip posters thingys xD and trying to bind my reading journal together. okay it isnt exactly called binding i just stuffed it into those kind of folders with like slide-down thingys.

gahh. i love my sis and my mum! x)

<3 <3 <3

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