Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Posted by yann at 8:40 PM
woah. i must say, today's physics test was better than expected (((: just that i had qualms about the answer of one answer. and well. i hope im not careless!! xD

boy. the dental room was freaky. but luckily the dentist was nice ((: haha!

anyway. left for moelc really early due to some ppl xD went to macs to stuff myself xD and it was a really really funny journey to moelc. gahh i was really bloated the whole journey xD

anyway went to the library later to get some books because we reached j8 early. yeah! i finally found pawn of prophecy! xD gahh. nelson was being stupid in the library today x)

woah. saw my jap marks. i was. umm. taken aback. i really dont know what to say of my marks. actually. i didnt have much expectations for jap. i was expecting to fail my compo and everything; i was really guilty about not studying xD as usual, wanxin was the highest! and we watched these weird cartoons xD and there's this weird carpenters thingy. anyway the mood was really relaxed today and well. i managed to not get my eyelids drooping all over my eyes xD haha.

gahh. trial tmr. woah. i didnt prepare. oh shucks! i forgot to borrow the laptop! mann.

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