Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Posted by yann at 8:14 PM 0 comments
whoosh. i've been too tired to blog after i reached home for the past few days, but i've been rotting at home today so i'm super un-tired now. ._.

okay let's start from yesterday. whee! my mum could send me to school late; so of course i didn't want to take the bus to school ^.^ so anyways the paper was super long. and. uhh. i left like half the thing blank; and i didn't manage to crap out answers to fill in all the blanks i left! ): nvm.

so after that i was supposed to go for some fps presentation thing. but i didn't know about it! (i only knew about the briefing, which was supposed to end at 1) so i had. umm. already made plans. in the end i still didnt go for fps anyways. whee. sigh. i shouldn't have agreed to help x) i'm super scared of the presentation on saturday now. SATURDAY LEHH!! i didn't realise it was gonna be so soon =x (whee! i finished drawing my trees!)

okay so basically after that ate macs for lunch with da-ni-elle, deb and mag(:

whee and we spent the rest of the afternoon playing xDDD hee. so funn!!

so yep. and i spent the whole of today watching tv and playing ff (i still cant defeat the mimic queen!)(i know i didn't buy enought potions... but still there must be a way to defeat the queen. don't expect me to go all the way back to buy potions! =x). and of course i had to draw trees too. sigh sigh sigh. im super bored.


Thursday, May 24, 2007

Posted by yann at 8:32 PM 0 comments
whee okay lets see what happened today.

oh yeah i was super bored and super tired in school today. the pri. sch kids are not as cute today ): okay maybe its just me. im so unfriendly today! ^.^

whee counted coupons! lets see. oh yeah 1133 coupons yesterday. and i found green coupons in the box but green is for tmr! so weird.

whee. i was so super tired i fell asleep in the mrt. okay not really. i was half asleep.

mum just went overseas today. so from today i have to go home by public transport ): luckily my bro can still send me to sch in the morning before he reports to his internship boss.

whee. im super bored.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Posted by yann at 8:15 PM 0 comments

okay. let's see... umm. today; went to botanic gardens for level bonding. walked a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot (x10000). and we went the wrong way for quite a number of times XDDD and then there was this drawing "competition". and we were practically having a picnic cause sabrina brought a disposable table cloth and food. and we each had a little food too. we went back late! xD

next was the evolution walk. i didnt see the dinosaur; whatever its supposed to be.

so anyways after that had to head back to sch. wheww. cause sab could give us a lift, we didnt have to walk back to tanglin gate xD grabbed macs from the drivethrough on the way to sch.

i think chaffeurs are cool. how on earth do they knowwwhich way takes them where. i won't know how the hell you make your way to king albert park!

whee. okay so basically after that it was umm. quite siaan la. i was doing the ticking-off-thing! supposedly the registration, but it wasn't EXACTLY the registration. so anyways after all the schs were here, we were standing around. umm. helping the ppl who needed help? and there was so much food; we played pick-up-sticks with pasta. oh crap! i had to eat 2 of the cakes duno who brought up. but i wasnt the only one(: nat and jiaqing had two too! gerlynn only ate one! ):

so after that we cleared up; whee. found so many bottles lying around. then when we opened the bin it was filled with plastic bottles; should have thrown them in the plastic recycling bin. quite a bit of the exhibits were destroyed. and the place was super messy actually.

after that we all went to the GO to slack abit. hee. once i sat down, i was too lazy to get my butt moving. started playing with the stuff in our goodie bags. then prof lai came and gave us this puzzle that states on the box that there are "240 possible ways". whee. so far; we only found like. uhh. three or something? and elston is super pro at this kind of thing.

whee. the ring and chain thing is super funny. i couldn't do it in school at all lor! (Except for once when i dropped it through and it miraculously happened) then i was trying and trying just now XDD i still cant do it! i can only do the cheaty way where you start with the ring tilted alllllll the way until it vertical.

whee i was also playing with the wood puzzle thingy (with the 4 interlocking stuff) while watching tv. whee! i just got it out. now i dont know how to get it back in.

okay so basically me and weijin got a lift from mr lee to mrt and walked allll the way from serangoon station!(: and i reached earlier than my mum! whee. bye!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Posted by yann at 8:57 PM 0 comments
whee. i tried not thinking about my results today but it failed terribly. especially maths mann. i did super badly for mensuration. and am currently super sad. but i didnt tell my mum. intending to break all the news to her on tuesday when she goes to meet mr imbufe (she cant attend on monday)(i can't imagine my mum talking to mr imbufe)

right. so. umm. nothing much today; really. oh just that i realised my badminton is super lousy now (it wasn't good to begin with)(and now its worse)

oh yeah so today they were talking about majors and stuff. so i was thinking and thinking and thinking while they were talking (whee! im so thoughtful right! xDDD)(i meant it literally) then i decided im taking maths, bio, chemistry and geog. then i told my mum. cause. ya. i was talking to her in the car. then she said i should take physics cause its kind of impt. then i was telling her how not-very-good (like, lousy) my physics was. then she was like "you can get daddy to teach you if you want. or gor gor." so i've decided; i shall work extra hard for physics and try to major. so i might not take geog after all! anyways the yr 4 and 5 geog modules dont sound interesting. whee i feel purposeful now!(:

whee! vinnie just emailed me. and she asked about all of you 206 ppl. oh yeah and she wished you luck and everything. whee!(:

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Posted by yann at 5:49 PM 0 comments
okay. i was so wrong. i mean i thought my weekend (plus one friday) would be okay without my dearest handphone? aww man. i'm missing my handphone really badly =x *sigh* i shouldn't have been so lazy and just went back to school to get it. okay. maybe i wont go back to school to get it after all. but im seriously missing my handphone )))):

oh yeah. let's see. what's interesting? oh. i didn't get scolded by my piano teacher cause she didnt listen to my exam pieces. we were doing aural and sight reading today. and guess what. my vocal range is like err. half an octave? okay that was an exaggeration; but still...

whee. okay since its going to be the holidays soon, i shall set a few targets:
1. clear up my super messy room and the table downstairs; you won't believe how messy i can make a place
2. umm. lets see. how about get a whole lot better at piano?
3. keep all my year 1 and year 2 sem 1 worksheets properly in proper files. whee.

i'll think of a few more later. for now; tata.
Posted by yann at 9:31 AM 0 comments
okay. lets see. what did i do yesterday? oh yeah. sleep

*nods* seriously. i spent the whole day sleeping. okay not exactly. cause i got up to do what? oh right. eat. but i did read a little. well. and i surfed the net too but that isnt counted.

so basically, yesterday was an extra boring day. and i was too bored to practise the piano so my piano teacher's gonna kill me today.

oh yeah and im going to back up my homework and songs and stuff in my thumbdrive today cause im suuper afraid my laptop will crash or something; after it died on me yesterday. (but they say its just overheat) i promise i'll treat you better now! =x =x =x please dont die! but just in case, im going to back up my files anyway.

whee. i shall go... practise the piano? now. okay maybe not. i'll got watch tv. whee. im a tv junkie.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Posted by yann at 9:29 PM 0 comments
whee. today was a pretty boring day. laaa.

okay so i was supposed to be preparing for jap presentation in the morning, but i predictably didnt. whee. i went to read. can you believe it? i haven't touched a storybook in weeks! =x

okay so basically after that i was fervently trying to contact adeline cause i didn;t know whether she was coming early for the jap presentation. in the end nelson had to become the messenger. whee! thanks!!(: but that evil guy started reprimanding me for wasting his smses.

okay lets see. so the super super climax of my super super boring day was jap presentation.

lets see.
i was super nervous; i could hear my heart jumping and struggling and banging on my ribcage. and then i totally forgot the script i prepared during the presentation. so i started looking at the script BUT i printed it in too small a font! sheesh! ): so i crapped out some sentences from what i could remember of the content. i could just feel all the grammar mistakes spilling out of my mouth.

my heart almost died when i recieved my score mann. (bold, underline, caps, italize) I GOT FULL MAAAARKS!!!(((((((((: ohmigawd i think my teached was being extra nice(: whee! i almost burst out laughing mannn! (i died of hyperventilation then)

and i was totally gloating when nelson didnt get full marks xDDDDD and of all things, he didnt cause he was being so un-lively. anyway who has heard me speak jap will so obviously know that i am totally un-jap lor.

whee. i shall go back to watcing tv now. byyyye! ((((((((: whee! im still super happy from jap presentation. wheeee!!!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Posted by yann at 9:21 PM 0 comments
1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question.

How am I feeling today?
candy in the sun
(??? i had a baaaad day today mann >.<)

Will I get far in life?

How do my friends see me?
extraordinary girl
(ahaha lol! whee!!((: ) *imagines jy going YEAH RIIIIGH *COUGH COUGH**

Where will I get married?
don't love you no more
(haha lol!!!)

What is my best friend's theme song?
thank you
(eh. okay x))

What is the story of my life?
dont lie
(eh. i lie too much ah? but im so honest! =x)

What is/was high school like?
fool again
(how can! im still enjoying sch leh!)

How can I get ahead in life?
welcome to my life
(err. okay.)

What is the best thing about me?
one, two step
(Huh. is that supposed to be good?)

What is today going to be like?
here we go again
(that's spot-on!)

What is in store for this weekend?
my everything
(woww. okay so this weekend im gonna be extra selfish)

What song describes my parent(s)?
pretty boy
(err. i think pretty=mummy; boy=daddy.)

To describe my grandparents?
journey to the past
(ohmigawd! this is so amusing >.<)(err. its quite true actually. i dont know half my grandparents)

How is my life going?
have you ever
(err. okay is that supposed to be good or bad?)

How does the world see me?
let's get it started

Will I have a happy life?
my happy ending
(WHEE!(((: )

What do my friends really think of me?
you had a bad day
(fine. i know. you dont have to tell me)

Do people secretly lust after me?

How can I make myself happy?
you and me
(err. okayy.)

What should I do with my life?
(complicate my life?)

Will I ever have children?
(is that a yes or no?)
Posted by yann at 7:37 PM 0 comments
ohmigawd today was a terrible day. but yep its was quite fun >.< again with the two-oh-fivers. then more ppl came and we continued wheee. finally we decided to go to the com lab to do crap. so. yep. ah sheesh la i realised i got the moon-phase thingy question in the science competition wrong i think.

super stupid i didnt realise that it takes half a month for full moon, not quarter a month. boooo.

oh crap i didn;t know that i had a psl meeting after that. (oh and miss chen didnt come for geog) im so so sorry you ppl had to wait for me for an hour x) (i scooted out during discussion xD)(but i wasnt the only one!) *attempts to feel less guilty*

then went to the com lab to find them. and conveniently left my handphone in the com lab (and realised only on the bus) luckily the 205ers called mr ku to help me keep my handphone >.<>stuff again XD okay and mariel mentioned the same topic a lot of times. (right cleo jy and little idol??)

so next we went for neoprints and my we took a super long time. oh and btw we saw chua feyra and gerlynn there (sharlene went off before we saw her) and err. i kept clearing the deco for one of the neoprints cause they were so ugly xD and. umm. didnt have enough time to finish decorating cause we didnt notice the timer starting again.

whee so basically we started walking around (whee! had squid heads! :))))))))) and sheesh! we didnt visit the arcade. okay and we wanted to sit down and yeah. you know. chat (aka gossip) and somebody suggested the library. the LIBRARY of all places. and miraculously; we all agreed. it was umm. not a very intelligent decision cause the library was suuper quiet then so we had enough common sense than to gossip in the library. so in the end we ended up in the library's cafe. (whee! had apple crumble) and uh. just started talking. for almost three hours xD and we played that quite retarded and mean hamtaro game (heeeee anything works if youre bored)

okay after that something we were suuper angry about happened. sheesh! i should have kept the pen instead of dumping it in the bin. dont wanna talk about it. but it was super freaky >_< nevermind i'll do it tmr morning. (since i'll probably slack tonight away anyways im super tired)
Posted by yann at 8:42 AM 0 comments
whee. im suuper bored. reached school super early today cause my dad couldnt send me to school that late. okay wait. i assumed he couldnt. i forgot to tell my mum that i started school late today xD

whee. brought princess diaries to read today; but the two-oh-fivers came and we started gossiping. again. xD xD xD

whoosh. its been like. one and a half hours already and we were just outside the admin office talking and talking.

laaalaa. im suuper bored. i will go read.
no wait maybe not.

laalaaa suuper bored.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Posted by yann at 2:10 PM 0 comments
whee! ^.^ the exams just ended! poof!(:

so yup. today was suuper amusing ^.^ my impression of cleo just turned 180 degrees *ahem ahem coughs coughs* suuper funny la! the way she (and mariel) were looking and staring and devising evil plots! xD whee! laughed too much today now my abs hurt xD

spiderman 3 was sad T.T

whee. and we went to the arcade! and we got a porcupine! okay fine. 205's claiming it for themselves. hmph.

so basically after that lots of people had to go home leaving me, jy, little idol!, cleo, and mariel! and then we started gossiping while snacking cause we gave up on finding the neoprint shop xD whee! found out lots of stuff =x im sorry im so slow! >.<

then debra and tricia poofed out of nowhere! xD whee.

*sigh* i just spent my tuesday night on jap. do you have any idea how saddening that is? T.T its the last day of the exams and yet im busy with jap! )):

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Posted by yann at 6:04 PM 0 comments
oh yeah. and i just lost about a hundred marks in the maths test and quiz
Posted by yann at 5:55 PM 0 comments
went to sab's big and pretty house for lit project; we didn't do much actually. (we hadn't done much by the time i left) well i'm hoping nothing goes wrong on thursday. but then again, i'm not even too sure about my script. gahh. and and and my costume design is not done! ._.

greaat. there's jap exam tmr. okay fine its only a ct but its equivalent to a midsem exam xD BUT i missed the whole of lesson 18 (i did only the elearning parts) because i didnt go for the last two lessons AND the half the thing is on lesson 18. gah gah gah.

i need to chiong my studying tonight =x and i have to chiong lit project tmr night; along with studying chinese. i HAVENT touched chinese and theres going to be an exam. luckily there isn't tian2 xie3 han4 zi4 but i have a feeling zhuolaoshi will set the exam such that most the the ciyu will be the dapeis he taught (but i never listen to) in class.

oh yeah. i just remembered i need to do my lit journal tmr too. and im getting suuper nervous cause everybody else started studying for the exams while i haven't. uhoh. i should stop blogging and go bathe. then i can start early on jap. (but i wannt watch tv! :(( )

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