Thursday, July 20, 2006

Posted by yann at 8:56 PM
wahaha i finally sent the history project thingys to zongxuan >.<

okay umm. havent blogged in a while so anyway

today's chinese was okayy. the whole class was pretty boring. and some ppl even prepared a script for the lesson thingy! (looks over at jiahui and tiff) wahhh im so slack >.< and cheryl was totally funny today, but laoshi wasnt too happy with her. ANYway its so unfair! i presented like on monday and laoshi said she didnt count points for monday! so now i have to present again or its a zero for my project! freakk.

today was scary. i totally left the i.s. worksheet blank! except q8. then during break i copied question 6 from gor xD and crapped out q2 and q9. and redrew my whole drawing. and i totally forgot to prepare my i.s. presentation. i mean, i thought the presentation was last week so i rehearsed last week, but i probably forgot everything liao. and tiff did a script again! oh no. maybe i should start doing scripts. lets start with english next wk >.<

but anyway it was extra extra fun in i.s. today! we made globby floppy gloob! (okay that my name for it) it was extra extra fun to make! too bad the pink one failed because there wasnt enough pva to go around. lewis had to hog the bottle! xD anyway made a purple and palelimegreen globby floppy gloob and they were prettaye xD but the purple was a little too dry. nelson's grey little gloob called "grey" was the nicest to play with. it was like just the right stickiness la! and he insisted he poisoned grey when he touched my purple gloob (called "purple") it was really weird. and stinky made a coral gloob! but purple was nicer anyway. xD messy's purple was really nice too! but the turqoise was the nicest i think.

anyway after a little bit of fun went to the canteen for lunch, while making lame jokes about stinky on the way. and stinky was making lame jokes about me. xD anyway jy came in with a pale green gloob that was the exact same colour as the canteen tables! and this GM here got her first errand >.< passing COO her physics textbk. haha!

anyway lit was okay. and there's this display for humans week. we're too ambitious. but its worth trying ANYway (:

then about the exco, ms koh let us come up with the list and everything ourselves. we decide. we vote. we be happy. so, yeah.

and some really irritating ppl had to spoil my day.
anyway. my mum was great today! (:

<3 stinky crazy girly ugly sneaky messy
<3 ceo coo pa and that crp2ar thingy

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