Friday, July 07, 2006

Posted by yann at 7:27 PM
lalala. slack slack slack playing gz later. (:

anyway nothing much today. innovation programme was better than expected. and lewis was so mean today ): he didnt have to make it so obvious right? she'll be hurt k. she *almost* didnt want to go anymore. hmph hmph.

anyway went to j8 today. boriiing place. its like the thousandth time all the third lang ppl went there. but went to ice lemon tee to get some hairties anyway. and went to food court etc. etc. etc.

jap was more fun than usual. but in the second part of the lesson i was really tired already so...
too bad. :p

when i went home i realised my sis went to j8's icelemontee too. just that i went in at 2plus she went in at 3. haahaa.

okay. i shall work hard on my hw this weekend. kampate kudasai!

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