Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Posted by yann at 8:42 PM
my digestive system is extremely efficient. i got hungry at 10:30 today so i ate a heavy lunch. but barely 4 hours later, during pe, i was starviing. i was thinking "hurry up i wanna get home and have dinner" i was seriously hungry. and i got a freaking stitch. in the end i went to eat some mamee after pe (: delicious.

hmm. didnt run much during pe today cos i was so hungry >.< i swear im gonna fail 2.4 freak.

wahaha ive got time to slack today cos i finished my i.s. assignment thingy yesterday. now only left everything else thats supposed to be passed up next week + one question of i.s ws and one question of physics and optional chem ws. wahaahaa. so free! (looks at everybody else rushing out i.s.)

[you never know who to trust and what to trust.]

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