Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Posted by yann at 7:48 PM
HAHAAHAA it was so funny during jap today! it was damn damn damn funny. it was this weird song about the verb forms. and tricia was laughing and laughing and laughing and me and adeline started laughing. we were so freaking loud. but miraculously only the other students around us heard us. it was SO FREAKING FUNNY! it was partly because of the song itself and partly because of the sushi/rice/bryce part (: HAHAAHA. damn funny! the three of us were like laughing for 15mins until:
1. tricia got a stomachache
2. adeline did some really weird thing
3. my whole face was red >.<
4. the st nicks girls were staring at us
5. the rgs girls thought we were crazy

it was DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN funny la! :D

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