Monday, July 31, 2006

Posted by yann at 12:22 PM 0 comments
i tried. i really did. and i must say, im not liking any minute of it. fine. i admit i dont really hate it. but the point is, im getting slightly irritated already. it shoots off any minute and i cant stop it. the point is, i have to spend my time explaining and thats more irritating than anything else.

you see, i cant stand people forcing me to do what i dont want to do. and here it is pushingme to do stuff i hate.

i tried. i really did.
and it doesnt work.

i might resign any moment soon.
like. soon.

im really afraid i'll just lose my cool any moment. and i cant afford that. because i dont want to think of the consequences of that. i might just cause the suffering.

oh yay. im stuck with physics and i.s.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Posted by yann at 7:48 PM 0 comments
wahhh forgot about i.s. ws today xD so in the end i had to finish question 7 during lunch. with help from jy the great, of course x)

anyway im so freaking dead. im getting really slack. like. really really slack. and incidentally, extremely forgetful too. so that means i have to ask my mum to remind me to bring stuff when my memory is supposed to be better than hers

exco voting today. (incidentally, council elections application starts today too. i think im not running. next yr perhaps x))

anyway i really dont want to be in exco. i mean, one of the rules (set by me x)) stated that the person must "have the ability to lead" which i, unfortunately, do not have. the class doesnt listens to me anyway.

so. yeah. the class should let only nelson lewis and tiffany be in exco. not me. just merge treasurer and secretary. and *poof* there goes your three ppl exco.

you have power, sure, in exco. but yeah. i dont think i can lead.

my mum says it lack of confidence and too concerned about what others think. but the problem is, the world doesnt revolve around me. there are other people in the world too and there's no point if i care about me and just only me. (yeah yeah i know im egocentric (courtesy of tiffany bong :)))

on a lighter note, its a non-stress tuesday tmr (:

Friday, July 21, 2006

Posted by yann at 3:51 PM 0 comments
haha i must say, today was pretty fun (:

started with 2.4 first, it was okayy. except i didnt really exert myself today because i started to sprint at the wrong station. so. yeah. and i realised its better if i stop occasionally for short breaks. then once during the run kaihui was like holding my hand and walking with me >.< she did that to danielle to. except she made danielle run really hard.

anyway after 2.4 went to the "beach" with stinky ugly girly messy and sneaky. the breeze was really nice. then we saw wy preparing for the yr 2's tugofwar. then we were like "why cant we play that too? hopscotch is so stupid" then she was like "its too dangerous for you" hmph. we're only one year younger kayyy! xD

anyway went back and started on hopscotch. the first round was stupid! we just held hands and hopped and hopped and hopped. and tiff was like shouting and shouting for ppl to go back when they haven't even reached yet -.- anyway the first round was really stupid and everybody all insisted 105 cheated because they only stopped at 6. even mariel agreed. lol!

anyway the second was with the tissue. so it was like just jump in pairs lor. pretty easy la. except for throwing the tissue >.< and the squeezing part. we won!! (:

messy: lai lai (she meant come sit down)
stinky: omg you sounded like a *ahemm**ahemm*
everybody: orrhhhhhh
somebody: she's too violent
stinky: violent then good what
everybody: orrrhhhhh
gor: omg cheryl you're so sick.
me, tiff: think straight ppl. think straight.
[after a while]
gor: that sms sounded sick
me: you're supposed to think straight. think straight.
tiff: ya, think straight!
us: why cant you ppl just think straight.
lewis: we're thinking straight in the wrong direction

so anyway next was like the fear factor thingy. and i got wasabe xD luckily i didnt get the belacan, or im gonna be so dead. but we finished last anyway. the teachers finished first. waaaa.

during the thing my throat was burning cos i just gulped the wasabe down and i was like "oh no im gonna puke" then i drank like half a bottle of newater and gave the other half to jiahui when she was eating some weird thingy that looked gross xD

anyway fleming got second!! yayy! (:

freakk. after i bathed i got a really bad stomachache and felt like puking so i was like lying on the bed for 10mins. then the pain miraculously disappeared. so i went down for lunch. and surprisingly, it tasted really great. xD and after that i fell asleep almost immediately.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Posted by yann at 8:56 PM 0 comments
wahaha i finally sent the history project thingys to zongxuan >.<

okay umm. havent blogged in a while so anyway

today's chinese was okayy. the whole class was pretty boring. and some ppl even prepared a script for the lesson thingy! (looks over at jiahui and tiff) wahhh im so slack >.< and cheryl was totally funny today, but laoshi wasnt too happy with her. ANYway its so unfair! i presented like on monday and laoshi said she didnt count points for monday! so now i have to present again or its a zero for my project! freakk.

today was scary. i totally left the i.s. worksheet blank! except q8. then during break i copied question 6 from gor xD and crapped out q2 and q9. and redrew my whole drawing. and i totally forgot to prepare my i.s. presentation. i mean, i thought the presentation was last week so i rehearsed last week, but i probably forgot everything liao. and tiff did a script again! oh no. maybe i should start doing scripts. lets start with english next wk >.<

but anyway it was extra extra fun in i.s. today! we made globby floppy gloob! (okay that my name for it) it was extra extra fun to make! too bad the pink one failed because there wasnt enough pva to go around. lewis had to hog the bottle! xD anyway made a purple and palelimegreen globby floppy gloob and they were prettaye xD but the purple was a little too dry. nelson's grey little gloob called "grey" was the nicest to play with. it was like just the right stickiness la! and he insisted he poisoned grey when he touched my purple gloob (called "purple") it was really weird. and stinky made a coral gloob! but purple was nicer anyway. xD messy's purple was really nice too! but the turqoise was the nicest i think.

anyway after a little bit of fun went to the canteen for lunch, while making lame jokes about stinky on the way. and stinky was making lame jokes about me. xD anyway jy came in with a pale green gloob that was the exact same colour as the canteen tables! and this GM here got her first errand >.< passing COO her physics textbk. haha!

anyway lit was okay. and there's this display for humans week. we're too ambitious. but its worth trying ANYway (:

then about the exco, ms koh let us come up with the list and everything ourselves. we decide. we vote. we be happy. so, yeah.

and some really irritating ppl had to spoil my day.
anyway. my mum was great today! (:

<3 stinky crazy girly ugly sneaky messy
<3 ceo coo pa and that crp2ar thingy

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Posted by yann at 7:48 PM 0 comments
HAHAAHAA it was so funny during jap today! it was damn damn damn funny. it was this weird song about the verb forms. and tricia was laughing and laughing and laughing and me and adeline started laughing. we were so freaking loud. but miraculously only the other students around us heard us. it was SO FREAKING FUNNY! it was partly because of the song itself and partly because of the sushi/rice/bryce part (: HAHAAHA. damn funny! the three of us were like laughing for 15mins until:
1. tricia got a stomachache
2. adeline did some really weird thing
3. my whole face was red >.<
4. the st nicks girls were staring at us
5. the rgs girls thought we were crazy

it was DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN funny la! :D

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Posted by yann at 8:42 PM 0 comments
my digestive system is extremely efficient. i got hungry at 10:30 today so i ate a heavy lunch. but barely 4 hours later, during pe, i was starviing. i was thinking "hurry up i wanna get home and have dinner" i was seriously hungry. and i got a freaking stitch. in the end i went to eat some mamee after pe (: delicious.

hmm. didnt run much during pe today cos i was so hungry >.< i swear im gonna fail 2.4 freak.

wahaha ive got time to slack today cos i finished my i.s. assignment thingy yesterday. now only left everything else thats supposed to be passed up next week + one question of i.s ws and one question of physics and optional chem ws. wahaahaa. so free! (looks at everybody else rushing out i.s.)

[you never know who to trust and what to trust.]

Friday, July 07, 2006

Posted by yann at 7:27 PM 0 comments
lalala. slack slack slack playing gz later. (:

anyway nothing much today. innovation programme was better than expected. and lewis was so mean today ): he didnt have to make it so obvious right? she'll be hurt k. she *almost* didnt want to go anymore. hmph hmph.

anyway went to j8 today. boriiing place. its like the thousandth time all the third lang ppl went there. but went to ice lemon tee to get some hairties anyway. and went to food court etc. etc. etc.

jap was more fun than usual. but in the second part of the lesson i was really tired already so...
too bad. :p

when i went home i realised my sis went to j8's icelemontee too. just that i went in at 2plus she went in at 3. haahaa.

okay. i shall work hard on my hw this weekend. kampate kudasai!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Posted by yann at 1:25 PM 0 comments
okayy. im blogging in the school's computer lab.

ok lets see. reached school this morning and found out ms koh wasnt here. so anyway it started raining and got all dark early in the morning and it was prettaye. it was like so dark and the school is full of people. and it felt great.

anyway assembly. had to run after mr ku to pass him the file. he didnt hear me at first though it was so loud (i think.)

anyway nothimg much. chinese next. went to get the key from the security guard only to find out the chinese classroom was already open. hmph.
anyway break. i almost forgot to print the stuff for lit. luckily i saw the sms again and went to find nelson for his thumbdrive (: anyway the rest of break was spent with chua mariel ger trying to tie my hair for me. and it turned out weird anyway.

i.s. next. some yr 2s came in to weigh some weird thing. anyway mr sukandar's so nice (: i.s. was quite fun today. i mean, the second part was fun.

anyway had lunch. was trying to convince whaipeng to lend me her ipod (: haahaa tmd rawks! (: (:

anyway lit next. so hard to get the class's attention. so i shouted and shouted (okay maybe not so many times). but somebody came to the com lab 45mins later ANYway asking for what we were supposed to do. freakk la. so i decided to write everything on the board and they can figure it out themselves.

and here i am trying to research the lit stuff while blogging (:

(oh damn. where did that website go)

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Posted by yann at 10:25 PM 0 comments
shit. i really dont wanna sacrifice my saturdays for a maths class or whatever.
okayy was really shocked during assembly today. i was like 'no wayyy'. anyway i told gor i wasnt gonna go for the training. because
1. i just dont feel like it (: [okay that points to a problem with my attitude. but ANYway, saturdays are for chionging projects!]
2. i was probably tyco so i'll be the stupidest person in the class or something
3. its on saturdays.
4. it mightclash with chem.
5. its on saturdays.
6. i'm the only girl from nushigh.
7. its on saturdays.

8. its on saturdays.

100000000. its still on saturdays

anyway went to ask ms cheong. and unfortunately the chem thing only starts in term 4. haii.

anddd as expected, my mum told me to go. ('its such a good opportunity!') okay fine.
time to not go against my mum for once to thank her for teaching me chem.

- ive got to run up to the classroom everymorning to unlock the door for the class (aka the security guard etc.) and i think i'll lose the key >.<
- chinese was ummm. not very pleasant.
- break. went with the 105 ppl again.
- physics. okayy i finally met our physics teacher. ms angela lim (right? >.<) and well, she was okayy. but mr wee's still betta! (:
- ms chua! okay history is getting slightly more interesting. at least the pace is faster now.
- some weird games in audi. the first game was really amusing.
- lunch. fries (again xD)
- all the yr 1s went for dance late xD so fen had to wait for us. xD
- mariel was talking about weird stuff. and i was telling her about the jelly, the duck and the beancurd. (but she didnt get who they were ANYway)
- dance was okay. quite boring actually.
- jap. (damn.) finallyi dont have to study for any quizzes or tests etc. in the bus.
- was supposed to have 'oral practice' but it didnt happen anyway.
- was pigging out on skittles with tricia during break
- got 8.6 for jap compo only. (damn.)
- had a lotof trouble trying to complete ws 3. (aka a sign for me to study jap more often xD)
- was trying to find reasons not to bathe after i reached home because finish bathing = start on homework >.<
- finished chinese in 30 mins. haahaa. 3 questions only!
- trieddoing some history. (but didnt succeed ANYway)
- hah! finally touched my chinese dictionary and started looking up all the shen1ci2s in the lu xun passage. (i havent touched a dictionary in months)
- did maths filing. didnt know what needed my mum's signature so i told her to sign on every single quiz. and the exams too.

remind myself to:
1. bring the key (!!) [or im dead]
2. bring the maths file (!!) [or mr ku will kill me]

theres i.s. tmr. damn. 04 said it was really hard >.<

damn. i didnt yu4xi2 the ciyus for the next kewen. donglaoshi cant call me in class! ):

[i think i have like 'pick me to answer the question' on my face or something. all the teachers picked on me today ): ]

and i think there's something wrong with my memory power. (even jy said i had laorenchidaizhen) (oh yeah, remember laoyachidaizhen? aka da moderator of the p6gep thingy (: aka me.) ANYway i keep forgetting what hw i have.

lets see. after barely 2 weeks.
i forgot:
1. my health booklet.
2. put my clips in my pocket but thought i didnt so i went round today without my clips and looking like i just woke up or something
3. my pe attire (but the whole class didnt go for pe ANYway)
4. my english textbook (but it was the first lesson xD)
5. what my locker code was. so i had to try like 10 thousand times before finally getting it.
6. about donglaoshi's key.
7. the geog notes i was supposed to pass to jean.

forgetting one thing per two days.

my memory is so great.

(wahhh im listening to some extra extra nice song now)(its extra extra nice)(have i said it before? it is extra extra nice) --------------------------> (okay im being lame)

booo. i dont wanna go to sch tmr!

and that reminds me! we havent done axis!

damn damn damn damn damn.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Posted by yann at 9:42 PM 0 comments
i passed!!! i passed!! i passed! (: (: (: (:

i swear im the happiest person on earth (:

woohoo! i passed! *beams*
i almost couldnt pass (:

anyway. now i'll be taking the bridging module for the new yr 3s next year on saturdays to replace this chem module. then next year i'll be going to be taking the yr 3 module, meaning this year's year 2 ppl's module. and the hands on chem module for yr 2s too.

and this sem i'll just be taking the prac. i might sit in for some lessons. i really want more practise or something. i mean, honestly, im not too familiar with the module yet.

(gz rawks!)
(: (: (: (: (: (: (: (:


Sunday, July 02, 2006

Posted by yann at 5:09 PM 0 comments
songs have the power to do things that other stuff cant do to me. i actually cried listening to some jap song on this jap show. it barely lasted for 2mins. i didnt even cry when i was watching grave of the fireflies.

my mum was behind me when i cried. so i pretended i needed the toilet badly.

im dead.
we havent started on the history project yet.
and, well... i cant get any of them to start on it.

i really hope it turns out well.

oh and that reminds me. i still have an integrated science project.

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