Thursday, May 28, 2009

Posted by yann at 1:52 AM 0 comments
meh meh meh. i am tired, and waiting for inspiration to come to me! :p

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Posted by yann at 5:13 PM 0 comments
woots! i had a short afternoon nap today. i feel much better :p i'm fully prepared to stay up late now!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Posted by yann at 7:41 PM 0 comments
haha. i went for geog script checking this morning! before leaving for SISC. i didn't get to see my paper... but apparently, i got A overall!! woots :D i THINK i did quite well for econs too :p both of which are surprises, because i really really really felt very bad about both papers. i guess these few weeks are my lucky weeks! haha.

i then left school for SISC. hmm. nothing much was done today. and we went to NTU for a random learning journey. it was really cold in the lecture theatre!!! ): and computer engineering sounds quite cool! if i weren't such a programming idiot, i might actually have considered computer engineering as a future career~! :D

i just reached the school's hostel. i didn't get the guest room so no aircon for me; but usually, four people share a double room with a toilet joining both rooms. but... i got the whole place to myself. which means i have four beds... haha if i'm really bored i might just sleep on one each day! it's kind of freaky here because it's really dark and empty!!!! and (fortunately) they won't let me eat hostel food so i have to get takeaways :p

time to get to work!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Posted by yann at 7:57 PM 0 comments
Yanling is especially happy today :D I expected to do really badly for vectors, english and chinese; but i guess i did pretty okay for vectors and english. also... FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY NUS HIGH HISTORY, I GOT AN A FOR MY CHINESE EXAM!!!!!!!!! :D haha woohoo! i never knew my chinese was secretly so good.

went to NJC for SISC briefing today. it wasn't much of abriefing, the whole thing took only 10mins? -.^ haha. but NJC happened to be next to rgp. i haven't been there for such a long time! it was... mmhm. nostalgic? haha. now all the classrooms are all airconditioned! and they cut down the field size to build a new classroom block :p even if i had the choice, i wouldn't choose to go back to my primary school life, but it was still great being back there :D

i have to start staying in the hostel tomorrow for SISC!): this basically translates to late nights trying to complete the challenge :/ i hope i remember to bring coffee!! haha.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Posted by yann at 9:02 PM 0 comments
i finally know why i've been feeling ill at ease all day. i kept thinking that monday is the 26th!!! now my schedule's all messed up. anyone free for DOS meeting ushering?

monday seems to be my last day of school O.o

and this is very bad. i might be staying in the hostel for SISC from tueday to saturday, and i'm flying off on saturday night O.o this is very very bad.

i don't feel like going for IGGY warwick anymore. it was a... spur-of-the-moment decision to sign up, and now it's the spur-of-another-moment decisions to reject the course... meh.
Posted by yann at 10:08 AM 0 comments
Hmm. I've not been feeling at ease recently! This is bad!

I had to go back for SMP again yesterday xD It wasn't very productive yesterday; I was like. on facebook half the time xD (Reminder for myself: Write code)

Yesterday was a pretty boring day I suppose; I stayed at home watching dramas because my mum's not in Singapore again... My biggest accomplishment: To tidy up my wardrobe! Well, I only tidied up a certain corner which was really messy and getting on my nerves. I ended up throwing half of the clothes there away xD I don't even wear them anymore O.o I promise to continue tidying the rest of my room once I come back! :D :D

Friday, May 22, 2009

Posted by yann at 7:23 PM 0 comments
Eh. what a terrible day today. right, rachel? :D <--- happy birthday wife! :p thanks; i saw your facebook note i know i'm handsome :D

Today was the very first day of script checking! We got back my better papers today: chemistry, physics, biology and maths. I'm quite satisfied with my marks, I suppose, except for physics! haha. but i still can't believe i got 2 out of 3 marks for that cow question O.o

I feel accomplished today! I walked to clementi central in 10+ mins and FINISHED MY KFC MEAL IN 15 MINUTES!!! :D sort of. i kind of left my drink and whipped potato xD haha. and i walked back to school in 10+ mins again! reached school just on time at 1:30 PM. woots!

Building robots are hard. I wonder how i even managed to enter NJRC in primary school O.o

anyway the prime ministers' wives came today. (i.e. not two wives of the same prime minister... 2 wives of 2 different prime ministers... -.-) we happened to be in the library when they walked in (okay actually i think that was only one of them) but luckily they didnt come into the discussion room to talk to us! phewww.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Posted by yann at 10:13 PM 0 comments
I woke up really early today for riotinto because i had to go to school myself! ): almost fell asleep during the paper. fortunately, kashing (who was originally supposed to sit next to me) had to sit at the back because yihui came in late and took his seat! muahaha. so in the end kashing ended up throwing staples at weijin instead :D whee!

OH. THERE WAS THIS HUGE GREEN CATERPILLAR THAT DROPPED ON ME WHEN I WAS WALKING UNDER SOME TREE!!! i had to shake it off my water bottle >.< except for the fact that it's green, it crawls, has more legs than me, and belongs to the insect group... it's quite cute actually!

i missed EXCO meeting today >.<>.<>.<

anyway, the year 4 meeting started late!! so in the end it only ended at... around 4:30? debra, jean, mariel (nice enough to waiting for us) and i cabbed to tockseng outing xD

night at the museum II was funny! but i didn't watch night at the museum I; apparently the first one was nicer! mmhm. the monkeys are the best! haha. we went for dinner after that and most of us went home :D i think. except for clayton who still had training.

i went home today and saw the IGGY letter my dad left for me! woots! :D

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Posted by yann at 11:05 PM 0 comments
i am tired, but i can't sleep yet because i'm waiting for my hair to dry O.o i seem to be busier after the exams than before! D:

i'm proud of myself! i managed to programme a random code for smp with functions, and it worked! the problem is, i take a very long time to understand codes in general and i only tweaked what jiayi typed out xD part 2 of my self-discovery journey: i should stay away from programming in the future.

anyway, class outing/birthday party/bbq (?) at rachel's house today was fun with yummy food (especially corn and squid)! and they specially stopped eating to watch american idol -.- watching adam sing makes me emo!! haha. i wasn't the latest to reach rachel's house today because some poor girl named mingyan had her japanese exam today. apparently, she's about to fail; but it's okay! maybe she will be lucky enough! there was also a mahjong gang whose "one game" lasted about 7 hours, and refused to come over for food. ray was being exceptionally lame today... and rachel's younger brother grew about another thousand meters!! >/ he's kind of very very TALL now.

i am feeling... random today. because... today is a random day! :D yay.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Posted by yann at 8:18 PM 0 comments
Just in case I decide to stop blogging again tomorrow,



Did I leave anybody out?
Posted by yann at 8:05 PM 0 comments
Hello! :D I am back! I shall start blogging in full sentences from now on, influenced by GM (Greater Grassy Mind <-- new adjective for full of grass!).

I took my last examination today. It was pretty okay, except economics is not my subject. I'm not corny enough! I'm probably not going to do well, but I'll find out if that's true only later! Being the day of my last examination, i should logically be out the whole day playing. Unfortunately, I had to go for SMP! ): I'm going to dream about honeycombs tonight. I hope I come up with a proof whilst I'm dreaming. The worst thing is, I have SMP again tomorrow!! BOOO. I should try to complete as much of our project as possible before leaving for my holiday, or else Debra and GM will kill me!

Blogging in complete sentences is challenging.

Facebook is too addictive, but it's also great for self-discovery. I learnt that I must not open restaurants in future.

It is now time to look at honeycombs.

I can't wait for tomorrow and the day after!

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