Saturday, October 28, 2006

Posted by yann at 10:46 AM 0 comments
ehehe im happy (: the exams will be over soon! yeah!(((:

okay lets see. umm.
-nothing much happened, really
-got back chinese exam papers. did quite okay (((: *beams*
-physics was okay but miss lim got really pissed with us x)
-history. oh shucks. i failed my sbq. i really really really failed. as in. fail fail not fail.
-mentoring was okay discussed the art fest thing.
-woohoo! went home early again *grins*

-chinese was spent crapping and doing relatively nothing. i was doodling and staring into my chinese file xD
-no i.s. went to mugg!! actually. i didnt actually mug =X but i got close to mugging (: squishy was pressing us to stop mugging. and we did. eventually. went to play bball, if you count that as bball. i only walking and walking around court. ehehe.
-whokays. went back to library. was planning to mug but didnt anyway x). oh did i mention? OUR LIBRARY HAS ENCHANTER'S END GAME!(: i couldnt find it anywhere in all the other libraries
-ehehe. lit party was. ummm. filling(: haha!
-me,girly and yihui were playing with the bow(: sadly, i never managed to hit the target(x

-*grins spastically*
-i did nothing except sleeping on the couch.
-but i did maths! for one hour x)

okay. today's saturday.
im supposed to be mugging.
but im not (:
guess what?
i played neopets! *grins*

Monday, October 23, 2006

Posted by yann at 4:33 PM 0 comments
Today has been a positively gloomy and bleary day. After having to drag myself up from that comfy bed upstairs, all I've been doing is sitting around sulking about my dreadful cold - a stupid idiotic cold that hasn't been all that serious to begin with. I'm being too much of a brat about this whole cold thing. Did I forget to add? I've been feeling sorry for and whining to myself about my stupid cold for the whole day.

My eyelids are positively drooping now but whenever I lay on the couch (like I haven't been doing that for the whole day) my whole mind just jerks awake and starts worrying about stupid things that have been going on right now. Sometimes I really wished I was back in school doing weird worksheets and I didn't have that much time to mull over trivial things.

It's getting hot in here, although the winds blowing in because it's going to rain soon. My toes and fingers are freezing but I'm still feeling feverish. I hate colds. They never go away.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Posted by yann at 8:13 PM 0 comments
gahh. went jogging today. and after the jog, my head was giddy for thirty whole minutes. sheesh. my sis says its cos i havent been exercising very often recently. fine. ): but my mum says its cos of my flu. but i thought the jog would remove the fever! ):

gahh. im hooked on reading storybooks xD read for the whole day today x) i should start mugging soon. but. maybe not just yet :P

sis has been doing her blog layout for the whole day. and its seriously. pink. no better word to describe it x) but well. it is kindof nice. gahh. too bad she brought the photoshop cd up. now im too lazy to get it so i can install it into my com xD

heehee. i saw this weird but amusing poem yesterday:
The rose is a rose,
And was always a rose.
But the theory now goes
That the apple's a rose,
And the pear is, and so's
The plum, I suppose.
The dear only know
What will next prove a rose.
You, of course, are a rose--
But were always a rose.

mug mug mug
im a mugger!
okay. maybe not.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Posted by yann at 11:40 AM 0 comments
ehehe exams are coming(: meaning, the holidays are startiing! yea!

i cant wait for art fest(: especially the disco night thingy. =D

well. chinese wasnt that bad. but its questionable how well i did for the compo. gahh. and i almost freaked out when i found out that one of the compre questions was worth 8marks (the one before was 6makrs) gahh. i really hope i do well for my chinese exam. at least it'll pull my score up. x)

anyways. my mum finally agreed to go on a holiday. but thing is, they always get cancelled last minute so im not hoping for much ):

gahh. i cant mug now. i dont feel like mugging ):

pp (((:

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Posted by yann at 8:22 PM 0 comments
i'm pleased with myself ((: my study-and-play schedule was closely followed today (:
i finally started mugging! xD

actually. nope. i didnt really mug. i merely did some maths and physics, but its a change from endless weekends spend slacking ((: but well. i did spend quite a lot of time in front of the tv still, but i promise i'll stop! soon. x) really. tv's getting boring x)

i finally finished my personal choice. ((: sunday shall be reserved for filing. and my darling tv, of cos (: and perhaps xs ((: and if i finally decide to get up from the comfy couch, i'll do some more physics. im intent on doing well for the physics exam xD jiayouu me! and jiayouu everybody else!!

exams are coming. holidays are coming.
im beginning to love my life (:
i like working hard.
because i know good things come out when ppl work hard (:
well. if does come true.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Posted by yann at 8:40 PM 0 comments
woah. i must say, today's physics test was better than expected (((: just that i had qualms about the answer of one answer. and well. i hope im not careless!! xD

boy. the dental room was freaky. but luckily the dentist was nice ((: haha!

anyway. left for moelc really early due to some ppl xD went to macs to stuff myself xD and it was a really really funny journey to moelc. gahh i was really bloated the whole journey xD

anyway went to the library later to get some books because we reached j8 early. yeah! i finally found pawn of prophecy! xD gahh. nelson was being stupid in the library today x)

woah. saw my jap marks. i was. umm. taken aback. i really dont know what to say of my marks. actually. i didnt have much expectations for jap. i was expecting to fail my compo and everything; i was really guilty about not studying xD as usual, wanxin was the highest! and we watched these weird cartoons xD and there's this weird carpenters thingy. anyway the mood was really relaxed today and well. i managed to not get my eyelids drooping all over my eyes xD haha.

gahh. trial tmr. woah. i didnt prepare. oh shucks! i forgot to borrow the laptop! mann.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Posted by yann at 9:28 AM 0 comments
gahhh. nelson's com has spelling check so im getting underlined for every single thing im typing xD

haha. bloggin in school now. gahh. break time! i love break xD but decided not to play today cos. well. damn tired xD

haha its maths next ((: just that theres a quiz. gahh. i hope im not careless again. and read the question properly!

everybody's studying in class now. gahh. i should start too.

yeah! my psl posters are up x) vote for me! haha lol!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Posted by yann at 7:05 PM 0 comments
forget it. i need something to keep my cool. *looks at maths ws* gahh. nvm. mr lee's going to kill me cos i wont do it properly xD

anyway. feeling much better. started singing with my sis xD and it was kind of fun x) we just sing and sing and sing until we're breathless. okay. i was exaggerating. but you get the point.

emy ):
Posted by yann at 7:02 PM 0 comments
gahh. the tears just started flowing today. i kept pursing my lips to stop my eyes from tearing. but they just kept coming out. damn pissed. *glares at some ppl* just because i never once lost my cool doesnt mean you ppl can take advantage of it okay! gahh.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Posted by yann at 8:08 PM 0 comments
oh no. exam timetable's out. meaning that exams are coming really soon. luckily my exams are only in the first three days. about 5 papers only xD lalaa. im so slack this sem xD must work hard for physics! and chinese which is in like 12 days' time. i cant cant cant fail physics! ):
Posted by yann at 10:48 AM 0 comments
haha it was kind of fun yesterday xD not that exciting kind of fun but that umm. peaceful and quiet and nice kind of fun xD

my neighbours are nice ((:

gahh. ive got to go do hw after this ): boo.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Posted by yann at 12:09 AM 0 comments
woah. first time ive seen my bro study so hard for a test before. the last time i saw him study for his exams, he was dota-ing while looking through his notes and eating dinner at the same time.

wells. second time ive stayed up this late. the last it was cos i wanted to finish my i.s. project but regretted staying up to do it (it was due the next week) cos i couldnt sleep early after that. had to lie in bed for an hour before i fell asleep. thats how bad it is. thats why i dont usually stay up late. cos i cant. i'll be all energetic when i wake and before i even reach school, i'll be yawning like mad. gahh. i need 72 hours of sleep per week xD

i must say, i liked the feeling of staying up to work hard for something you know will turn out great if you put in the effort to. ive seriously done my best today. i cant continue anymore. so in the end, i rushed out a little of what i was supposed to complete. and because i had no time to complete anything else, i had to rush out my ip poster stuff. luckily i had the paper cutter today xD

i love my book. i really do.
but im scared of what mk will say about it.
seriously if she criticised it i would cry.
this is the first book ive written and well.
everything went in.

no time for drawings. rushed it out in half an hour. my pics looked like well. not better word than crap. seriously. i cant draw for nuts. actually. it depends what im drawing xD i kind of like drawing mo and shi. and butterflies too xD

gahh. now i cant fall asleep.
considering whether to go back to work. maybe a little of maths and english.
but then again, my brain is like. blank. now. i can only do brainless stuff like cutting the ip posters thingys xD and trying to bind my reading journal together. okay it isnt exactly called binding i just stuffed it into those kind of folders with like slide-down thingys.

gahh. i love my sis and my mum! x)

<3 <3 <3

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Posted by yann at 9:03 PM 0 comments
gahh. realised i read the questions wrongly for one of the maths quiz. shoot shoot shoot! ): thats such a stupid mistake to make.

did cartwheels during pe today. haaha its quite fun. but well. weird. and i still cant do it properly but nvm.

freakk freakk played bball yesterday and injured my middle finger xD now its swollen and numb and i cant bend it. gahh. luckily its the left hand.

yeah. i love my story thingy xD the language is a little weird cos i wrote it in parts; so one day i will feel like using lots of descriptions and the next i'll just be bent on completing my story. so well. the whole thing is weird. im trying to get my sis to proof read, but prob no more time already. cos i need to print (hahaa i told my mum to bring it to her office to print cos her printer there is so much nicer x)) and illustrate and make the cover. freakk freakk.

and then theres the english reading journal and axis board. but the board should be fast cos we're almost done with everything just print it out and type it properly xD and paste everything soon.

gahh so many things, so little time.

i swear im not going to slack in the weekend again.
i'll work hard.
(the projects shold all be over already)

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